Ultimate North Hills Real Estate Investing Guide for 2024


North Hills Real Estate Investing Market Overview

Over the past ten years, the population growth rate in North Hills has an annual average of . The national average for the same period was with a state average of .

During that ten-year cycle, the rate of increase for the total population in North Hills was , in comparison with for the state, and throughout the nation.

At this time, the median home value in North Hills is . The median home value for the whole state is , and the U.S. median value is .

The appreciation tempo for homes in North Hills through the last ten years was annually. During this time, the annual average appreciation rate for home prices in the state was . Across the US, the average yearly home value increase rate was .

The gross median rent in North Hills is , with a statewide median of , and a US median of .

North Hills Real Estate Investing Highlights

North Hills Top Highlights

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau
Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Strategy Selection

When scrutinizing a potential property investment location, your analysis should be lead by your investment plan.

The following are concise instructions explaining what components to estimate for each type of investing. Utilize this as a guide on how to take advantage of the guidelines in this brief to discover the top area for your investment criteria.

All real property investors ought to review the most critical location elements. Convenient connection to the site and your intended submarket, safety statistics, reliable air transportation, etc. When you get into the specifics of the market, you need to focus on the areas that are important to your distinct real estate investment.

Special occasions and amenities that draw tourists will be crucial to short-term rental property owners. Flippers need to know how promptly they can sell their renovated property by viewing the average Days on Market (DOM). If the DOM demonstrates stagnant residential property sales, that market will not win a prime assessment from investors.

The unemployment rate will be one of the initial things that a long-term landlord will have to search for. Investors need to spot a diverse jobs base for their potential tenants.

If you cannot set your mind on an investment strategy to use, contemplate using the insight of the best mentors for real estate investing in North Hills WV. Another useful possibility is to participate in any of North Hills top property investor clubs and attend North Hills real estate investor workshops and meetups to meet assorted mentors.

Now, let’s consider real property investment plans and the most effective ways that real property investors can review a proposed real property investment community.

Active Real Estate Investing Strategies

Buy and Hold

The buy and hold approach includes purchasing real estate and retaining it for a significant period. Their investment return analysis involves renting that property while they keep it to enhance their returns.

At some point in the future, when the market value of the asset has improved, the investor has the option of unloading the asset if that is to their advantage.

A realtor who is one of the best North Hills investor-friendly realtors can offer a comprehensive analysis of the area where you’d like to do business. The following instructions will outline the components that you should incorporate into your business strategy.


Factors to Consider

Property Appreciation Rate

This variable is vital to your investment property market choice. You must spot a solid yearly rise in investment property market values. This will let you accomplish your main target — selling the investment property for a higher price. Stagnant or decreasing investment property values will do away with the principal factor of a Buy and Hold investor’s plan.

Population Growth

If a location’s population isn’t increasing, it clearly has a lower need for residential housing. This is a harbinger of diminished lease prices and real property values. Residents move to get superior job possibilities, preferable schools, and safer neighborhoods. You should skip these markets. The population expansion that you are searching for is dependable year after year. Expanding markets are where you can encounter appreciating real property values and robust rental rates.

Property Taxes

Property tax levies are a cost that you aren’t able to eliminate. You are seeking a city where that expense is manageable. Regularly increasing tax rates will usually keep increasing. High real property taxes signal a declining economic environment that will not keep its current citizens or attract new ones.

Some parcels of real estate have their value mistakenly overestimated by the county authorities. In this case, one of the best property tax appeal service providers in North Hills WV can demand that the local municipality examine and perhaps lower the tax rate. However detailed instances including litigation call for the knowledge of North Hills real estate tax lawyers.

Price to rent ratio

The price to rent ratio (p/r) is the median real estate price divided by the annual median gross rent. A community with low lease prices has a high p/r. You need a low p/r and larger rental rates that will repay your property more quickly. You don’t want a p/r that is low enough it makes purchasing a house cheaper than leasing one. You could lose tenants to the home purchase market that will increase the number of your vacant rental properties. You are hunting for locations with a moderately low p/r, obviously not a high one.

Median Gross Rent

This indicator is a barometer used by long-term investors to identify dependable rental markets. The community’s recorded data should confirm a median gross rent that steadily increases.

