Ultimate Stoneham Real Estate Investing Guide for 2024


Stoneham Real Estate Investing Market Overview

The rate of population growth in Stoneham has had an annual average of throughout the last decade. The national average for the same period was with a state average of .

Stoneham has seen a total population growth rate throughout that time of , while the state’s total growth rate was , and the national growth rate over ten years was .

Real estate prices in Stoneham are shown by the present median home value of . In contrast, the median value for the state is , while the national indicator is .

Home values in Stoneham have changed over the most recent 10 years at an annual rate of . During this cycle, the annual average appreciation rate for home prices in the state was . Across the United States, the average yearly home value appreciation rate was .

The gross median rent in Stoneham is , with a statewide median of , and a national median of .

Stoneham Real Estate Investing Highlights

Stoneham Top Highlights

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau
Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Strategy Selection

So that you can decide if a city is desirable for investing, first it is fundamental to establish the real estate investment plan you are going to pursue.

The following are concise instructions showing what factors to consider for each type of investing. This will guide you to estimate the information furnished further on this web page, as required for your intended program and the relevant set of information.

All investors need to consider the most critical site elements. Favorable access to the site and your selected submarket, crime rates, reliable air travel, etc. Apart from the primary real property investment location criteria, diverse types of real estate investors will search for different location advantages.

Those who select short-term rental properties want to find attractions that draw their needed renters to the area. Short-term home flippers select the average Days on Market (DOM) for residential unit sales. If you see a 6-month supply of residential units in your price range, you might want to look elsewhere.

The employment rate will be one of the important metrics that a long-term landlord will look for. They need to see a diversified employment base for their possible renters.

Investors who can’t determine the best investment strategy, can contemplate relying on the background of Stoneham top property investment coaches. It will also help to enlist in one of real estate investment groups in Stoneham CO and frequent real estate investing events in Stoneham CO to look for advice from several local experts.

Let’s examine the diverse kinds of real property investors and metrics they should search for in their market analysis.

Active Real Estate Investing Strategies

Buy and Hold

When a real estate investor purchases an investment property and holds it for more than a year, it is thought to be a Buy and Hold investment. While a property is being kept, it’s normally rented or leased, to increase profit.

When the asset has appreciated, it can be sold at a later time if local market conditions shift or the investor’s approach requires a reallocation of the assets.

One of the top investor-friendly realtors in Stoneham CO will show you a thorough analysis of the region’s residential picture. We will show you the elements that ought to be examined closely for a desirable buy-and-hold investment strategy.


Factors to Consider

Property Appreciation Rate

This is a meaningful indicator of how reliable and blooming a property market is. You’ll want to see reliable gains annually, not wild highs and lows. This will allow you to accomplish your primary objective — selling the property for a bigger price. Dropping appreciation rates will likely cause you to discard that site from your lineup completely.

Population Growth

If a market’s population is not growing, it obviously has less demand for housing. Unsteady population expansion leads to declining property market value and lease rates. With fewer residents, tax receipts slump, affecting the caliber of public safety, schools, and infrastructure. A site with poor or decreasing population growth must not be in your lineup. The population growth that you’re seeking is stable year after year. Both long-term and short-term investment data benefit from population growth.

Property Taxes

Real property tax payments can decrease your profits. Sites that have high real property tax rates should be declined. Property rates rarely decrease. A city that keeps raising taxes may not be the effectively managed city that you are hunting for.

Periodically a specific piece of real property has a tax assessment that is excessive. When this circumstance happens, a firm from our list of Stoneham property tax appeal service providers will bring the circumstances to the municipality for reconsideration and a possible tax assessment cutback. But, if the circumstances are complex and require legal action, you will need the assistance of the best Stoneham property tax appeal lawyers.

Price to rent ratio

Price to rent ratio (p/r) is calculated by dividing the median property price by the yearly median gross rent. A low p/r means that higher rents can be charged. You need a low p/r and higher rental rates that will repay your property faster. You don’t want a p/r that is so low it makes buying a house preferable to renting one. This can nudge tenants into purchasing a residence and expand rental vacancy ratios. But typically, a lower p/r is better than a higher one.

Median Gross Rent

Median gross rent is a valid gauge of the durability of a city’s rental market. Consistently increasing gross median rents reveal the type of robust market that you need.

