Ultimate Springfield Real Estate Investing Guide for 2024


Springfield Real Estate Investing Market Overview

The population growth rate in Springfield has had a yearly average of during the most recent decade. To compare, the yearly population growth for the total state averaged and the national average was .

The overall population growth rate for Springfield for the last ten-year term is , in comparison to for the entire state and for the United States.

Home market values in Springfield are shown by the current median home value of . The median home value at the state level is , and the U.S. median value is .

Housing values in Springfield have changed over the last ten years at an annual rate of . The average home value appreciation rate in that time throughout the whole state was annually. In the whole country, the yearly appreciation rate for homes averaged .

The gross median rent in Springfield is , with a statewide median of , and a US median of .

Springfield Real Estate Investing Highlights

Springfield Top Highlights

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau
Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Strategy Selection

When you’re scrutinizing a possible real estate investment market, your inquiry should be lead by your investment plan.

We are going to give you instructions on how to consider market statistics and demography statistics that will impact your unique type of investment. This will help you study the details provided within this web page, as required for your intended plan and the respective selection of information.

All real estate investors should consider the most basic market ingredients. Easy connection to the site and your intended neighborhood, public safety, reliable air transportation, etc. When you search deeper into a community’s information, you have to concentrate on the area indicators that are critical to your real estate investment requirements.

Real property investors who purchase vacation rental units want to spot attractions that draw their target renters to the area. Short-term property fix-and-flippers look for the average Days on Market (DOM) for home sales. If the Days on Market illustrates dormant home sales, that location will not win a prime assessment from real estate investors.

Landlord investors will look cautiously at the market’s employment numbers. The employment data, new jobs creation tempo, and diversity of employing companies will illustrate if they can expect a steady source of tenants in the market.

Beginners who can’t determine the most appropriate investment plan, can ponder using the knowledge of Springfield top property investment mentors. You’ll also accelerate your career by signing up for any of the best property investment clubs in Springfield OH and be there for investment property seminars and conferences in Springfield OH so you will glean ideas from numerous experts.

Now, we will look at real property investment approaches and the surest ways that real property investors can assess a proposed investment community.

Active Real Estate Investing Strategies

Buy and Hold

If an investor purchases a property with the idea of keeping it for a long time, that is a Buy and Hold plan. As a property is being retained, it is normally rented or leased, to maximize profit.

When the asset has appreciated, it can be sold at a later time if local real estate market conditions adjust or the investor’s approach calls for a reapportionment of the portfolio.

One of the best investor-friendly realtors in Springfield OH will provide you a comprehensive examination of the region’s residential market. Following are the details that you need to acknowledge most closely for your buy-and-hold venture strategy.


Factors to Consider

Property Appreciation Rate

Property appreciation rates are one of the initial elements that signal if the market has a strong, dependable real estate investment market. You must see a reliable annual increase in property prices. Long-term property appreciation is the basis of your investment plan. Dwindling growth rates will likely cause you to delete that site from your checklist altogether.

Population Growth

A location that doesn’t have strong population increases will not provide sufficient tenants or homebuyers to support your investment strategy. Unsteady population increase causes decreasing real property prices and lease rates. A declining location is unable to produce the improvements that could draw moving businesses and families to the site. You need to find growth in a community to think about investing there. Hunt for sites with secure population growth. Expanding markets are where you can encounter increasing property values and substantial rental rates.

Property Taxes

Property tax levies are an expense that you cannot bypass. Markets that have high property tax rates should be excluded. Local governments usually don’t push tax rates lower. A city that keeps raising taxes may not be the well-managed community that you’re looking for.

Some parcels of property have their market value mistakenly overestimated by the county municipality. If this circumstance occurs, a business on our directory of Springfield property tax dispute companies will appeal the circumstances to the county for reconsideration and a possible tax assessment markdown. Nonetheless, if the matters are complicated and dictate a lawsuit, you will require the assistance of the best Springfield real estate tax attorneys.

Price to rent ratio

Price to rent ratio (p/r) is determined by dividing the median property price by the annual median gross rent. A low p/r means that higher rents can be charged. You want a low p/r and higher rental rates that could repay your property more quickly. You do not want a p/r that is low enough it makes buying a house preferable to renting one. You may give up renters to the home purchase market that will cause you to have unoccupied rental properties. But generally, a lower p/r is preferred over a higher one.