Median Population Age

Median population age is a picture of the extent of a city’s labor pool that reflects the size of its lease market. Look for a median age that is similar to the one of working adults. A median age that is too high can indicate increased imminent demands on public services with a diminishing tax base. Higher property taxes can be necessary for cities with an older population.

Employment Industry Diversity

Buy and Hold investors don’t like to see the market’s jobs concentrated in only a few employers. Diversification in the total number and varieties of industries is preferred. If a sole business category has problems, most employers in the community must not be affected. When your tenants are stretched out throughout multiple employers, you shrink your vacancy risk.

Unemployment Rate

A steep unemployment rate signals that not many individuals can manage to rent or purchase your property. Existing renters may experience a difficult time making rent payments and new tenants might not be available. Steep unemployment has an increasing harm on a community causing declining transactions for other employers and lower pay for many workers. An area with steep unemployment rates gets unsteady tax receipts, not many people moving in, and a problematic financial future.

Income Levels

Income levels will let you see an accurate view of the market’s capability to uphold your investment strategy. Your appraisal of the area, and its particular pieces where you should invest, should include a review of median household and per capita income. If the income levels are growing over time, the market will presumably provide stable renters and tolerate expanding rents and incremental raises.

Number of New Jobs Created

Data describing how many jobs materialize on a repeating basis in the market is a good tool to conclude if a location is good for your long-range investment project. A steady source of renters needs a robust job market. The formation of additional openings keeps your occupancy rates high as you purchase new investment properties and replace existing tenants. An expanding workforce bolsters the energetic movement of home purchasers. A robust real estate market will strengthen your long-range plan by producing a growing market value for your investment property.

School Ratings

School ranking is a vital factor. New businesses want to discover excellent schools if they are going to move there. Highly evaluated schools can entice relocating families to the area and help keep current ones. This can either raise or decrease the number of your possible tenants and can impact both the short-term and long-term value of investment assets.

Natural Disasters

When your plan is dependent on your capability to liquidate the property when its worth has grown, the investment’s superficial and architectural status are important. That’s why you will want to shun places that regularly endure tough natural calamities. Nevertheless, your P&C insurance ought to cover the real property for damages caused by occurrences like an earth tremor.

To insure property costs generated by tenants, look for assistance in the directory of the best North Hills insurance companies for rental property owners.

Long Term Rental (BRRRR)

BRRRR stands for “Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat”. This is a strategy to expand your investment portfolio not just acquire a single rental property. It is a must that you be able to receive a “cash-out” mortgage refinance for the method to be successful.

When you have finished refurbishing the investment property, the value must be higher than your combined acquisition and rehab expenses. After that, you take the equity you created out of the investment property in a “cash-out” refinance. You purchase your next house with the cash-out amount and start all over again. You add growing investment assets to your portfolio and rental revenue to your cash flow.

If your investment real estate portfolio is large enough, you can contract out its oversight and enjoy passive income. Locate one of the best property management professionals in North Hills WV with the help of our exhaustive directory.


Factors to Consider

Population Growth

The expansion or decrease of the population can indicate if that location is appealing to rental investors. If the population growth in a community is high, then more tenants are definitely coming into the region. The location is attractive to businesses and workers to move, work, and have families. Increasing populations develop a dependable tenant pool that can afford rent growth and homebuyers who assist in keeping your asset values high.

Property Taxes

Property taxes, regular upkeep expenditures, and insurance directly influence your bottom line. Unreasonable property tax rates will negatively impact a property investor’s profits. If property taxes are unreasonable in a particular community, you will prefer to search in another place.

Price to Rent Ratio

The price to rent ratio (p/r) is a contrast of median property prices and median lease rates that will indicate how high of a rent the market can allow. The amount of rent that you can charge in an area will impact the amount you are willing to pay based on how long it will take to pay back those costs. The less rent you can demand the higher the p/r, with a low p/r indicating a more profitable rent market.

Median Gross Rents

Median gross rents illustrate whether a site’s lease market is dependable. Look for a stable rise in median rents during a few years. You will not be able to reach your investment predictions in an area where median gross rental rates are shrinking.

Median Population Age

The median residents’ age that you are on the lookout for in a good investment market will be similar to the age of waged individuals. You’ll learn this to be accurate in markets where workers are moving. When working-age people are not coming into the market to take over from retiring workers, the median age will go up. This is not good for the forthcoming economy of that location.

