Ultimate Galveston Real Estate Investing Guide for 2024


Galveston Real Estate Investing Market Overview

The population growth rate in Galveston has had an annual average of during the last decade. By contrast, the average rate at the same time was for the full state, and nationwide.

Throughout the same 10-year term, the rate of growth for the total population in Galveston was , in contrast to for the state, and throughout the nation.

Looking at real property values in Galveston, the prevailing median home value in the city is . The median home value at the state level is , and the national indicator is .

Over the most recent 10 years, the yearly appreciation rate for homes in Galveston averaged . The average home value growth rate during that cycle throughout the state was annually. Nationally, the average yearly home value appreciation rate was .

If you estimate the residential rental market in Galveston you’ll see a gross median rent of , in comparison with the state median of , and the median gross rent in the whole country of .

Galveston Real Estate Investing Highlights

Galveston Top Highlights

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau
Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Strategy Selection

As you are researching a particular community for possible real estate investment projects, keep in mind the sort of real estate investment plan that you pursue.

The following are comprehensive guidelines on which data you need to analyze depending on your investing type. This will help you evaluate the statistics presented further on this web page, determined by your intended strategy and the relevant set of data.

All investors need to consider the most basic site elements. Available connection to the city and your selected submarket, crime rates, dependable air transportation, etc. When you look into the details of the site, you need to concentrate on the areas that are significant to your distinct real property investment.

If you want short-term vacation rentals, you will target cities with robust tourism. Fix and flip investors will look for the Days On Market data for properties for sale. They need to understand if they can contain their expenses by liquidating their renovated properties fast enough.

Rental property investors will look carefully at the market’s employment numbers. Real estate investors will review the city’s largest employers to see if it has a disparate assortment of employers for the investors’ tenants.

When you are undecided regarding a plan that you would like to follow, think about gaining knowledge from property investment mentors in Galveston TX. It will also help to join one of property investor clubs in Galveston TX and attend events for property investors in Galveston TX to look for advice from numerous local professionals.

Now, we will look at real estate investment plans and the most appropriate ways that investors can inspect a possible real property investment location.

Active Real Estate Investing Strategies

Buy and Hold

This investment strategy involves buying a property and retaining it for a significant period of time. As a property is being kept, it is typically rented or leased, to maximize returns.

At any time in the future, the investment property can be sold if cash is required for other purchases, or if the real estate market is really robust.

A leading professional who is graded high in the directory of Galveston realtors serving real estate investors will direct you through the details of your proposed property investment market. Here are the factors that you need to consider most thoroughly for your long term investment strategy.


Factors to Consider

Property Appreciation Rate

This parameter is vital to your investment site determination. You should identify a solid annual rise in property values. This will let you accomplish your number one target — selling the property for a larger price. Sluggish or falling investment property values will erase the main part of a Buy and Hold investor’s program.

Population Growth

A decreasing population signals that over time the total number of residents who can rent your property is decreasing. Unsteady population increase leads to declining property market value and rent levels. With fewer residents, tax receipts decline, impacting the condition of schools, infrastructure, and public safety. You need to bypass such places. Similar to property appreciation rates, you need to see dependable yearly population increases. Expanding cities are where you can locate increasing real property market values and substantial rental prices.

Property Taxes

Real estate tax payments will decrease your profits. Cities with high property tax rates will be bypassed. Municipalities most often don’t pull tax rates back down. Documented property tax rate growth in a location may often lead to poor performance in different economic indicators.

Occasionally a singular parcel of real property has a tax valuation that is too high. In this occurrence, one of the best property tax reduction consultants in Galveston TX can make the area’s authorities examine and potentially lower the tax rate. But, when the details are complex and involve litigation, you will require the assistance of the best Galveston property tax attorneys.

Price to rent ratio

Price to rent ratio (p/r) is found when you take the median property price and divide it by the yearly median gross rent. A market with low lease rates has a higher p/r. The higher rent you can collect, the faster you can repay your investment. Nonetheless, if p/r ratios are too low, rents can be higher than mortgage loan payments for comparable residential units. This can drive renters into buying their own home and increase rental unit unoccupied ratios. You are looking for communities with a reasonably low p/r, definitely not a high one.