Median Gross Rent

Median gross rent can tell you if a community has a durable lease market. Consistently growing gross median rents indicate the kind of reliable market that you need.

Median Population Age

Residents’ median age can indicate if the market has a reliable labor pool which signals more possible tenants. Search for a median age that is the same as the age of working adults. An aging populace can become a burden on municipal resources. A graying population will precipitate growth in property taxes.

Employment Industry Diversity

When you’re a Buy and Hold investor, you look for a diversified employment base. A reliable location for you features a different combination of business types in the community. When a sole industry category has issues, the majority of companies in the market must not be endangered. You don’t want all your renters to lose their jobs and your property to lose value because the sole major job source in the area closed its doors.

Unemployment Rate

When a market has an excessive rate of unemployment, there are too few renters and homebuyers in that community. Rental vacancies will grow, foreclosures might increase, and revenue and asset improvement can both suffer. Excessive unemployment has a ripple impact across a community causing declining transactions for other employers and decreasing salaries for many jobholders. Steep unemployment numbers can impact a region’s capability to attract new employers which affects the community’s long-term economic strength.

Income Levels

Population’s income statistics are examined by any ‘business to consumer’ (B2C) business to uncover their customers. Buy and Hold investors investigate the median household and per capita income for individual segments of the community as well as the community as a whole. When the income rates are growing over time, the location will presumably furnish reliable renters and accept higher rents and incremental raises.

Number of New Jobs Created

Knowing how frequently new employment opportunities are produced in the community can strengthen your assessment of the area. Job openings are a supply of potential renters. Additional jobs supply a stream of tenants to follow departing ones and to fill additional rental investment properties. New jobs make a location more enticing for settling and buying a residence there. Growing interest makes your investment property worth appreciate before you need to resell it.

School Ratings

School quality must also be seriously considered. Moving employers look closely at the quality of schools. Highly rated schools can draw additional households to the region and help keep existing ones. This can either grow or lessen the pool of your likely tenants and can change both the short- and long-term value of investment assets.

Natural Disasters

Since your strategy is contingent on your capability to sell the property when its value has improved, the real property’s cosmetic and architectural condition are crucial. For that reason you will have to bypass areas that often endure troublesome natural events. Nonetheless, you will always need to insure your investment against catastrophes typical for the majority of the states, such as earth tremors.

To prevent real property loss caused by tenants, search for help in the list of the best Springfield landlord insurance providers.

Long Term Rental (BRRRR)

BRRRR stands for “Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat”. This is a strategy to expand your investment portfolio not just acquire a single rental property. This strategy depends on your ability to extract money out when you refinance.

When you have finished renovating the house, its value has to be higher than your complete acquisition and rehab spendings. After that, you withdraw the equity you generated out of the investment property in a “cash-out” mortgage refinance. You purchase your next property with the cash-out amount and do it anew. You add improving investment assets to the portfolio and lease revenue to your cash flow.

When you’ve created a significant portfolio of income creating assets, you can prefer to allow someone else to handle all rental business while you collect mailbox net revenues. Locate one of real property management professionals in Springfield OH with a review of our exhaustive directory.


Factors to Consider

Population Growth

Population expansion or contraction tells you if you can count on reliable results from long-term property investments. A growing population usually signals active relocation which equals additional tenants. Employers consider it as promising area to move their business, and for workers to situate their households. Rising populations create a strong tenant mix that can keep up with rent raises and homebuyers who help keep your investment property prices high.

Property Taxes

Property taxes, similarly to insurance and upkeep spendings, may be different from place to place and must be looked at carefully when predicting potential profits. Investment property located in unreasonable property tax cities will provide less desirable profits. If property tax rates are unreasonable in a particular location, you will need to look somewhere else.

Price to Rent Ratio

The price to rent ratio (p/r) is a comparison of median property prices and median rental rates that will indicate how much rent the market can allow. How much you can demand in a community will limit the sum you are able to pay based on the number of years it will take to repay those funds. The lower rent you can collect the higher the price-to-rent ratio, with a low p/r illustrating a more profitable rent market.

Median Gross Rents

Median gross rents show whether a city’s rental market is dependable. You want to find a location with repeating median rent increases. Dropping rental rates are a red flag to long-term investor landlords.

Median Population Age

Median population age in a reliable long-term investment market must show the normal worker’s age. You will find this to be true in markets where workers are migrating. A high median age signals that the existing population is leaving the workplace with no replacement by younger workers moving in. A thriving economy can’t be sustained by retirees.