Employment Base Diversity

A varied supply of companies in the city will increase your chances of strong profits. If the area’s workers, who are your tenants, are spread out across a varied combination of employers, you cannot lose all of your renters at the same time (together with your property’s market worth), if a significant company in the area goes bankrupt.

Unemployment Rate

High unemployment leads to fewer tenants and an unsteady housing market. People who don’t have a job won’t be able to buy products or services. The still employed people might discover their own wages marked down. Remaining renters may become late with their rent in these conditions.

Income Rates

Median household and per capita income rates help you to see if an adequate amount of preferred renters reside in that region. Current wage records will communicate to you if wage raises will enable you to raise rental rates to reach your income expectations.

Number of New Jobs Created

An increasing job market produces a regular flow of renters. The people who are employed for the new jobs will need a residence. This allows you to purchase additional rental properties and fill current unoccupied units.

School Ratings

School ratings in the community will have a large effect on the local housing market. Well-rated schools are a prerequisite for business owners that are looking to relocate. Moving companies bring and attract prospective renters. Homebuyers who come to the region have a good effect on home values. You will not find a dynamically growing housing market without highly-rated schools.

Property Appreciation Rates

Good property appreciation rates are a necessity for a successful long-term investment. You need to see that the odds of your asset increasing in price in that community are promising. You do not need to spend any time surveying communities that have unimpressive property appreciation rates.

Short Term Rentals

A short-term rental is a furnished apartment or house where a tenant resides for less than one month. Short-term rental owners charge more rent per night than in long-term rental business. With renters not staying long, short-term rental units have to be maintained and cleaned on a constant basis.

Normal short-term tenants are vacationers, home sellers who are relocating, and corporate travelers who want more than hotel accommodation. Ordinary property owners can rent their houses or condominiums on a short-term basis via platforms like AirBnB and VRBO. Short-term rentals are viewed to be a smart method to get started on investing in real estate.

Short-term rental landlords require interacting directly with the renters to a greater degree than the owners of yearly leased properties. This means that landlords face disagreements more frequently. Think about managing your exposure with the support of any of the best real estate law firms in North Hills WV.


Factors to Consider

Short-Term Rental Income

Initially, figure out how much rental revenue you must have to achieve your anticipated profits. Understanding the average amount of rental fees in the region for short-term rentals will allow you to pick a profitable place to invest.

Median Property Prices

Meticulously evaluate the amount that you are able to spend on new investment properties. The median price of property will show you if you can manage to invest in that city. You can calibrate your property search by examining median values in the community’s sub-markets.

Price Per Square Foot

Price per sq ft provides a broad idea of market values when looking at similar properties. If you are analyzing the same kinds of property, like condominiums or detached single-family residences, the price per square foot is more reliable. It can be a quick method to analyze several sub-markets or residential units.

Short-Term Rental Occupancy Rate

A look at the city’s short-term rental occupancy levels will tell you if there is a need in the site for more short-term rental properties. A region that necessitates new rental units will have a high occupancy rate. Low occupancy rates indicate that there are more than too many short-term rentals in that area.

Short-Term Rental Cash-on-Cash Return

A short-term rental’s cash-on-cash return will inform you if the venture is a smart use of your money. You can compute the cash-on-cash return by taking your Net Operating Income (NOI) and dividing it by your cash investment. The answer comes as a percentage. The higher the percentage, the faster your investment funds will be returned and you’ll begin making profits. If you get financing for part of the investment and spend less of your own funds, you will realize a higher cash-on-cash return.

Average Short-Term Rental Capitalization (Cap) Rates

Another measurement indicates the value of an investment property as a return-yielding asset — average short-term rental capitalization (cap) rate. An investment property that has a high cap rate as well as charges average market rental prices has a strong market value. When cap rates are low, you can assume to spend more for rental units in that location. You can obtain the cap rate for potential investment real estate by dividing the Net Operating Income (NOI) by the market worth or purchase price of the investment property. This shows you a ratio that is the year-over-year return, or cap rate.

Local Attractions

Important public events and entertainment attractions will attract tourists who need short-term rental units. Vacationers visit specific communities to attend academic and sporting events at colleges and universities, see competitions, support their children as they participate in fun events, party at annual carnivals, and go to amusement parks. Notable vacation spots are located in mountain and beach points, alongside waterways, and national or state nature reserves.