Median Population Age

Population’s median age can show if the market has a dependable worker pool which signals more possible renters. You want to see a median age that is near the center of the age of working adults. An older population will become a strain on municipal revenues. A graying populace could precipitate growth in property taxes.

Employment Industry Diversity

When you’re a Buy and Hold investor, you look for a varied employment market. A robust site for you has a varied collection of business categories in the community. If a sole industry category has problems, the majority of employers in the location aren’t hurt. You do not want all your tenants to lose their jobs and your investment property to lose value because the sole significant employer in town closed.

Unemployment Rate

If unemployment rates are steep, you will find not many desirable investments in the city’s housing market. It demonstrates possibly an unstable revenue stream from existing tenants presently in place. If renters lose their jobs, they become unable to afford products and services, and that affects companies that give jobs to other people. Excessive unemployment figures can destabilize a region’s ability to draw additional businesses which hurts the community’s long-term economic strength.

Income Levels

Income levels will show an honest picture of the location’s potential to support your investment program. Your assessment of the location, and its specific portions most suitable for investing, needs to contain an assessment of median household and per capita income. Sufficient rent levels and periodic rent bumps will need a location where salaries are growing.

Number of New Jobs Created

Stats describing how many job opportunities materialize on a repeating basis in the area is a valuable means to decide if a market is best for your long-term investment plan. Job openings are a generator of prospective renters. Additional jobs provide a stream of renters to replace departing tenants and to fill added lease investment properties. An economy that provides new jobs will attract additional people to the city who will rent and buy houses. This sustains an active real estate market that will grow your properties’ prices when you intend to exit.

School Ratings

School ratings should also be seriously investigated. With no good schools, it’s challenging for the area to attract additional employers. Good local schools also change a family’s decision to stay and can draw others from other areas. The strength of the need for housing will determine the outcome of your investment endeavours both long and short-term.

Natural Disasters

As much as a profitable investment strategy is dependent on eventually liquidating the property at a higher value, the cosmetic and structural stability of the structures are crucial. Accordingly, endeavor to avoid communities that are frequently impacted by environmental calamities. Regardless, the investment will have to have an insurance policy placed on it that covers calamities that might happen, such as earthquakes.

In the event of tenant damages, talk to a professional from our directory of Stoneham landlord insurance companies for appropriate insurance protection.

Long Term Rental (BRRRR)

The term BRRRR is an illustration of a long-term investment strategy — Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat. This is a way to grow your investment portfolio rather than own a single rental property. This method rests on your ability to withdraw cash out when you refinance.

When you have concluded fixing the property, the value must be higher than your complete purchase and rehab costs. The asset is refinanced using the ARV and the balance, or equity, is given to you in cash. You employ that capital to get an additional property and the process begins again. This program helps you to repeatedly enhance your assets and your investment revenue.

If your investment property collection is large enough, you can outsource its oversight and generate passive income. Find Stoneham property management firms when you search through our directory of professionals.


Factors to Consider

Population Growth

The growth or fall of the population can illustrate whether that city is desirable to rental investors. An increasing population usually signals active relocation which equals new tenants. Relocating companies are attracted to increasing locations offering reliable jobs to households who relocate there. This equates to dependable renters, greater lease revenue, and more possible homebuyers when you need to liquidate your rental.

Property Taxes

Real estate taxes, similarly to insurance and maintenance spendings, may differ from place to market and should be reviewed cautiously when estimating potential profits. Rental homes located in excessive property tax locations will provide less desirable profits. If property taxes are unreasonable in a particular area, you will need to search in a different location.

Price to Rent Ratio

The price to rent ratio (p/r) is a signal of how high of a rent can be demanded compared to the purchase price of the investment property. The price you can demand in an area will affect the amount you are willing to pay depending on the number of years it will take to repay those funds. The lower rent you can charge the higher the p/r, with a low p/r indicating a more profitable rent market.

Median Gross Rents

Median gross rents are a critical indicator of the vitality of a lease market. Median rents must be increasing to justify your investment. If rental rates are being reduced, you can drop that region from deliberation.

Median Population Age

The median citizens’ age that you are looking for in a favorable investment market will be close to the age of working people. You will find this to be accurate in locations where people are migrating. If working-age people aren’t entering the city to replace retiring workers, the median age will rise. That is an unacceptable long-term economic scenario.