Employment Base Diversity

A varied employment base is something a wise long-term rental property investor will search for. If there are only one or two significant employers, and either of them moves or disappears, it can make you lose tenants and your property market rates to decline.

Unemployment Rate

It is a challenge to achieve a sound rental market when there is high unemployment. Non-working individuals can’t be customers of yours and of related businesses, which creates a ripple effect throughout the region. This can cause a high amount of layoffs or reduced work hours in the community. Even people who have jobs may find it hard to stay current with their rent.

Income Rates

Median household and per capita income stats tell you if enough qualified tenants dwell in that city. Increasing incomes also tell you that rental fees can be adjusted over the life of the investment property.

Number of New Jobs Created

The more jobs are continually being produced in a city, the more dependable your tenant source will be. The people who are hired for the new jobs will need a place to live. This ensures that you can retain an acceptable occupancy level and buy additional properties.

School Ratings

The rating of school districts has a powerful effect on property prices throughout the area. Employers that are considering relocating require good schools for their employees. Business relocation attracts more tenants. Recent arrivals who buy a house keep housing values strong. You will not find a vibrantly expanding housing market without good schools.

Property Appreciation Rates

Property appreciation rates are an important portion of your long-term investment approach. You need to know that the odds of your real estate raising in price in that neighborhood are good. Weak or shrinking property value in a region under examination is unacceptable.

Short Term Rentals

A short-term rental is a furnished unit where a renter stays for less than a month. Short-term rental landlords charge a higher rate per night than in long-term rental properties. Because of the increased number of tenants, short-term rentals need more frequent upkeep and sanitation.

Home sellers standing by to close on a new property, holidaymakers, and business travelers who are stopping over in the community for a few days prefer renting a residential unit short term. Anyone can turn their home into a short-term rental with the tools made available by online home-sharing sites like VRBO and AirBnB. This makes short-term rentals a convenient technique to endeavor residential property investing.

Short-term rental units involve engaging with renters more repeatedly than long-term rental units. This means that property owners face disputes more often. Give some thought to handling your exposure with the help of any of the good real estate lawyers in Springfield OH.


Factors to Consider

Short-Term Rental Income

First, determine the amount of rental income you need to achieve your estimated return. A glance at a region’s recent standard short-term rental rates will show you if that is a strong location for your project.

Median Property Prices

Carefully compute the budget that you are able to spend on additional investment assets. Search for cities where the purchase price you prefer correlates with the current median property prices. You can adjust your real estate hunt by analyzing median market worth in the community’s sub-markets.

Price Per Square Foot

Price per square foot may be confusing if you are looking at different units. A house with open foyers and vaulted ceilings can’t be compared with a traditional-style residential unit with bigger floor space. If you keep this in mind, the price per sq ft may give you a general estimation of local prices.

Short-Term Rental Occupancy Rate

A look at the area’s short-term rental occupancy rate will inform you if there is a need in the district for additional short-term rental properties. If almost all of the rentals have renters, that market needs additional rentals. If investors in the area are having problems renting their current units, you will have trouble filling yours.

Short-Term Rental Cash-on-Cash Return

To understand if you should invest your capital in a particular investment asset or community, look at the cash-on-cash return. Take your estimated Net Operating Income (NOI) and divide it by the cash amount you’re ready to invest. The result is shown as a percentage. When a project is lucrative enough to recoup the amount invested promptly, you’ll get a high percentage. Financed investments will have a higher cash-on-cash return because you are using less of your money.

Average Short-Term Rental Capitalization (Cap) Rates

Average short-term rental capitalization (cap) levels are largely used by real estate investors to estimate the worth of rental properties. High cap rates mean that properties are accessible in that market for reasonable prices. If cap rates are low, you can assume to pay more for investment properties in that community. You can obtain the cap rate for potential investment real estate by dividing the Net Operating Income (NOI) by the market worth or purchase price of the property. The answer is the yearly return in a percentage.

Local Attractions

Big festivals and entertainment attractions will attract visitors who want short-term rental units. People go to specific communities to attend academic and sporting events at colleges and universities, be entertained by competitions, cheer for their children as they compete in fun events, have fun at annual carnivals, and drop by adventure parks. Outdoor tourist sites such as mountainous areas, waterways, beaches, and state and national nature reserves will also bring in prospective tenants.