Median Gross Rent

Median gross rent can reveal to you if a community has a stable lease market. The community’s recorded statistics should confirm a median gross rent that regularly increases.

Median Population Age

You can consider a city’s median population age to estimate the percentage of the population that could be tenants. If the median age approximates the age of the city’s workforce, you should have a good source of tenants. A high median age signals a populace that will be a cost to public services and that is not participating in the housing market. An older population can result in higher property taxes.

Employment Industry Diversity

If you’re a long-term investor, you cannot afford to jeopardize your asset in an area with only one or two primary employers. A variety of industries extended over multiple businesses is a robust employment base. This prevents the disruptions of one industry or business from hurting the entire rental housing business. If your tenants are stretched out across different companies, you minimize your vacancy exposure.

Unemployment Rate

A high unemployment rate signals that not many people have the money to lease or buy your property. Lease vacancies will multiply, bank foreclosures can go up, and income and investment asset appreciation can equally deteriorate. Steep unemployment has a ripple impact through a community causing decreasing business for other companies and lower incomes for many jobholders. A community with excessive unemployment rates faces unsteady tax income, not many people relocating, and a problematic financial outlook.

Income Levels

Residents’ income levels are investigated by every ‘business to consumer’ (B2C) company to find their customers. You can use median household and per capita income statistics to investigate particular portions of an area as well. Sufficient rent standards and periodic rent bumps will require a community where incomes are expanding.

Number of New Jobs Created

The number of new jobs opened per year enables you to estimate a community’s prospective economic picture. A reliable supply of renters needs a strong employment market. New jobs create a stream of tenants to replace departing tenants and to lease new lease investment properties. New jobs make an area more enticing for settling down and acquiring a home there. This feeds a vibrant real property market that will enhance your investment properties’ prices by the time you need to exit.

School Ratings

School quality is an important element. With no reputable schools, it is hard for the community to attract new employers. Strongly rated schools can attract relocating families to the area and help hold onto current ones. The reliability of the desire for homes will determine the outcome of your investment plans both long and short-term.

Natural Disasters

Considering that an effective investment plan hinges on eventually selling the real estate at a greater amount, the look and structural integrity of the structures are important. That’s why you will want to shun areas that frequently endure environmental events. Nevertheless, you will still have to insure your real estate against calamities typical for most of the states, including earth tremors.

Considering potential harm created by renters, have it insured by one of the best rental property insurance companies in Galveston TX.

Long Term Rental (BRRRR)

A long-term investment method that involves Buying a property, Renovating, Renting, Refinancing it, and Repeating the process by spending the capital from the refinance is called BRRRR. This is a way to increase your investment assets rather than buy one asset. It is a must that you be able to obtain a “cash-out” mortgage refinance for the strategy to be successful.

You enhance the worth of the property beyond the amount you spent purchasing and fixing it. The rental is refinanced using the ARV and the difference, or equity, comes to you in cash. This money is reinvested into another investment asset, and so on. You add appreciating assets to the balance sheet and rental income to your cash flow.

When your investment property portfolio is big enough, you may outsource its management and enjoy passive cash flow. Locate Galveston property management firms when you look through our directory of experts.


Factors to Consider

Population Growth

The growth or shrinking of the population can illustrate if that city is desirable to landlords. If the population increase in an area is high, then additional renters are likely moving into the area. Moving companies are attracted to growing regions providing reliable jobs to families who relocate there. This means stable renters, higher lease revenue, and more likely homebuyers when you want to unload the asset.

Property Taxes

Property taxes, regular upkeep spendings, and insurance directly impact your revenue. Investment assets located in excessive property tax communities will provide lower returns. If property taxes are unreasonable in a particular location, you probably need to search elsewhere.