Employment Base Diversity

A diversified employment base is something a smart long-term investor landlord will look for. When the locality’s working individuals, who are your renters, are employed by a diversified number of employers, you will not lose all all tenants at the same time (together with your property’s market worth), if a major enterprise in the city goes out of business.

Unemployment Rate

You will not be able to reap the benefits of a stable rental income stream in a locality with high unemployment. Out-of-job citizens stop being customers of yours and of other companies, which causes a ripple effect throughout the region. This can cause too many dismissals or shorter work hours in the location. Even renters who have jobs will find it a burden to pay rent on time.

Income Rates

Median household and per capita income will demonstrate if the renters that you are looking for are living in the community. Increasing wages also show you that rental rates can be hiked over the life of the asset.

Number of New Jobs Created

The more jobs are regularly being generated in a community, the more consistent your renter supply will be. The employees who are employed for the new jobs will be looking for housing. This allows you to acquire additional lease assets and replenish existing vacancies.

School Ratings

School quality in the community will have a big influence on the local real estate market. Well-ranked schools are a necessity for employers that are looking to relocate. Moving employers relocate and attract potential renters. Home values increase thanks to new employees who are purchasing properties. Highly-rated schools are an essential component for a vibrant property investment market.

Property Appreciation Rates

Good real estate appreciation rates are a must for a successful long-term investment. You have to be positive that your investment assets will increase in value until you want to sell them. You don’t want to take any time examining markets showing poor property appreciation rates.

Short Term Rentals

Residential properties where renters live in furnished units for less than four weeks are referred to as short-term rentals. The per-night rental rates are typically higher in short-term rentals than in long-term units. Because of the increased rotation of renters, short-term rentals need more frequent maintenance and cleaning.

Short-term rentals are mostly offered to people on a business trip who are in the city for a couple of nights, those who are relocating and need transient housing, and tourists. Ordinary property owners can rent their homes on a short-term basis using portals such as AirBnB and VRBO. A simple way to get into real estate investing is to rent a residential property you already possess for short terms.

Short-term rentals involve engaging with renters more repeatedly than long-term ones. As a result, owners handle problems regularly. You might want to cover your legal bases by hiring one of the top Stoneham investor friendly real estate attorneys.


Factors to Consider

Short-Term Rental Income

Initially, determine the amount of rental income you need to meet your projected return. A location’s short-term rental income rates will promptly tell you when you can assume to reach your estimated rental income range.

Median Property Prices

Thoroughly calculate the amount that you can afford to spare for new real estate. The median values of property will tell you if you can manage to invest in that area. You can customize your area search by analyzing the median market worth in specific sections of the community.

Price Per Square Foot

Price per square foot provides a general idea of property values when estimating comparable units. A house with open entryways and high ceilings can’t be compared with a traditional-style property with more floor space. If you take note of this, the price per sq ft can give you a broad estimation of local prices.

Short-Term Rental Occupancy Rate

The percentage of short-term rental units that are currently rented in a location is critical knowledge for an investor. If almost all of the rentals have tenants, that area requires new rentals. Low occupancy rates indicate that there are more than enough short-term rental properties in that market.

Short-Term Rental Cash-on-Cash Return

To understand whether you should put your capital in a specific rental unit or city, look at the cash-on-cash return. Divide the Net Operating Income (NOI) by the total amount of cash used. The result is a percentage. The higher it is, the quicker your investment will be repaid and you’ll start gaining profits. Lender-funded investment ventures will show better cash-on-cash returns as you will be utilizing less of your own capital.

Average Short-Term Rental Capitalization (Cap) Rates

Average short-term rental capitalization (cap) rates are commonly used by real estate investors to estimate the worth of investment opportunities. High cap rates mean that rental units are accessible in that area for reasonable prices. When cap rates are low, you can prepare to spend more cash for real estate in that community. Divide your expected Net Operating Income (NOI) by the investment property’s value or listing price. This presents you a percentage that is the annual return, or cap rate.

Local Attractions

Big public events and entertainment attractions will attract visitors who need short-term rental units. When an area has sites that regularly produce interesting events, like sports stadiums, universities or colleges, entertainment venues, and adventure parks, it can attract people from other areas on a recurring basis. Outdoor tourist spots such as mountainous areas, rivers, beaches, and state and national parks will also draw future renters.

Fix and Flip

The fix and flip investment plan involves buying a property that needs fixing up or restoration, creating added value by upgrading the building, and then reselling it for a higher market value. Your calculation of improvement spendings has to be precise, and you should be capable of purchasing the unit for less than market worth.