Fix and Flip

The fix and flip approach means buying a house that demands improvements or restoration, creating added value by upgrading the property, and then selling it for its full market value. The secrets to a profitable investment are to pay less for the property than its present market value and to carefully analyze the amount you need to spend to make it marketable.

You also have to understand the real estate market where the house is situated. You always need to analyze how long it takes for listings to sell, which is shown by the Days on Market (DOM) information. Selling the home fast will keep your costs low and maximize your revenue.

Help determined real property owners in finding your firm by featuring your services in our catalogue of Springfield cash property buyers and the best Springfield real estate investment companies.

Additionally, look for top real estate bird dogs in Springfield OH. Specialists on our list focus on securing little-known investments while they’re still under the radar.


Factors to Consider

Median Home Price

The area’s median home price will help you determine a suitable neighborhood for flipping houses. You’re seeking for median prices that are modest enough to show investment possibilities in the community. This is a basic ingredient of a fix and flip market.

When area data shows a sharp decrease in real property market values, this can highlight the availability of potential short sale houses. Investors who partner with short sale specialists in Springfield OH get continual notifications concerning possible investment properties. You will find more information about short sales in our article ⁠— How to Buy Short Sale Real Estate.

Property Appreciation Rate

Dynamics means the path that median home prices are treading. You need an area where home market values are regularly and continuously moving up. Home prices in the city need to be growing consistently, not abruptly. When you’re acquiring and liquidating fast, an uncertain environment can sabotage your venture.

Average Renovation Costs

Look thoroughly at the possible rehab costs so you’ll be aware whether you can reach your projections. Other costs, such as permits, could increase your budget, and time which may also develop into additional disbursement. You have to know whether you will need to use other professionals, like architects or engineers, so you can get prepared for those expenses.

Population Growth

Population statistics will tell you if there is an increasing need for real estate that you can supply. Flat or reducing population growth is an indicator of a feeble environment with not an adequate supply of purchasers to validate your risk.

Median Population Age

The median population age is a simple indication of the presence of potential home purchasers. If the median age is equal to the one of the regular worker, it’s a positive indication. Individuals in the regional workforce are the most reliable home purchasers. The needs of retired people will probably not be a part of your investment venture strategy.

Unemployment Rate

When you stumble upon a community demonstrating a low unemployment rate, it’s a strong evidence of good investment opportunities. It should definitely be lower than the national average. A really friendly investment region will have an unemployment rate less than the state’s average. In order to acquire your fixed up houses, your buyers need to have a job, and their clients as well.

Income Rates

Median household and per capita income amounts show you if you will get adequate buyers in that place for your houses. When home buyers acquire a property, they typically need to take a mortgage for the purchase. To obtain approval for a home loan, a home buyer shouldn’t spend for a house payment more than a certain percentage of their wage. The median income statistics show you if the region is appropriate for your investment endeavours. Specifically, income increase is vital if you want to scale your investment business. Building spendings and home prices go up from time to time, and you want to be certain that your prospective homebuyers’ salaries will also improve.

Number of New Jobs Created

The number of jobs appearing per annum is important data as you contemplate on investing in a target city. Residential units are more effortlessly liquidated in an area with a dynamic job market. Additional jobs also attract workers migrating to the location from other districts, which further strengthens the real estate market.

Hard Money Loan Rates

Fix-and-flip real estate investors often borrow hard money loans in place of typical financing. Hard money funds allow these investors to pull the trigger on hot investment opportunities immediately. Locate hard money companies in Springfield OH and compare their rates.

People who aren’t knowledgeable in regard to hard money lending can uncover what they should understand with our resource for newbies — What Is Private Money?.


Wholesaling is a real estate investment strategy that requires finding homes that are interesting to real estate investors and signing a sale and purchase agreement. A real estate investor then ”purchases” the purchase contract from you. The property under contract is sold to the real estate investor, not the wholesaler. You are selling the rights to buy the property, not the home itself.

Wholesaling relies on the involvement of a title insurance firm that’s comfortable with assignment of contracts and comprehends how to proceed with a double closing. Discover title companies that specialize in real estate property investments in Springfield OH that we selected for you.

Read more about this strategy from our extensive guide — Wholesale Real Estate Investing 101 for Beginners. While you go about your wholesaling business, insert your company in HouseCashin’s list of Springfield top wholesale real estate companies. That way your possible audience will know about your offering and contact you.