Fix and Flip

When a home flipper acquires a house below market worth, repairs it and makes it more valuable, and then liquidates it for a return, they are referred to as a fix and flip investor. The essentials to a profitable fix and flip are to pay a lower price for the investment property than its as-is market value and to accurately determine the amount you need to spend to make it marketable.

It’s a must for you to know what properties are going for in the area. You always need to investigate how long it takes for listings to close, which is shown by the Days on Market (DOM) data. To effectively “flip” a property, you need to dispose of the rehabbed home before you are required to shell out funds maintaining it.

Assist motivated property owners in discovering your company by featuring your services in our catalogue of North Hills companies that buy homes for cash and top North Hills real estate investment firms.

Additionally, coordinate with North Hills property bird dogs. Experts in our catalogue specialize in procuring little-known investments while they’re still unlisted.


Factors to Consider

Median Home Price

Median home price data is a crucial benchmark for evaluating a prospective investment market. You’re looking for median prices that are modest enough to reveal investment opportunities in the community. This is a fundamental component of a fix and flip market.

If area information shows a quick decline in real estate market values, this can point to the accessibility of potential short sale properties. Real estate investors who partner with short sale negotiators in North Hills WV receive regular notices about potential investment real estate. Discover how this happens by studying our explanation ⁠— What Does Buying a Short Sale Home Mean?.

Property Appreciation Rate

Dynamics is the track that median home prices are treading. You’re searching for a stable growth of the city’s property values. Housing market values in the city should be growing steadily, not suddenly. When you are buying and liquidating rapidly, an erratic market can sabotage you.

Average Renovation Costs

A careful analysis of the community’s building costs will make a significant impact on your location choice. Other costs, like authorizations, can increase expenditure, and time which may also develop into an added overhead. You want to understand if you will have to employ other experts, such as architects or engineers, so you can get prepared for those spendings.

Population Growth

Population information will tell you if there is an increasing need for real estate that you can produce. When the population isn’t expanding, there is not going to be a good supply of purchasers for your properties.

Median Population Age

The median residents’ age is a variable that you might not have included in your investment study. If the median age is equal to the one of the usual worker, it’s a positive sign. Individuals in the regional workforce are the most stable home buyers. Older people are getting ready to downsize, or move into age-restricted or retiree neighborhoods.

Unemployment Rate

You want to see a low unemployment level in your considered location. It should definitely be lower than the US average. If the city’s unemployment rate is lower than the state average, that’s a sign of a good financial market. If they want to acquire your improved houses, your clients need to be employed, and their clients as well.

Income Rates

Median household and per capita income are an important gauge of the scalability of the housing environment in the community. Most buyers need to get a loan to purchase real estate. Their salary will determine how much they can borrow and if they can purchase a property. You can see from the community’s median income if enough people in the community can afford to buy your properties. You also need to see wages that are improving over time. To keep pace with inflation and soaring building and material expenses, you have to be able to regularly raise your purchase rates.

Number of New Jobs Created

The number of employment positions created on a consistent basis shows whether wage and population growth are feasible. A larger number of citizens purchase homes if their area’s economy is generating jobs. With more jobs generated, new potential buyers also come to the community from other districts.

Hard Money Loan Rates

Real estate investors who work with upgraded properties often employ hard money loans rather than traditional mortgage. Hard money loans empower these buyers to pull the trigger on current investment opportunities without delay. Discover hard money lenders in North Hills WV and analyze their mortgage rates.

Someone who wants to understand more about hard money loans can find what they are and how to employ them by reviewing our resource for newbies titled How to Use Hard Money Lenders.


In real estate wholesaling, you locate a house that real estate investors would count as a lucrative investment opportunity and enter into a purchase contract to buy it. When a real estate investor who needs the residential property is spotted, the purchase contract is sold to them for a fee. The seller sells the property to the real estate investor instead of the wholesaler. You’re selling the rights to buy the property, not the home itself.

Wholesaling depends on the involvement of a title insurance company that is comfortable with assigning real estate sale agreements and understands how to deal with a double closing. Locate North Hills title companies for real estate investors by reviewing our list.

