Ultimate Unionville Real Estate Investing Guide for 2024


Unionville Real Estate Investing Market Overview

Over the most recent decade, the population growth rate in Unionville has an annual average of . By comparison, the average rate during that same period was for the total state, and nationally.

Throughout the same ten-year period, the rate of growth for the total population in Unionville was , compared to for the state, and nationally.

Home values in Unionville are illustrated by the present median home value of . The median home value for the whole state is , and the United States’ median value is .

The appreciation tempo for houses in Unionville through the last ten years was annually. The annual appreciation tempo in the state averaged . Throughout the nation, the yearly appreciation pace for homes averaged .

If you consider the residential rental market in Unionville you’ll find a gross median rent of , in comparison with the state median of , and the median gross rent at the national level of .

Unionville Real Estate Investing Highlights

Unionville Top Highlights

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau
Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Strategy Selection

When you are considering a potential property investment location, your review should be guided by your investment plan.

The following are precise guidelines showing what elements to think about for each investor type. This should permit you to identify and evaluate the location information found on this web page that your strategy needs.

Certain market information will be significant for all kinds of real estate investment. Public safety, principal highway access, regional airport, etc. When you look into the data of the city, you should zero in on the areas that are critical to your particular real estate investment.

If you want short-term vacation rental properties, you’ll spotlight areas with robust tourism. Fix and flip investors will pay attention to the Days On Market information for houses for sale. If the Days on Market signals slow residential property sales, that market will not win a superior rating from investors.

Long-term real property investors look for clues to the stability of the local employment market. They need to spot a varied employment base for their likely tenants.

Beginners who cannot determine the preferred investment strategy, can consider using the experience of Unionville top real estate investing mentors. An additional interesting possibility is to participate in one of Unionville top property investment clubs and attend Unionville property investment workshops and meetups to meet assorted mentors.

The following are the distinct real estate investing techniques and the procedures with which they assess a possible real estate investment site.

Active Real Estate Investing Strategies

Buy and Hold

This investment approach includes purchasing an investment property and holding it for a long period. As a property is being held, it’s usually rented or leased, to boost profit.

At a later time, when the market value of the asset has grown, the investor has the advantage of liquidating the investment property if that is to their advantage.

One of the top investor-friendly realtors in Unionville VA will provide you a thorough examination of the local housing market. We will show you the elements that need to be considered thoughtfully for a desirable long-term investment strategy.


Factors to Consider

Property Appreciation Rate

Property appreciation rates are one of the initial things that signal if the area has a secure, stable real estate market. You want to see a dependable annual increase in property prices. Long-term investment property growth in value is the foundation of the whole investment strategy. Markets that don’t have growing investment property market values won’t match a long-term investment profile.

Population Growth

A shrinking population indicates that over time the total number of tenants who can lease your rental property is going down. Anemic population expansion contributes to lower property prices and lease rates. Residents leave to find superior job opportunities, preferable schools, and secure neighborhoods. You need to discover growth in a market to contemplate purchasing an investment home there. Search for cities that have dependable population growth. Both long- and short-term investment metrics benefit from population increase.

Property Taxes

Property taxes are a cost that you aren’t able to bypass. You need a community where that expense is reasonable. Real property rates almost never decrease. A history of real estate tax rate growth in a market may sometimes lead to poor performance in different market metrics.

Some parcels of property have their market value erroneously overestimated by the county assessors. When that is your case, you should select from top property tax dispute companies in Unionville VA for a representative to submit your situation to the municipality and possibly get the real property tax assessment reduced. However complex cases requiring litigation require expertise of Unionville property tax appeal lawyers.

Price to rent ratio

Price to rent ratio (p/r) is determined by dividing the median property price by the annual median gross rent. A location with low lease prices will have a high p/r. The higher rent you can collect, the faster you can recoup your investment funds. Look out for a too low p/r, which could make it more expensive to rent a residence than to purchase one. This can drive tenants into acquiring a home and inflate rental unoccupied ratios. But generally, a smaller p/r is preferred over a higher one.

Median Gross Rent

Median gross rent is a valid indicator of the reliability of a city’s lease market. The location’s verifiable statistics should demonstrate a median gross rent that reliably grows.