Factors to Consider

Median Home Prices

Median home values are instrumental to finding cities where homes are being sold in your investors’ purchase price point. A place that has a large pool of the below-market-value properties that your investors require will have a lower median home price.

A fast decrease in the price of property could generate the accelerated appearance of homes with more debt than value that are hunted by wholesalers. Short sale wholesalers often reap benefits from this strategy. However, there could be liabilities as well. Find out about this from our extensive explanation Can You Wholesale a Short Sale?. If you choose to give it a go, make certain you employ one of short sale law firms in Springfield OH and property foreclosure attorneys in Springfield OH to work with.

Property Appreciation Rate

Median home price dynamics are also critical. Investors who want to maintain investment assets will have to find that residential property purchase prices are regularly going up. Shrinking prices indicate an unequivocally weak leasing and housing market and will scare away real estate investors.

Population Growth

Population growth data is crucial for your potential purchase contract purchasers. When they realize the population is multiplying, they will presume that additional housing units are needed. This combines both leased and ‘for sale’ real estate. A city with a dropping population will not draw the real estate investors you need to buy your contracts.

Median Population Age

A strong housing market needs people who are initially renting, then transitioning into homebuyers, and then moving up in the housing market. A community that has a large workforce has a consistent pool of renters and buyers. A location with these characteristics will display a median population age that mirrors the employed resident’s age.

Income Rates

The median household and per capita income should be growing in a friendly residential market that real estate investors prefer to work in. Surges in lease and asking prices will be supported by rising salaries in the area. That will be vital to the investors you are trying to reach.

Unemployment Rate

Real estate investors will take into consideration the location’s unemployment rate. High unemployment rate causes a lot of tenants to delay rental payments or default completely. Long-term real estate investors will not buy real estate in a place like this. Investors can’t count on renters moving up into their homes when unemployment rates are high. This is a problem for short-term investors purchasing wholesalers’ agreements to renovate and resell a house.

Number of New Jobs Created

The frequency of jobs created every year is a crucial component of the housing structure. People settle in a region that has fresh job openings and they look for a place to reside. This is beneficial for both short-term and long-term real estate investors whom you depend on to buy your contracted properties.

Average Renovation Costs

Rehab costs have a major impact on a flipper’s profit. Short-term investors, like home flippers, won’t earn anything when the acquisition cost and the rehab costs equal to more than the After Repair Value (ARV) of the house. Below average restoration spendings make a location more profitable for your top buyers — rehabbers and long-term investors.

Mortgage Note Investing

Mortgage note investing means obtaining a loan (mortgage note) from a mortgage holder for less than the balance owed. The debtor makes remaining loan payments to the mortgage note investor who has become their new mortgage lender.

When a loan is being paid as agreed, it’s thought of as a performing loan. They give you long-term passive income. Non-performing mortgage notes can be restructured or you may acquire the property at a discount by completing a foreclosure procedure.

One day, you could grow a group of mortgage note investments and lack the ability to handle them alone. At that point, you may need to use our list of Springfield top loan servicing companies] and reclassify your notes as passive investments.

When you conclude that this model is ideal for you, include your firm in our list of Springfield top mortgage note buyers. Once you’ve done this, you will be discovered by the lenders who market lucrative investment notes for acquisition by investors such as you.


Factors to Consider

Foreclosure Rates

Low foreclosure rates are an indication that the region has opportunities for performing note investors. High rates could signal investment possibilities for non-performing loan note investors, however they should be careful. The neighborhood ought to be active enough so that mortgage note investors can foreclose and get rid of collateral properties if needed.

Foreclosure Laws

It’s imperative for note investors to study the foreclosure regulations in their state. They’ll know if their law dictates mortgage documents or Deeds of Trust. While using a mortgage, a court has to approve a foreclosure. You merely have to file a public notice and proceed with foreclosure process if you’re using a Deed of Trust.

Mortgage Interest Rates

Mortgage note investors inherit the interest rate of the loan notes that they obtain. Your investment return will be influenced by the interest rate. No matter which kind of note investor you are, the note’s interest rate will be significant for your estimates.

The mortgage loan rates quoted by traditional lending companies aren’t the same in every market. Private loan rates can be moderately higher than traditional loan rates due to the greater risk taken on by private lenders.