To know how wholesaling works, study our informative guide How Does Real Estate Wholesaling Work?. When you opt for wholesaling, include your investment project on our list of the best wholesale real estate investors in North Hills WV. That way your desirable clientele will see you and reach out to you.


Factors to Consider

Median Home Prices

Median home prices are key to discovering places where properties are being sold in your investors’ purchase price point. Lower median prices are a valid indicator that there are plenty of residential properties that could be purchased below market price, which real estate investors need to have.

A rapid decrease in the price of real estate could generate the sudden availability of houses with owners owing more than market worth that are desired by wholesalers. This investment strategy often carries numerous different benefits. However, be aware of the legal challenges. Discover details about wholesaling short sales from our exhaustive article. Once you’ve decided to attempt wholesaling short sales, be sure to engage someone on the list of the best short sale law firms in North Hills WV and the best real estate foreclosure attorneys in North Hills WV to help you.

Property Appreciation Rate

Median home value dynamics are also critical. Real estate investors who plan to maintain real estate investment assets will need to discover that housing values are regularly going up. Decreasing purchase prices illustrate an equally poor leasing and housing market and will dismay real estate investors.

Population Growth

Population growth data is important for your proposed contract assignment purchasers. A growing population will have to have new housing. There are more individuals who rent and additional customers who buy real estate. When a location is losing people, it does not need new residential units and real estate investors will not be active there.

Median Population Age

Investors have to participate in a strong real estate market where there is a substantial pool of tenants, first-time homebuyers, and upwardly mobile locals switching to better houses. This takes a vibrant, reliable employee pool of residents who are optimistic enough to buy up in the real estate market. A market with these characteristics will have a median population age that is equivalent to the working adult’s age.

Income Rates

The median household and per capita income will be improving in a good residential market that investors prefer to work in. When renters’ and homebuyers’ wages are getting bigger, they can keep up with rising lease rates and real estate prices. Real estate investors want this in order to reach their projected profits.

Unemployment Rate

Investors will pay close attention to the region’s unemployment rate. High unemployment rate triggers more renters to make late rent payments or default entirely. Long-term investors who count on consistent rental payments will lose revenue in these areas. Renters cannot level up to ownership and existing owners cannot put up for sale their property and move up to a larger house. This makes it difficult to find fix and flip investors to buy your contracts.

Number of New Jobs Created

The number of new jobs being produced in the region completes an investor’s assessment of a prospective investment spot. Job creation implies more employees who require housing. Whether your client base consists of long-term or short-term investors, they will be attracted to a market with consistent job opening creation.

Average Renovation Costs

Repair expenses will be important to most real estate investors, as they usually buy low-cost neglected properties to rehab. Short-term investors, like home flippers, don’t make money if the acquisition cost and the rehab expenses equal to a larger sum than the After Repair Value (ARV) of the home. The less you can spend to fix up a house, the more attractive the location is for your future contract buyers.

Mortgage Note Investing

This strategy means obtaining debt (mortgage note) from a mortgage holder for less than the balance owed. This way, the purchaser becomes the lender to the initial lender’s debtor.

When a loan is being repaid on time, it is thought of as a performing note. These loans are a consistent source of passive income. Note investors also invest in non-performing mortgages that the investors either rework to assist the borrower or foreclose on to get the collateral less than market value.

Ultimately, you might grow a number of mortgage note investments and lack the ability to oversee them without assistance. When this develops, you might pick from the best loan servicers in North Hills WV which will make you a passive investor.

If you choose to use this method, append your business to our directory of promissory note buyers in North Hills WV. Showing up on our list sets you in front of lenders who make profitable investment possibilities available to note investors such as yourself.


Factors to Consider

Foreclosure Rates

Low foreclosure rates are a signal that the market has investment possibilities for performing note purchasers. High rates might indicate investment possibilities for non-performing mortgage note investors, however they should be cautious. If high foreclosure rates are causing a slow real estate environment, it may be tough to resell the collateral property if you foreclose on it.

Foreclosure Laws

Investors are required to understand their state’s laws regarding foreclosure prior to investing in mortgage notes. Some states require mortgage documents and some require Deeds of Trust. You may need to obtain the court’s approval to foreclose on a property. You do not need the court’s agreement with a Deed of Trust.

Mortgage Interest Rates

Purchased mortgage notes have an agreed interest rate. That mortgage interest rate will significantly impact your investment returns. Interest rates are significant to both performing and non-performing mortgage note buyers.