Median Population Age

Citizens’ median age can demonstrate if the community has a reliable worker pool which signals more potential tenants. Look for a median age that is the same as the age of working adults. A median age that is too high can indicate increased forthcoming pressure on public services with a decreasing tax base. An aging population will precipitate growth in property tax bills.

Employment Industry Diversity

Buy and Hold investors don’t like to discover the market’s job opportunities concentrated in too few companies. An assortment of business categories dispersed over varied businesses is a sound employment base. This prevents the problems of one industry or business from impacting the entire rental market. When the majority of your renters have the same employer your rental revenue is built on, you are in a problematic position.

Unemployment Rate

When unemployment rates are severe, you will discover fewer desirable investments in the town’s residential market. Current tenants can go through a difficult time making rent payments and new tenants might not be there. The unemployed lose their buying power which impacts other businesses and their workers. High unemployment figures can impact a community’s ability to attract additional employers which affects the area’s long-range financial health.

Income Levels

Residents’ income statistics are investigated by any ‘business to consumer’ (B2C) company to uncover their customers. Your assessment of the location, and its particular portions where you should invest, needs to include a review of median household and per capita income. Adequate rent standards and periodic rent increases will need a community where salaries are increasing.

Number of New Jobs Created

Stats illustrating how many job opportunities materialize on a steady basis in the community is a vital tool to decide if an area is right for your long-term investment strategy. Job generation will strengthen the renter base growth. The addition of new jobs to the market will make it easier for you to keep high tenant retention rates as you are adding rental properties to your portfolio. An increasing workforce generates the dynamic influx of home purchasers. This feeds an active real property market that will grow your investment properties’ worth by the time you want to leave the business.

School Ratings

School reputation should be an important factor to you. New employers need to discover outstanding schools if they are planning to relocate there. Highly evaluated schools can draw relocating households to the area and help retain existing ones. An unstable source of renters and home purchasers will make it challenging for you to achieve your investment goals.

Natural Disasters

When your plan is contingent on your capability to unload the investment when its worth has increased, the investment’s cosmetic and architectural status are important. That is why you’ll want to exclude places that often experience environmental disasters. Nonetheless, you will always need to protect your real estate against calamities typical for the majority of the states, including earth tremors.

To prevent property loss generated by renters, search for help in the directory of the best Unionville landlord insurance companies.

Long Term Rental (BRRRR)

A long-term investment method that involves Buying a home, Refurbishing, Renting, Refinancing it, and Repeating the process by employing the capital from the mortgage refinance is called BRRRR. This is a plan to increase your investment portfolio not just acquire a single rental property. It is a must that you be able to do a “cash-out” refinance loan for the strategy to be successful.

The After Repair Value (ARV) of the asset needs to equal more than the total acquisition and rehab costs. The house is refinanced based on the ARV and the difference, or equity, is given to you in cash. This money is reinvested into one more asset, and so on. You purchase additional rental homes and constantly increase your lease revenues.

When an investor has a significant portfolio of real properties, it seems smart to employ a property manager and establish a passive income source. Find Unionville property management companies when you search through our directory of professionals.


Factors to Consider

Population Growth

The expansion or deterioration of an area’s population is a good gauge of the area’s long-term desirability for lease property investors. If you see good population increase, you can be confident that the market is drawing potential renters to the location. Relocating employers are drawn to increasing areas offering secure jobs to families who relocate there. Growing populations maintain a dependable renter mix that can handle rent raises and home purchasers who assist in keeping your investment asset values high.

Property Taxes

Property taxes, upkeep, and insurance costs are investigated by long-term lease investors for calculating expenses to predict if and how the project will work out. High payments in these categories jeopardize your investment’s profitability. Markets with unreasonable property tax rates are not a stable environment for short- or long-term investment and should be avoided.

Price to Rent Ratio

Price to rent ratio (p/r) is a market indicator that informs you the amount you can expect to collect as rent. An investor can not pay a large amount for an investment asset if they can only demand a low rent not allowing them to repay the investment within a realistic time. A large price-to-rent ratio signals you that you can set modest rent in that region, a lower p/r signals you that you can collect more.

Median Gross Rents

Median gross rents are an accurate yardstick of the desirability of a lease market under discussion. Median rents should be increasing to warrant your investment. You will not be able to realize your investment predictions in a market where median gross rental rates are dropping.

Median Population Age

Median population age in a good long-term investment environment must show the normal worker’s age. You will discover this to be factual in cities where workers are moving. When working-age people are not venturing into the market to replace retiring workers, the median age will increase. This is not advantageous for the future financial market of that location.