A note buyer needs to be aware of the private and conventional mortgage loan rates in their regions all the time.


A neighborhood’s demographics trends help mortgage note buyers to target their efforts and effectively distribute their assets. It is critical to find out whether a sufficient number of citizens in the region will continue to have good paying employment and wages in the future.
Performing note investors seek homebuyers who will pay on time, creating a consistent income stream of mortgage payments.

Non-performing mortgage note buyers are interested in comparable factors for other reasons. If these investors have to foreclose, they’ll have to have a thriving real estate market when they liquidate the REO property.

Property Values

As a mortgage note investor, you will search for deals with a comfortable amount of equity. This enhances the likelihood that a potential foreclosure liquidation will make the lender whole. Appreciating property values help improve the equity in the property as the homeowner reduces the balance.

Property Taxes

Most homeowners pay property taxes through lenders in monthly portions together with their loan payments. This way, the lender makes sure that the property taxes are submitted when due. The mortgage lender will need to compensate if the payments cease or they risk tax liens on the property. When property taxes are past due, the municipality’s lien leapfrogs all other liens to the head of the line and is paid first.

If property taxes keep growing, the homeowner’s loan payments also keep going up. Homeowners who are having a hard time affording their mortgage payments might drop farther behind and ultimately default.

Real Estate Market Strength

A vibrant real estate market with strong value growth is helpful for all kinds of mortgage note buyers. As foreclosure is an essential component of note investment strategy, growing real estate values are crucial to discovering a good investment market.

Strong markets often create opportunities for note buyers to make the first mortgage loan themselves. It’s an additional stage of a note investor’s career.

Passive Real Estate Investing Strategies


A syndication is a group of people who gather their money and experience to invest in real estate. The venture is arranged by one of the partners who shares the investment to the rest of the participants.

The partner who gathers the components together is the Sponsor, often called the Syndicator. The Syndicator takes care of all real estate details including acquiring or developing assets and managing their use. This partner also handles the business issues of the Syndication, including owners’ distributions.

The partners in a syndication invest passively. They are offered a certain part of the net revenues following the acquisition or development conclusion. But only the manager(s) of the syndicate can manage the operation of the partnership.


Factors to Consider

Real Estate Market

The investment plan that you like will dictate the region you pick to enter a Syndication. To know more about local market-related elements vital for various investment approaches, read the previous sections of our guide about the active real estate investment strategies.


Since passive Syndication investors depend on the Sponsor to handle everything, they should investigate the Sponsor’s reputation carefully. Search for someone with a history of profitable projects.

The Syndicator might or might not place their capital in the project. But you want them to have money in the project. Some partnerships determine that the work that the Sponsor performed to structure the venture as “sweat” equity. Depending on the details, a Sponsor’s payment might involve ownership and an initial fee.

Ownership Interest

The Syndication is fully owned by all the partners. If there are sweat equity members, look for participants who place funds to be rewarded with a larger amount of interest.

If you are putting cash into the venture, ask for preferential treatment when income is disbursed — this enhances your returns. The portion of the funds invested (preferred return) is distributed to the cash investors from the profits, if any. Profits in excess of that figure are disbursed among all the partners depending on the amount of their interest.

If the property is eventually liquidated, the partners get an agreed portion of any sale profits. Combining this to the ongoing cash flow from an investment property notably enhances a participant’s returns. The partnership’s operating agreement describes the ownership structure and the way owners are dealt with financially.


A REIT, or Real Estate Investment Trust, is a company that makes investments in income-generating properties. REITs were invented to empower ordinary investors to invest in properties. The typical investor can afford to invest in a REIT.

Shareholders’ participation in a REIT classifies as passive investment. Investment exposure is spread throughout a group of real estate. Participants have the option to unload their shares at any moment. One thing you cannot do with REIT shares is to determine the investment real estate properties. The properties that the REIT picks to buy are the assets in which you invest.

Real Estate Investment Funds

Real estate investment funds are basically mutual funds that specialize in real estate firms, such as REITs. The fund does not hold real estate — it owns shares in real estate businesses. This is another method for passive investors to allocate their investments with real estate without the high initial investment or liability. Where REITs have to distribute dividends to its shareholders, funds do not. The return to you is generated by changes in the worth of the stock.

You can select a real estate fund that specializes in a particular category of real estate firm, like residential, but you can’t suggest the fund’s investment assets or locations. Your decision as an investor is to choose a fund that you rely on to supervise your real estate investments.