It’s a must for you to understand how much houses are going for in the area. The average number of Days On Market (DOM) for properties sold in the city is vital. Disposing of the house fast will keep your expenses low and secure your returns.

Help motivated real estate owners in finding your business by placing your services in our catalogue of the best Stoneham home cash buyers and top Stoneham real estate investing companies.

Also, work with Stoneham bird dogs for real estate investors. These specialists concentrate on skillfully uncovering good investment ventures before they come on the market.


Factors to Consider

Median Home Price

Median home value data is an important indicator for estimating a potential investment region. Modest median home prices are a sign that there should be a steady supply of homes that can be acquired below market value. You have to have cheaper houses for a profitable deal.

When your research shows a fast weakening in housing market worth, it could be a sign that you will uncover real estate that meets the short sale criteria. You’ll hear about potential investments when you join up with Stoneham short sale processing companies. Uncover more concerning this sort of investment detailed in our guide How to Buy a Short Sale Home.

Property Appreciation Rate

The movements in property prices in a location are crucial. Steady upward movement in median values shows a strong investment market. Rapid property value surges may reflect a value bubble that isn’t practical. You may wind up purchasing high and selling low in an hectic market.

Average Renovation Costs

A careful review of the city’s renovation costs will make a significant difference in your location selection. Other costs, such as authorizations, can shoot up your budget, and time which may also turn into an added overhead. You need to understand if you will be required to hire other specialists, such as architects or engineers, so you can be prepared for those expenses.

Population Growth

Population increase statistics let you take a peek at housing need in the region. When the population isn’t increasing, there is not going to be a sufficient source of purchasers for your properties.

Median Population Age

The median population age will also tell you if there are adequate homebuyers in the city. It shouldn’t be lower or higher than that of the typical worker. People in the local workforce are the most stable house buyers. Older people are getting ready to downsize, or relocate into senior-citizen or assisted living communities.

Unemployment Rate

You want to see a low unemployment rate in your target area. The unemployment rate in a prospective investment community needs to be less than the nation’s average. If the community’s unemployment rate is lower than the state average, that’s a sign of a preferable economy. To be able to buy your repaired homes, your potential buyers have to be employed, and their clients too.

Income Rates

Median household and per capita income are a great indicator of the robustness of the home-buying market in the location. When families buy a home, they typically need to take a mortgage for the purchase. To be issued a home loan, a person cannot be using for monthly repayments a larger amount than a certain percentage of their wage. The median income levels show you if the region is ideal for your investment plan. You also prefer to have incomes that are expanding over time. To keep pace with inflation and soaring building and supply expenses, you have to be able to periodically mark up your purchase prices.

Number of New Jobs Created

Finding out how many jobs appear each year in the region can add to your confidence in an area’s investing environment. Residential units are more quickly liquidated in an area that has a dynamic job market. Qualified skilled employees looking into purchasing a home and deciding to settle choose moving to cities where they won’t be jobless.

Hard Money Loan Rates

Short-term property investors regularly employ hard money loans instead of conventional financing. This strategy enables investors complete profitable deals without hindrance. Discover real estate hard money lenders in Stoneham CO and analyze their interest rates.

If you are inexperienced with this funding product, understand more by using our guide — How Does a Hard Money Loan Work in Real Estate?.


As a real estate wholesaler, you enter a sale and purchase agreement to purchase a residential property that other real estate investors will need. When an investor who approves of the residential property is spotted, the sale and purchase agreement is assigned to them for a fee. The investor then settles the acquisition. The wholesaler does not sell the property under contract itself — they only sell the purchase contract.

This strategy includes utilizing a title firm that is experienced in the wholesale contract assignment operation and is able and inclined to manage double close deals. Discover title companies that work with investors in Stoneham CO on our website.

To understand how wholesaling works, study our comprehensive guide How Does Real Estate Wholesaling Work?. When you choose wholesaling, add your investment business on our list of the best wholesale real estate investors in Stoneham CO. This will let your potential investor clients discover and call you.


Factors to Consider

Median Home Prices

Median home prices in the region will show you if your required price range is possible in that location. As real estate investors need investment properties that are available for lower than market value, you will want to find lower median purchase prices as an implicit tip on the potential supply of properties that you could purchase for lower than market value.