Employment Base Diversity

A larger amount of companies in the location will expand your chances of success. When workers are employed by only several major enterprises, even a little interruption in their operations might cause you to lose a lot of tenants and expand your exposure substantially.

Unemployment Rate

It’s hard to maintain a secure rental market when there are many unemployed residents in it. Normally successful businesses lose customers when other companies lay off employees. Those who still keep their jobs can discover their hours and wages reduced. Even tenants who have jobs may find it a burden to stay current with their rent.

Income Rates

Median household and per capita income rates let you know if a high amount of ideal tenants reside in that market. Your investment research will take into consideration rental charge and investment real estate appreciation, which will rely on salary raise in the area.

Number of New Jobs Created

The more jobs are regularly being generated in a location, the more dependable your tenant source will be. The workers who are employed for the new jobs will need a residence. This allows you to purchase additional lease real estate and backfill current unoccupied units.

School Ratings

School rankings in the city will have a significant impact on the local residential market. When an employer explores a region for possible relocation, they remember that first-class education is a prerequisite for their workers. Moving employers bring and attract potential renters. Homeowners who come to the area have a positive effect on housing market worth. You will not run into a dynamically expanding housing market without quality schools.

Property Appreciation Rates

Property appreciation rates are an important element of your long-term investment scheme. Investing in real estate that you plan to maintain without being certain that they will rise in price is a recipe for failure. Inferior or dropping property worth in an area under assessment is unacceptable.

Short Term Rentals

A furnished residence where clients stay for less than a month is regarded as a short-term rental. Long-term rentals, such as apartments, require lower rental rates a night than short-term ones. Because of the high rotation of occupants, short-term rentals necessitate more frequent upkeep and tidying.

Home sellers standing by to close on a new home, backpackers, and individuals traveling on business who are stopping over in the community for a few days prefer to rent a residential unit short term. Regular real estate owners can rent their homes on a short-term basis using portals like AirBnB and VRBO. This makes short-term rentals a good technique to try residential real estate investing.

The short-term rental venture requires dealing with tenants more often compared to yearly rental properties. That determines that property owners handle disagreements more often. Ponder covering yourself and your assets by joining any of attorneys specializing in real estate in Unionville VA to your team of experts.


Factors to Consider

Short-Term Rental Income

You must calculate the range of rental revenue you are targeting based on your investment strategy. A location’s short-term rental income levels will promptly tell you when you can anticipate to reach your projected income range.

Median Property Prices

Carefully evaluate the amount that you are able to spare for additional investment assets. The median market worth of real estate will tell you if you can afford to invest in that community. You can tailor your property search by evaluating median prices in the region’s sub-markets.

Price Per Square Foot

Price per square foot gives a broad picture of values when estimating similar properties. If you are analyzing similar types of property, like condominiums or separate single-family homes, the price per square foot is more consistent. Price per sq ft can be a quick method to analyze multiple neighborhoods or residential units.

Short-Term Rental Occupancy Rate

A look at the location’s short-term rental occupancy levels will show you whether there is demand in the district for additional short-term rental properties. A high occupancy rate indicates that an additional amount of short-term rentals is wanted. If investors in the area are having problems renting their existing units, you will have trouble filling yours.

Short-Term Rental Cash-on-Cash Return

A short-term rental’s cash-on-cash return will tell you if the investment is a practical use of your cash. Divide the Net Operating Income (NOI) by the total amount of cash put in. The percentage you get is your cash-on-cash return. The higher it is, the faster your invested cash will be repaid and you will start making profits. Lender-funded investment purchases will show higher cash-on-cash returns as you are spending less of your own funds.

Average Short-Term Rental Capitalization (Cap) Rates

One metric shows the market value of a property as a revenue-producing asset — average short-term rental capitalization (cap) rate. High cap rates indicate that properties are accessible in that market for reasonable prices. Low cap rates reflect more expensive properties. The cap rate is determined by dividing the Net Operating Income (NOI) by the price or market value. The percentage you receive is the property’s cap rate.

Local Attractions

Short-term rental apartments are desirable in areas where tourists are attracted by activities and entertainment sites. If a location has places that regularly produce exciting events, such as sports stadiums, universities or colleges, entertainment halls, and adventure parks, it can invite visitors from out of town on a regular basis. Outdoor scenic spots such as mountains, rivers, beaches, and state and national nature reserves can also bring in prospective renters.