Springfield Housing 2024

In Springfield, the median home market worth is , at the same time the median in the state is , and the US median value is .

The annual home value growth tempo has averaged over the past 10 years. In the state, the average annual market worth growth percentage within that term has been . Nationally, the yearly value increase percentage has averaged .

In the rental market, the median gross rent in Springfield is . The median gross rent level across the state is , and the United States’ median gross rent is .

The percentage of homeowners in Springfield is . The state homeownership percentage is presently of the population, while across the country, the percentage of homeownership is .

The percentage of residential real estate units that are resided in by tenants in Springfield is . The state’s stock of leased residences is occupied at a percentage of . Across the United States, the percentage of tenanted residential units is .

The percentage of occupied homes and apartments in Springfield is , and the percentage of unoccupied single-family and multi-family units is .

Housing Quick Stats
Home Appreciation Rate(2010-2020)
Median Home Value
Median Gross Rent
Price To Rent Ratio
Home Ownership Rate
Tenant Occupied Rate
Average Property Tax Rate

Springfield Home Ownership

Springfield Rent & Ownership

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Springfield Rent Vs Owner Occupied By Household Type

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Springfield Occupied & Vacant Number Of Homes And Apartments

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Springfield Household Type

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Springfield Property Types

Springfield Age Of Homes

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Springfield Types Of Homes

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Springfield Homes Size

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Springfield Investment Property Marketplace

If you are looking to invest in Springfield real estate, our Investment Property Marketplace can become your indispensable tool in your investing business. To help you easily find the best off-market deals in the Springfield area, we created a nationwide investor-friendly online platform. Use it to shop for lucrative off-market properties for sale according to your specific buying criteria.

Unlike other real estate listing websites, our marketplace’s interface is particularly designed for investors. Besides the purchase price, you can see other, essential to investors, key indicators such as: rehab costs and ARV, potential profit, FSBO, or realtor-assisted deal, and others. To get started, visit our marketplace and search for Springfield investment properties for sale.

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Springfield Real Estate Investing Financing

If you are looking for a loan to finance investment property purchase, rehab or ground up construction in Springfield OH, easily get quotes from multiple lenders at once and compare rates.

Fill out our quick online real estate financing application form to receive multiple quotes for your preferred type of loan from our preferred Springfield private and hard money lenders.

Springfield Investment Property Loan Types

Check out some of the most popular real estate loans provided by top local lenders in Springfield, OH
  • Rehab Loans
  • Fix and Flip Loans
  • Bridge Loans
  • Asset Based Loans
  • Cash Out/Refinance Loans
  • Transactional Funding
  • Transactional Hard Money Loans
  • Private Money Loans
  • New Construction Loans

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Springfield Population Over Time

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Springfield Population By Year

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Springfield Population By Age And Sex

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Springfield Economy 2024

The median household income in Springfield is . The state’s populace has a median household income of , while the nationwide median is .

The population of Springfield has a per person income of , while the per person level of income all over the state is . The population of the nation in its entirety has a per capita amount of income of .

Currently, the average salary in Springfield is , with a state average of , and the country’s average figure of .

In Springfield, the unemployment rate is , while the state’s rate of unemployment is , as opposed to the nationwide rate of .

Overall, the poverty rate in Springfield is . The state’s figures demonstrate a combined poverty rate of , and a similar survey of the country’s stats records the country’s rate at .

Economy Quick Stats
Unemployment Rate
Median Household Income
Per Capita Income
Overall Poverty Rate
Average Salary
Property Price To Income Ratio
Salary Change Rate (2010-2020)

Springfield Residents’ Income

Springfield Median Household Income

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Springfield Per Capita Income

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Springfield Income Distribution

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Springfield Poverty Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Springfield Property Price To Income Ratio Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Springfield Job Market

Springfield Employment Industries (Top 10)

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Springfield Unemployment Rate

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Springfield Employment Distribution By Age

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Springfield Average Salary Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Springfield Employment Rate Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Springfield Employed Population Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Springfield School Ratings

The schools in Springfield have a kindergarten to 12th grade setup, and are made up of primary schools, middle schools, and high schools.

of public school students in Springfield are high school graduates.

School Quick Stats
Elementary Schools
Middle Schools
High Schools
Private Schools
High School Graduates

Springfield School Ratings

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Springfield Neighborhoods