A sudden decline in property values may be followed by a considerable selection of ‘underwater’ residential units that short sale investors look for. This investment strategy often brings numerous particular perks. Nevertheless, there could be liabilities as well. Find out details about wholesaling a short sale property with our extensive instructions. Once you’re prepared to begin wholesaling, hunt through Stoneham top short sale attorneys as well as Stoneham top-rated foreclosure law firms lists to locate the best counselor.

Property Appreciation Rate

Property appreciation rate completes the median price data. Investors who intend to maintain investment properties will need to discover that housing values are consistently appreciating. Both long- and short-term real estate investors will ignore a region where home market values are decreasing.

Population Growth

Population growth figures are a predictor that investors will analyze in greater detail. When the population is growing, additional residential units are required. There are many people who lease and plenty of clients who buy homes. A place that has a shrinking community will not attract the real estate investors you need to purchase your contracts.

Median Population Age

A robust housing market necessitates individuals who are initially leasing, then moving into homeownership, and then buying up in the housing market. An area that has a big workforce has a consistent supply of renters and purchasers. If the median population age matches the age of wage-earning adults, it shows a favorable housing market.

Income Rates

The median household and per capita income display steady improvement historically in areas that are desirable for investment. When renters’ and home purchasers’ wages are growing, they can handle soaring lease rates and real estate purchase prices. That will be critical to the property investors you are trying to attract.

Unemployment Rate

Investors will pay close attention to the location’s unemployment rate. Overdue rent payments and lease default rates are higher in regions with high unemployment. Long-term real estate investors who rely on uninterrupted rental income will suffer in these communities. Real estate investors cannot rely on renters moving up into their homes when unemployment rates are high. This is a concern for short-term investors purchasing wholesalers’ agreements to repair and resell a property.

Number of New Jobs Created

Understanding how soon fresh jobs appear in the city can help you find out if the property is positioned in a reliable housing market. Job generation implies added workers who require a place to live. Long-term real estate investors, like landlords, and short-term investors that include flippers, are drawn to locations with consistent job production rates.

Average Renovation Costs

An indispensable consideration for your client investors, specifically fix and flippers, are renovation expenses in the area. Short-term investors, like house flippers, can’t earn anything if the acquisition cost and the rehab costs equal to a larger sum than the After Repair Value (ARV) of the home. Below average rehab spendings make a location more desirable for your top buyers — flippers and long-term investors.

Mortgage Note Investing

Purchasing mortgage notes (loans) pays off when the mortgage loan can be obtained for less than the face value. When this occurs, the investor becomes the debtor’s mortgage lender.

Loans that are being paid on time are called performing notes. Performing notes earn stable cash flow for you. Non-performing loans can be rewritten or you could acquire the property at a discount by initiating a foreclosure procedure.

At some time, you might grow a mortgage note collection and start lacking time to handle your loans by yourself. In this case, you could enlist one of residential mortgage servicers in Stoneham CO that will essentially turn your portfolio into passive cash flow.

Should you want to take on this investment strategy, you should place your venture in our list of the best companies that buy mortgage notes in Stoneham CO. This will make you more noticeable to lenders offering lucrative possibilities to note investors like you.


Factors to Consider

Foreclosure Rates

Low foreclosure rates are a signal that the region has investment possibilities for performing note purchasers. If the foreclosure rates are high, the community may nonetheless be good for non-performing note investors. If high foreclosure rates are causing a slow real estate market, it might be challenging to resell the collateral property after you seize it through foreclosure.

Foreclosure Laws

Note investors need to know their state’s regulations concerning foreclosure before pursuing this strategy. Are you working with a mortgage or a Deed of Trust? You might need to obtain the court’s okay to foreclose on real estate. You only need to file a notice and proceed with foreclosure process if you’re working with a Deed of Trust.

Mortgage Interest Rates

Mortgage note investors inherit the interest rate of the loan notes that they buy. This is a significant element in the returns that you reach. No matter which kind of note investor you are, the note’s interest rate will be significant for your estimates.

Conventional interest rates may be different by as much as a 0.25% around the United States. The higher risk accepted by private lenders is reflected in higher interest rates for their mortgage loans compared to traditional loans.

Mortgage note investors should always be aware of the prevailing local interest rates, private and conventional, in potential mortgage note investment markets.