The mortgage loan rates set by traditional mortgage firms aren’t the same in every market. Private loan rates can be moderately more than traditional mortgage rates due to the higher risk taken on by private lenders.

Mortgage note investors ought to always be aware of the present local mortgage interest rates, private and traditional, in possible investment markets.


A lucrative note investment plan uses an examination of the community by utilizing demographic data. The region’s population increase, employment rate, employment market growth, pay levels, and even its median age provide valuable facts for you.
Mortgage note investors who invest in performing mortgage notes choose regions where a large number of younger people maintain good-paying jobs.

Investors who acquire non-performing notes can also make use of stable markets. If foreclosure is required, the foreclosed home is more conveniently liquidated in a strong market.

Property Values

As a note buyer, you should try to find deals that have a cushion of equity. If the property value isn’t much more than the loan amount, and the mortgage lender decides to start foreclosure, the property might not sell for enough to repay the lender. As mortgage loan payments lessen the balance owed, and the market value of the property increases, the homeowner’s equity grows.

Property Taxes

Many homeowners pay property taxes through mortgage lenders in monthly installments when they make their loan payments. When the taxes are due, there should be enough payments in escrow to handle them. If the homeowner stops paying, unless the note holder remits the taxes, they won’t be paid on time. When taxes are delinquent, the government’s lien supersedes any other liens to the head of the line and is taken care of first.

If a market has a record of increasing tax rates, the combined home payments in that market are steadily growing. Past due customers may not be able to maintain increasing loan payments and might stop paying altogether.

Real Estate Market Strength

Both performing and non-performing note buyers can be profitable in a strong real estate environment. They can be confident that, if need be, a foreclosed collateral can be liquidated at a price that makes a profit.

Strong markets often open opportunities for note buyers to make the initial mortgage loan themselves. This is a good source of revenue for accomplished investors.

Passive Real Estate Investing Strategies


A syndication is an organization of individuals who merge their money and knowledge to invest in real estate. One individual structures the deal and enrolls the others to invest.

The coordinator of the syndication is called the Syndicator or Sponsor. It’s their job to conduct the purchase or creation of investment real estate and their use. They are also responsible for distributing the investment income to the remaining investors.

Syndication partners are passive investors. In return for their money, they have a superior status when income is shared. But only the manager(s) of the syndicate can conduct the business of the company.


Factors to Consider

Real Estate Market

The investment plan that you use will dictate the place you select to enroll in a Syndication. The earlier sections of this article related to active real estate investing will help you choose market selection criteria for your future syndication investment.


As a passive investor relying on the Syndicator with your funds, you need to consider his or her transparency. They ought to be a successful real estate investing professional.

They may or may not invest their money in the project. But you need them to have money in the project. The Sponsor is investing their time and experience to make the investment successful. Besides their ownership percentage, the Sponsor may be owed a payment at the outset for putting the deal together.

Ownership Interest

All members have an ownership portion in the company. Everyone who invests money into the company should expect to own more of the partnership than those who do not.

Investors are often allotted a preferred return of net revenues to entice them to invest. The percentage of the funds invested (preferred return) is returned to the investors from the income, if any. After it’s paid, the remainder of the profits are paid out to all the partners.

If partnership assets are liquidated for a profit, the money is distributed among the partners. Combining this to the regular cash flow from an investment property markedly enhances a partner’s returns. The members’ portion of ownership and profit participation is written in the syndication operating agreement.


Many real estate investment companies are conceived as a trust termed Real Estate Investment Trusts or REITs. REITs were invented to empower everyday people to buy into real estate. Most investors currently are able to invest in a REIT.

Participants in these trusts are completely passive investors. The exposure that the investors are accepting is diversified among a selection of investment assets. Investors are able to sell their REIT shares anytime they need. Something you can’t do with REIT shares is to determine the investment real estate properties. The assets that the REIT decides to purchase are the assets your capital is used to purchase.

Real Estate Investment Funds

Mutual funds holding shares of real estate businesses are referred to as real estate investment funds. The fund does not own properties — it holds interest in real estate businesses. These funds make it possible for more investors to invest in real estate. Fund members might not receive usual distributions the way that REIT members do. The value of a fund to an investor is the expected increase of the price of the shares.