Fix and Flip

When a real estate investor acquires a property under market worth, renovates it and makes it more attractive and pricier, and then sells it for a profit, they are known as a fix and flip investor. The keys to a profitable fix and flip are to pay less for the house than its full value and to accurately compute the cost to make it sellable.

Explore the housing market so that you know the actual After Repair Value (ARV). You always need to research how long it takes for properties to close, which is illustrated by the Days on Market (DOM) indicator. As a “house flipper”, you’ll want to put up for sale the fixed-up home without delay so you can eliminate upkeep spendings that will reduce your revenue.

Assist compelled real estate owners in locating your company by featuring your services in our catalogue of Unionville property cash buyers and top Unionville real estate investors.

Additionally, hunt for bird dogs for real estate investors in Unionville VA. Specialists in our catalogue specialize in securing distressed property investment opportunities while they are still under the radar.


Factors to Consider

Median Home Price

The region’s median housing value will help you locate a good city for flipping houses. When purchase prices are high, there might not be a consistent amount of fixer-upper houses in the market. You want lower-priced real estate for a lucrative fix and flip.

If area information shows a quick drop in real property market values, this can highlight the availability of possible short sale properties. You will be notified about these opportunities by joining with short sale processors in Unionville VA. Find out how this is done by studying our guide ⁠— How Hard Is It to Buy a Short Sale Home?.

Property Appreciation Rate

The changes in real property market worth in an area are crucial. Predictable upward movement in median prices articulates a robust investment market. Accelerated property value growth may reflect a market value bubble that is not sustainable. When you’re buying and liquidating quickly, an erratic market can harm your efforts.

Average Renovation Costs

You’ll want to research building expenses in any future investment community. The way that the local government processes your application will have an effect on your venture as well. If you are required to have a stamped set of plans, you will have to incorporate architect’s rates in your costs.

Population Growth

Population information will show you if there is steady need for housing that you can produce. When the number of citizens isn’t expanding, there is not going to be an adequate supply of purchasers for your fixed homes.

Median Population Age

The median population age is a contributing factor that you might not have included in your investment study. It should not be less or higher than the age of the usual worker. Individuals in the local workforce are the most stable home purchasers. Aging individuals are preparing to downsize, or relocate into senior-citizen or assisted living communities.

Unemployment Rate

You want to have a low unemployment rate in your target city. An unemployment rate that is less than the national median is what you are looking for. If it’s also lower than the state average, that is much better. Non-working individuals cannot acquire your real estate.

Income Rates

The residents’ wage figures show you if the local economy is scalable. Most buyers usually obtain financing to buy a house. Home purchasers’ eligibility to be provided a mortgage rests on the level of their wages. Median income will let you determine whether the regular homebuyer can afford the property you plan to list. You also prefer to see wages that are going up continually. Building spendings and home prices rise from time to time, and you need to know that your prospective purchasers’ wages will also improve.

Number of New Jobs Created

Understanding how many jobs are created per year in the city adds to your confidence in a community’s real estate market. Homes are more quickly liquidated in a market with a strong job environment. Competent trained employees taking into consideration purchasing a home and settling opt for migrating to cities where they won’t be jobless.

Hard Money Loan Rates

Real estate investors who work with renovated homes frequently utilize hard money loans rather than conventional loans. This allows investors to rapidly buy undervalued properties. Find real estate hard money lenders in Unionville VA and analyze their rates.

If you are inexperienced with this funding product, discover more by using our informative blog post — What Is Hard Money?.


As a real estate wholesaler, you enter a contract to buy a property that some other investors will be interested in. But you do not purchase the house: once you have the property under contract, you allow an investor to become the buyer for a fee. The seller sells the property to the investor not the wholesaler. The real estate wholesaler does not sell the property itself — they simply sell the purchase and sale agreement.

The wholesaling mode of investing includes the employment of a title insurance company that grasps wholesale deals and is knowledgeable about and engaged in double close transactions. Find Unionville title companies for real estate investors by using our list.

To learn how real estate wholesaling works, study our insightful guide What Is Wholesaling in Real Estate Investing?. As you select wholesaling, include your investment venture in our directory of the best investment property wholesalers in Unionville VA. This will let your future investor customers discover and call you.