An efficient note investment plan includes an analysis of the area by utilizing demographic data. The location’s population growth, unemployment rate, employment market increase, pay levels, and even its median age contain important information for investors.
Investors who invest in performing mortgage notes search for markets where a high percentage of younger people maintain higher-income jobs.

The same place might also be profitable for non-performing note investors and their exit plan. A strong local economy is prescribed if investors are to reach buyers for properties they’ve foreclosed on.

Property Values

The more equity that a borrower has in their property, the better it is for their mortgage note owner. This enhances the chance that a possible foreclosure auction will make the lender whole. As loan payments decrease the balance owed, and the value of the property increases, the borrower’s equity increases.

Property Taxes

Escrows for house taxes are usually given to the lender along with the loan payment. This way, the lender makes certain that the property taxes are submitted when payable. The mortgage lender will need to make up the difference if the payments stop or the lender risks tax liens on the property. Tax liens leapfrog over any other liens.

Because tax escrows are combined with the mortgage loan payment, growing property taxes mean larger house payments. This makes it complicated for financially challenged borrowers to meet their obligations, and the loan might become past due.

Real Estate Market Strength

Both performing and non-performing mortgage note buyers can be profitable in a growing real estate market. Because foreclosure is a necessary element of mortgage note investment strategy, appreciating real estate values are crucial to discovering a desirable investment market.

Mortgage note investors also have an opportunity to generate mortgage notes directly to borrowers in strong real estate communities. It is an additional phase of a note investor’s career.

Passive Real Estate Investing Strategies


In real estate investing, a syndication is a company of investors who combine their funds and talents to buy real estate properties for investment. One person arranges the investment and enrolls the others to invest.

The promoter of the syndication is referred to as the Syndicator or Sponsor. The sponsor is in charge of overseeing the purchase or development and creating revenue. The Sponsor oversees all business issues including the disbursement of profits.

The rest of the participants are passive investors. They are assigned a specific percentage of any profits after the procurement or development completion. These members have no duties concerned with managing the partnership or running the operation of the assets.


Factors to Consider

Real Estate Market

Your choice of the real estate market to search for syndications will depend on the blueprint you want the potential syndication project to follow. To understand more concerning local market-related elements important for various investment strategies, review the previous sections of our guide discussing the active real estate investment strategies.


As a passive investor relying on the Syndicator with your funds, you need to examine his or her reputation. Profitable real estate Syndication relies on having a successful veteran real estate specialist as a Syndicator.

It happens that the Sponsor doesn’t put capital in the venture. But you need them to have funds in the investment. Certain partnerships determine that the work that the Syndicator performed to assemble the deal as “sweat” equity. Some ventures have the Syndicator being paid an initial payment as well as ownership participation in the company.

Ownership Interest

Every partner owns a piece of the company. When there are sweat equity participants, look for owners who place capital to be rewarded with a greater amount of interest.

Being a cash investor, you should additionally expect to receive a preferred return on your capital before profits are distributed. Preferred return is a percentage of the cash invested that is given to capital investors out of profits. All the members are then given the rest of the profits calculated by their percentage of ownership.

When assets are liquidated, profits, if any, are issued to the members. The overall return on a deal like this can really improve when asset sale profits are combined with the annual income from a successful venture. The operating agreement is carefully worded by a lawyer to explain everyone’s rights and responsibilities.


A trust owning income-generating real estate and that offers shares to the public is a REIT — Real Estate Investment Trust. REITs are created to allow average investors to invest in properties. REIT shares are economical to most investors.

Shareholders’ investment in a REIT classifies as passive investment. REITs handle investors’ risk with a varied collection of assets. Shareholders have the capability to liquidate their shares at any moment. Participants in a REIT are not allowed to advise or submit properties for investment. Their investment is limited to the properties selected by the REIT.

Real Estate Investment Funds

A Real Estate Investment Fund is a mutual fund that possesses stocks of real estate businesses. The investment assets are not owned by the fund — they’re possessed by the businesses the fund invests in. These funds make it doable for a wider variety of people to invest in real estate. Where REITs have to disburse dividends to its participants, funds don’t. The worth of a fund to someone is the projected increase of the worth of its shares.

You can choose a fund that concentrates on specific segments of the real estate business but not specific locations for individual real estate investment. You have to depend on the fund’s managers to select which markets and assets are chosen for investment.


Stoneham Housing 2024

The city of Stoneham shows a median home value of , the state has a median home value of , at the same time that the median value nationally is .