Price to Rent Ratio

The price to rent ratio (p/r) is a signal of what amount of rent can be collected compared to the purchase price of the asset. If median property values are high and median rents are weak — a high p/r, it will take longer for an investment to pay for itself and attain good returns. You are trying to find a low p/r to be assured that you can price your rents high enough to reach acceptable returns.

Median Gross Rents

Median gross rents are an important sign of the strength of a rental market. Hunt for a continuous expansion in median rents over time. You will not be able to realize your investment targets in a city where median gross rental rates are being reduced.

Median Population Age

Median population age in a dependable long-term investment environment should show the normal worker’s age. If people are migrating into the region, the median age will have no challenge staying in the range of the labor force. A high median age means that the current population is leaving the workplace without being replaced by younger people migrating there. This isn’t advantageous for the forthcoming economy of that community.

Employment Base Diversity

A greater supply of enterprises in the region will expand your chances of better returns. When the locality’s workers, who are your tenants, are hired by a diverse group of companies, you will not lose all all tenants at once (and your property’s market worth), if a significant company in the location goes bankrupt.

Unemployment Rate

It is impossible to have a steady rental market when there are many unemployed residents in it. The unemployed won’t be able to purchase products or services. Those who still keep their workplaces may discover their hours and incomes decreased. Even renters who have jobs will find it a burden to keep up with their rent.

Income Rates

Median household and per capita income levels show you if a sufficient number of preferred tenants live in that region. Current salary information will show you if salary raises will enable you to mark up rental rates to hit your income projections.

Number of New Jobs Created

The more jobs are continuously being generated in an area, the more reliable your tenant supply will be. The people who take the new jobs will be looking for a place to live. This enables you to acquire additional lease properties and fill existing vacancies.

School Ratings

School quality in the area will have a large influence on the local housing market. Well-endorsed schools are a requirement of companies that are thinking about relocating. Business relocation provides more tenants. New arrivals who need a house keep property prices up. For long-term investing, be on the lookout for highly accredited schools in a potential investment location.

Property Appreciation Rates

The foundation of a long-term investment strategy is to keep the investment property. Investing in assets that you aim to maintain without being sure that they will improve in market worth is a blueprint for failure. Substandard or shrinking property worth in a community under review is not acceptable.

Short Term Rentals

Residential real estate where renters reside in furnished accommodations for less than four weeks are referred to as short-term rentals. The nightly rental prices are usually higher in short-term rentals than in long-term ones. Because of the increased number of occupants, short-term rentals involve additional recurring upkeep and cleaning.

Short-term rentals appeal to people on a business trip who are in town for a couple of days, people who are moving and want short-term housing, and vacationers. Any property owner can transform their home into a short-term rental with the services made available by online home-sharing sites like VRBO and AirBnB. Short-term rentals are viewed to be an effective approach to kick off investing in real estate.

Short-term rental properties require dealing with renters more repeatedly than long-term rental units. This leads to the landlord being required to frequently deal with protests. Ponder protecting yourself and your properties by adding any of investor friendly real estate attorneys in Galveston TX to your team of professionals.


Factors to Consider

Short-Term Rental Income

You have to find the range of rental revenue you’re looking for based on your investment plan. A glance at a region’s up-to-date standard short-term rental prices will tell you if that is a strong community for your plan.

Median Property Prices

Thoroughly calculate the budget that you want to spare for new real estate. Scout for markets where the purchase price you have to have corresponds with the present median property values. You can also use median values in targeted areas within the market to choose locations for investment.

Price Per Square Foot

Price per square foot can be affected even by the look and layout of residential properties. If you are looking at the same kinds of real estate, like condominiums or separate single-family homes, the price per square foot is more consistent. If you remember this, the price per square foot may provide you a general idea of property prices.

Short-Term Rental Occupancy Rate

A peek into the area’s short-term rental occupancy levels will tell you if there is demand in the district for more short-term rentals. A high occupancy rate indicates that a new supply of short-term rental space is wanted. Weak occupancy rates signify that there are already enough short-term rentals in that community.