Factors to Consider

Median Home Prices

Median home values are instrumental to discovering regions where homes are being sold in your real estate investors’ purchase price point. Since investors prefer properties that are available below market value, you will have to take note of lower median purchase prices as an implied tip on the possible supply of houses that you could acquire for below market worth.

Accelerated worsening in real estate market values may result in a number of properties with no equity that appeal to short sale investors. This investment strategy regularly carries multiple unique advantages. Nonetheless, there might be risks as well. Learn about this from our guide How Can You Wholesale a Short Sale Property?. Once you’re keen to begin wholesaling, hunt through Unionville top short sale attorneys as well as Unionville top-rated mortgage foreclosure lawyers lists to find the right advisor.

Property Appreciation Rate

Median home price dynamics are also vital. Real estate investors who want to sell their properties anytime soon, like long-term rental investors, want a market where real estate values are going up. Both long- and short-term real estate investors will avoid a location where residential market values are decreasing.

Population Growth

Population growth information is crucial for your intended contract purchasers. When they know the community is expanding, they will presume that more residential units are needed. This involves both leased and ‘for sale’ real estate. If a population is not growing, it does not need more housing and real estate investors will look somewhere else.

Median Population Age

A preferable residential real estate market for investors is active in all areas, especially renters, who become home purchasers, who transition into larger houses. A city with a large employment market has a steady source of renters and buyers. If the median population age corresponds with the age of working citizens, it signals a robust real estate market.

Income Rates

The median household and per capita income should be on the upswing in a promising housing market that investors prefer to participate in. Income improvement proves an area that can handle lease rate and real estate listing price surge. That will be important to the real estate investors you want to attract.

Unemployment Rate

Real estate investors whom you reach out to to take on your sale contracts will deem unemployment levels to be an essential bit of knowledge. Late lease payments and default rates are prevalent in locations with high unemployment. Long-term real estate investors will not buy a house in a community like that. Renters can’t transition up to property ownership and existing owners cannot liquidate their property and shift up to a larger residence. This is a problem for short-term investors buying wholesalers’ contracts to renovate and flip a house.

Number of New Jobs Created

Learning how soon new job openings appear in the community can help you determine if the home is situated in a dynamic housing market. More jobs generated result in more workers who look for properties to rent and purchase. Long-term investors, such as landlords, and short-term investors such as flippers, are drawn to communities with consistent job production rates.

Average Renovation Costs

An indispensable factor for your client investors, especially house flippers, are rehabilitation expenses in the market. Short-term investors, like home flippers, will not earn anything when the price and the repair costs amount to a higher amount than the After Repair Value (ARV) of the house. Seek lower average renovation costs.

Mortgage Note Investing

This strategy means buying debt (mortgage note) from a mortgage holder for less than the balance owed. By doing so, you become the lender to the initial lender’s debtor.

Loans that are being repaid on time are referred to as performing notes. Performing loans are a steady provider of passive income. Note investors also purchase non-performing mortgages that the investors either re-negotiate to assist the client or foreclose on to get the collateral less than actual value.

Eventually, you might accrue a selection of mortgage note investments and not have the time to service the portfolio without assistance. In this event, you may want to employ one of mortgage loan servicers in Unionville VA that will essentially convert your investment into passive income.

If you determine to pursue this method, add your business to our list of companies that buy mortgage notes in Unionville VA. Joining will make your business more visible to lenders offering lucrative opportunities to note investors like you.


Factors to Consider

Foreclosure Rates

Mortgage note investors hunting for stable-performing loans to buy will prefer to see low foreclosure rates in the market. If the foreclosure rates are high, the location could nonetheless be desirable for non-performing note buyers. The neighborhood should be robust enough so that investors can complete foreclosure and resell collateral properties if called for.

Foreclosure Laws

Note investors should understand the state’s regulations regarding foreclosure before pursuing this strategy. Are you dealing with a Deed of Trust or a mortgage? A mortgage dictates that you go to court for approval to foreclose. A Deed of Trust authorizes the lender to file a notice and start foreclosure.

Mortgage Interest Rates

The interest rate is indicated in the mortgage loan notes that are purchased by note buyers. That interest rate will undoubtedly affect your returns. Interest rates impact the strategy of both sorts of note investors.