You can find a fund that focuses on a particular kind of real estate business, like residential, but you cannot propose the fund’s investment assets or locations. You must count on the fund’s directors to decide which locations and real estate properties are picked for investment.


North Hills Housing 2024

The city of North Hills shows a median home value of , the total state has a median market worth of , while the median value throughout the nation is .

The average home market worth growth rate in North Hills for the past ten years is per annum. The entire state’s average during the recent ten years has been . The ten year average of year-to-year housing value growth throughout the country is .

In the rental market, the median gross rent in North Hills is . The entire state’s median is , and the median gross rent across the US is .

North Hills has a rate of home ownership of . The percentage of the state’s population that are homeowners is , in comparison with across the country.

of rental homes in North Hills are leased. The statewide pool of leased housing is rented at a percentage of . The corresponding percentage in the US generally is .

The combined occupied percentage for houses and apartments in North Hills is , at the same time the vacancy rate for these properties is .

Housing Quick Stats
Home Appreciation Rate(2010-2020)
Median Home Value
Median Gross Rent
Price To Rent Ratio
Home Ownership Rate
Tenant Occupied Rate
Average Property Tax Rate

North Hills Home Ownership

North Hills Rent & Ownership

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

North Hills Rent Vs Owner Occupied By Household Type

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

North Hills Occupied & Vacant Number Of Homes And Apartments

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

North Hills Household Type

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

North Hills Property Types

North Hills Age Of Homes

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

North Hills Types Of Homes

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

North Hills Homes Size

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


North Hills Investment Property Marketplace

If you are looking to invest in North Hills real estate, our Investment Property Marketplace can become your indispensable tool in your investing business. To help you easily find the best off-market deals in the North Hills area, we created a nationwide investor-friendly online platform. Use it to shop for lucrative off-market properties for sale according to your specific buying criteria.

Unlike other real estate listing websites, our marketplace’s interface is particularly designed for investors. Besides the purchase price, you can see other, essential to investors, key indicators such as: rehab costs and ARV, potential profit, FSBO, or realtor-assisted deal, and others. To get started, visit our marketplace and search for North Hills investment properties for sale.

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North Hills Real Estate Investing Financing

If you are looking for a loan to finance investment property purchase, rehab or ground up construction in North Hills WV, easily get quotes from multiple lenders at once and compare rates.

Fill out our quick online real estate financing application form to receive multiple quotes for your preferred type of loan from our preferred North Hills private and hard money lenders.

North Hills Investment Property Loan Types

Check out some of the most popular real estate loans provided by top local lenders in North Hills, WV
  • Rehab Loans
  • Fix and Flip Loans
  • Bridge Loans
  • Asset Based Loans
  • Cash Out/Refinance Loans
  • Transactional Funding
  • Transactional Hard Money Loans
  • Private Money Loans
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North Hills Population Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

North Hills Population By Year

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

North Hills Population By Age And Sex

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


North Hills Economy 2024

The median household income in North Hills is . The median income for all households in the entire state is , compared to the United States’ level which is .

The average income per person in North Hills is , in contrast to the state median of . is the per person amount of income for the nation overall.

Salaries in North Hills average , next to across the state, and in the United States.

North Hills has an unemployment rate of , while the state registers the rate of unemployment at and the national rate at .

Overall, the poverty rate in North Hills is . The statewide poverty rate is , with the US poverty rate at .

Economy Quick Stats
Unemployment Rate
Median Household Income
Per Capita Income
Overall Poverty Rate
Average Salary
Property Price To Income Ratio
Salary Change Rate (2010-2020)

North Hills Residents’ Income

North Hills Median Household Income

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

North Hills Per Capita Income

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

North Hills Income Distribution

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

North Hills Poverty Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

North Hills Property Price To Income Ratio Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

North Hills Job Market

North Hills Employment Industries (Top 10)

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

North Hills Unemployment Rate

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

North Hills Employment Distribution By Age

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

North Hills Average Salary Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

North Hills Employment Rate Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

North Hills Employed Population Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


North Hills School Ratings

The public school system in North Hills is K-12, with primary schools, middle schools, and high schools.

The North Hills public school setup has a graduation rate.

School Quick Stats
Elementary Schools
Middle Schools
High Schools
Private Schools
High School Graduates

North Hills School Ratings

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

North Hills Neighborhoods