The year-to-year home value appreciation rate is an average of during the past decade. In the whole state, the average yearly market worth growth rate during that term has been . The ten year average of year-to-year housing appreciation throughout the nation is .

As for the rental residential market, Stoneham has a median gross rent of . The median gross rent status across the state is , while the nation’s median gross rent is .

The homeownership rate is at in Stoneham. of the entire state’s population are homeowners, as are of the population throughout the nation.

The leased residential real estate occupancy rate in Stoneham is . The whole state’s tenant occupancy rate is . The corresponding percentage in the nation across the board is .

The percentage of occupied homes and apartments in Stoneham is , and the rate of unoccupied single-family and multi-family units is .

Housing Quick Stats
Home Appreciation Rate(2010-2020)
Median Home Value
Median Gross Rent
Price To Rent Ratio
Home Ownership Rate
Tenant Occupied Rate
Average Property Tax Rate

Stoneham Home Ownership

Stoneham Rent & Ownership

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Stoneham Rent Vs Owner Occupied By Household Type

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Stoneham Occupied & Vacant Number Of Homes And Apartments

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Stoneham Household Type

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Stoneham Property Types

Stoneham Age Of Homes

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Stoneham Types Of Homes

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Stoneham Homes Size

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Stoneham Investment Property Marketplace

If you are looking to invest in Stoneham real estate, our Investment Property Marketplace can become your indispensable tool in your investing business. To help you easily find the best off-market deals in the Stoneham area, we created a nationwide investor-friendly online platform. Use it to shop for lucrative off-market properties for sale according to your specific buying criteria.

Unlike other real estate listing websites, our marketplace’s interface is particularly designed for investors. Besides the purchase price, you can see other, essential to investors, key indicators such as: rehab costs and ARV, potential profit, FSBO, or realtor-assisted deal, and others. To get started, visit our marketplace and search for Stoneham investment properties for sale.

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Stoneham Real Estate Investing Financing

If you are looking for a loan to finance investment property purchase, rehab or ground up construction in Stoneham CO, easily get quotes from multiple lenders at once and compare rates.

Fill out our quick online real estate financing application form to receive multiple quotes for your preferred type of loan from our preferred Stoneham private and hard money lenders.

Stoneham Investment Property Loan Types

Check out some of the most popular real estate loans provided by top local lenders in Stoneham, CO
  • Rehab Loans
  • Fix and Flip Loans
  • Bridge Loans
  • Asset Based Loans
  • Cash Out/Refinance Loans
  • Transactional Funding
  • Transactional Hard Money Loans
  • Private Money Loans
  • New Construction Loans

Compare Investment Property Loan Rates in Stoneham

Receive multiple offers from best private and hard money lenders and get access to unlimited capital to fund any type of real estate investment property!


Stoneham Population Over Time

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Stoneham Population By Year

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Stoneham Population By Age And Sex

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Stoneham Economy 2024

Stoneham shows a median household income of . The median income for all households in the entire state is , in contrast to the country’s median which is .

The average income per capita in Stoneham is , compared to the state level of . is the per person amount of income for the nation as a whole.

Currently, the average salary in Stoneham is , with the entire state average of , and the US’s average number of .

Stoneham has an unemployment average of , whereas the state reports the rate of unemployment at and the national rate at .

The economic picture in Stoneham includes a total poverty rate of . The overall poverty rate across the state is , and the national number stands at .

Economy Quick Stats
Unemployment Rate
Median Household Income
Per Capita Income
Overall Poverty Rate
Average Salary
Property Price To Income Ratio
Salary Change Rate (2010-2020)

Stoneham Residents’ Income

Stoneham Median Household Income

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Stoneham Per Capita Income

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Stoneham Income Distribution

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Stoneham Poverty Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Stoneham Property Price To Income Ratio Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Stoneham Job Market

Stoneham Employment Industries (Top 10)

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Stoneham Unemployment Rate

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Stoneham Employment Distribution By Age

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Stoneham Average Salary Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Stoneham Employment Rate Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Stoneham Employed Population Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Stoneham School Ratings

The education curriculum in Stoneham is kindergarten to 12th grade, with grade schools, middle schools, and high schools.

of public school students in Stoneham graduate from high school.

School Quick Stats
Elementary Schools
Middle Schools
High Schools
Private Schools
High School Graduates

Stoneham School Ratings

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Stoneham Neighborhoods