Traditional interest rates can be different by up to a quarter of a percent throughout the US. Private loan rates can be slightly higher than traditional mortgage rates considering the greater risk accepted by private mortgage lenders.

A mortgage note investor should be aware of the private as well as traditional mortgage loan rates in their regions at any given time.


When note buyers are determining where to invest, they’ll look closely at the demographic data from potential markets. It’s important to find out whether an adequate number of people in the city will continue to have reliable employment and incomes in the future.
A youthful growing area with a vibrant employment base can generate a stable income stream for long-term note buyers hunting for performing mortgage notes.

Mortgage note investors who acquire non-performing notes can also make use of strong markets. When foreclosure is required, the foreclosed property is more easily liquidated in a growing market.

Property Values

As a note investor, you should look for deals having a comfortable amount of equity. This improves the possibility that a possible foreclosure liquidation will make the lender whole. Rising property values help increase the equity in the home as the borrower reduces the balance.

Property Taxes

Payments for real estate taxes are usually paid to the lender simultaneously with the loan payment. The lender passes on the payments to the Government to make certain they are paid without delay. If mortgage loan payments aren’t being made, the mortgage lender will have to choose between paying the taxes themselves, or the taxes become past due. Property tax liens go ahead of any other liens.

If property taxes keep rising, the customer’s house payments also keep going up. Borrowers who are having trouble making their loan payments might drop farther behind and eventually default.

Real Estate Market Strength

A location with growing property values has good opportunities for any mortgage note investor. They can be confident that, when necessary, a foreclosed property can be unloaded at a price that makes a profit.

Mortgage note investors additionally have a chance to originate mortgage loans directly to homebuyers in sound real estate regions. This is a desirable stream of income for successful investors.

Passive Real Estate Investing Strategies


In real estate, a syndication is a company of investors who combine their money and experience to purchase real estate assets for investment. One partner structures the deal and invites the others to participate.

The partner who develops the Syndication is called the Sponsor or the Syndicator. The Syndicator arranges all real estate details i.e. acquiring or developing assets and supervising their use. This individual also handles the business details of the Syndication, including investors’ dividends.

Syndication members are passive investors. They are offered a preferred percentage of the net income after the procurement or development completion. These investors have no duties concerned with supervising the syndication or running the use of the assets.


Factors to Consider

Real Estate Market

Your selection of the real estate community to look for syndications will depend on the plan you want the possible syndication venture to follow. For help with discovering the critical factors for the plan you want a syndication to be based on, look at the earlier guidance for active investment approaches.


As a passive investor entrusting the Syndicator with your cash, you need to consider the Sponsor’s reliability. Search for someone having a history of successful projects.

They might not invest own funds in the deal. You might want that your Syndicator does have funds invested. The Sponsor is supplying their time and expertise to make the investment work. Some deals have the Sponsor being given an upfront payment plus ownership participation in the project.

Ownership Interest

All partners hold an ownership percentage in the company. Everyone who injects capital into the company should expect to own more of the company than members who do not.

Investors are typically allotted a preferred return of net revenues to motivate them to invest. The percentage of the capital invested (preferred return) is paid to the investors from the cash flow, if any. After the preferred return is paid, the rest of the profits are disbursed to all the partners.

When assets are liquidated, profits, if any, are issued to the partners. Combining this to the operating income from an investment property greatly enhances your results. The partnership’s operating agreement explains the ownership structure and how partners are treated financially.


A trust investing in income-generating properties and that sells shares to others is a REIT — Real Estate Investment Trust. REITs are developed to empower ordinary investors to invest in real estate. The everyday investor has the funds to invest in a REIT.

Shareholders’ investment in a REIT falls under passive investment. REITs oversee investors’ exposure with a diversified group of real estate. Shares in a REIT may be liquidated when it’s desirable for the investor. Shareholders in a REIT aren’t able to advise or pick real estate properties for investment. The properties that the REIT selects to buy are the assets in which you invest.

Real Estate Investment Funds

Real estate investment funds are in essence mutual funds that focus on real estate companies, including REITs. The investment real estate properties aren’t held by the fund — they are possessed by the businesses in which the fund invests. These funds make it easier for additional people to invest in real estate. Where REITs are meant to distribute dividends to its shareholders, funds do not. As with any stock, investment funds’ values increase and fall with their share market value.

You can select a fund that specializes in a particular category of real estate firm, like multifamily, but you can’t propose the fund’s investment real estate properties or locations. As passive investors, fund participants are happy to allow the administration of the fund handle all investment selections.


Unionville Housing 2024

In Unionville, the median home value is , while the median in the state is , and the US median value is .

The average home appreciation percentage in Unionville for the past ten years is per annum. The entire state’s average in the course of the previous decade has been . Across the nation, the per-year value growth percentage has averaged .

In the rental market, the median gross rent in Unionville is . The same indicator across the state is , with a national gross median of .

The rate of home ownership is at in Unionville. The rate of the total state’s citizens that are homeowners is , in comparison with across the United States.

The rental property occupancy rate in Unionville is . The rental occupancy rate for the state is . In the entire country, the rate of renter-occupied units is .

The occupancy rate for residential units of all sorts in Unionville is , with an equivalent unoccupied rate of .

Housing Quick Stats
Home Appreciation Rate(2010-2020)
Median Home Value
Median Gross Rent
Price To Rent Ratio
Home Ownership Rate
Tenant Occupied Rate
Average Property Tax Rate

Unionville Home Ownership

Unionville Rent & Ownership

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Unionville Rent Vs Owner Occupied By Household Type

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Unionville Occupied & Vacant Number Of Homes And Apartments

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Unionville Household Type

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Unionville Property Types

Unionville Age Of Homes

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Unionville Types Of Homes

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Unionville Homes Size

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Unionville Investment Property Marketplace

If you are looking to invest in Unionville real estate, our Investment Property Marketplace can become your indispensable tool in your investing business. To help you easily find the best off-market deals in the Unionville area, we created a nationwide investor-friendly online platform. Use it to shop for lucrative off-market properties for sale according to your specific buying criteria.

Unlike other real estate listing websites, our marketplace’s interface is particularly designed for investors. Besides the purchase price, you can see other, essential to investors, key indicators such as: rehab costs and ARV, potential profit, FSBO, or realtor-assisted deal, and others. To get started, visit our marketplace and search for Unionville investment properties for sale.

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Unionville Real Estate Investing Financing

If you are looking for a loan to finance investment property purchase, rehab or ground up construction in Unionville VA, easily get quotes from multiple lenders at once and compare rates.

Fill out our quick online real estate financing application form to receive multiple quotes for your preferred type of loan from our preferred Unionville private and hard money lenders.

Unionville Investment Property Loan Types

Check out some of the most popular real estate loans provided by top local lenders in Unionville, VA
  • Rehab Loans
  • Fix and Flip Loans
  • Bridge Loans
  • Asset Based Loans
  • Cash Out/Refinance Loans
  • Transactional Funding
  • Transactional Hard Money Loans
  • Private Money Loans
  • New Construction Loans

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Receive multiple offers from best private and hard money lenders and get access to unlimited capital to fund any type of real estate investment property!


Unionville Population Over Time

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Unionville Population By Year

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Unionville Population By Age And Sex

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Unionville Economy 2024

Unionville has reported a median household income of . The state’s population has a median household income of , while the country’s median is .

The average income per capita in Unionville is , as opposed to the state level of . Per capita income in the United States stands at .

Salaries in Unionville average , next to throughout the state, and nationwide.

The unemployment rate is in Unionville, in the entire state, and in the US overall.

The economic description of Unionville incorporates an overall poverty rate of . The state poverty rate is , with the nationwide poverty rate at .

Economy Quick Stats
Unemployment Rate
Median Household Income
Per Capita Income
Overall Poverty Rate
Average Salary
Property Price To Income Ratio
Salary Change Rate (2010-2020)

Unionville Residents’ Income

Unionville Median Household Income

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Unionville Per Capita Income

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Unionville Income Distribution

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Unionville Poverty Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Unionville Property Price To Income Ratio Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Unionville Job Market

Unionville Employment Industries (Top 10)

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Unionville Unemployment Rate

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Unionville Employment Distribution By Age

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Unionville Average Salary Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Unionville Employment Rate Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Unionville Employed Population Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Unionville School Ratings

The school setup in Unionville is kindergarten to 12th grade, with primary schools, middle schools, and high schools.

The high school graduating rate in the Unionville schools is .

School Quick Stats
Elementary Schools
Middle Schools
High Schools
Private Schools
High School Graduates

Unionville School Ratings

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Unionville Neighborhoods