Short-Term Rental Cash-on-Cash Return

To find out if you should put your funds in a specific rental unit or region, look at the cash-on-cash return. Take your expected Net Operating Income (NOI) and divide it by your investment cash budget. The result you get is a percentage. High cash-on-cash return means that you will get back your money quicker and the purchase will have a higher return. Mortgage-based purchases can yield higher cash-on-cash returns as you are using less of your own capital.

Average Short-Term Rental Capitalization (Cap) Rates

This benchmark compares property worth to its annual revenue. High cap rates indicate that properties are available in that location for reasonable prices. Low cap rates reflect higher-priced properties. The cap rate is determined by dividing the Net Operating Income (NOI) by the asking price or market value. This gives you a ratio that is the year-over-year return, or cap rate.

Local Attractions

Short-term rental units are desirable in places where visitors are attracted by events and entertainment spots. Tourists go to specific locations to watch academic and athletic activities at colleges and universities, see professional sports, cheer for their children as they participate in kiddie sports, have the time of their lives at yearly festivals, and stop by theme parks. Notable vacation attractions are located in mountain and coastal areas, alongside waterways, and national or state nature reserves.

Fix and Flip

When a property investor purchases a house for less than the market value, fixes it and makes it more attractive and pricier, and then resells it for a profit, they are referred to as a fix and flip investor. To be successful, the property rehabber has to pay less than the market value for the property and compute what it will take to repair the home.

It’s crucial for you to know how much properties are going for in the market. Find a city that has a low average Days On Market (DOM) metric. Liquidating the home immediately will keep your costs low and maximize your revenue.

Help compelled real property owners in discovering your company by placing your services in our catalogue of Galveston cash real estate buyers and Galveston property investment firms.

Also, team up with Galveston bird dogs for real estate investors. These specialists specialize in rapidly discovering promising investment prospects before they come on the marketplace.


Factors to Consider

Median Home Price

The location’s median housing value could help you determine a suitable community for flipping houses. When prices are high, there might not be a reliable source of run down residential units in the market. This is a primary element of a fix and flip market.

When you see a quick weakening in home market values, this could mean that there are possibly houses in the location that will work for a short sale. You will receive notifications about these opportunities by working with short sale negotiators in Galveston TX. Learn how this works by reading our guide ⁠— How Does Buying a Short Sale Home Work?.

Property Appreciation Rate

Are property values in the area going up, or moving down? You’re searching for a steady growth of the city’s housing prices. Unsteady price changes are not beneficial, even if it is a significant and unexpected surge. When you’re acquiring and liquidating swiftly, an unstable market can harm your venture.

Average Renovation Costs

Look thoroughly at the potential repair spendings so you will know if you can reach your projections. Other costs, such as clearances, can shoot up expenditure, and time which may also develop into additional disbursement. If you have to show a stamped set of plans, you will need to include architect’s fees in your budget.

Population Growth

Population growth is a strong gauge of the strength or weakness of the city’s housing market. Flat or declining population growth is a sign of a weak market with not enough buyers to validate your investment.

Median Population Age

The median population age is a factor that you might not have considered. If the median age is equal to that of the usual worker, it’s a good indication. Individuals in the regional workforce are the most steady real estate buyers. The goals of retired people will most likely not suit your investment project plans.

Unemployment Rate

When you run across a community demonstrating a low unemployment rate, it’s a solid evidence of likely investment prospects. The unemployment rate in a future investment market needs to be lower than the country’s average. When the community’s unemployment rate is lower than the state average, that is an indication of a desirable financial market. To be able to buy your fixed up homes, your prospective buyers are required to be employed, and their clients too.

Income Rates

The citizens’ income figures can tell you if the location’s financial environment is scalable. Most homebuyers have to obtain financing to purchase a house. Home purchasers’ ability to be approved for a loan rests on the size of their wages. You can figure out from the city’s median income if a good supply of people in the region can manage to purchase your houses. You also need to have salaries that are increasing over time. To stay even with inflation and rising building and supply expenses, you have to be able to periodically mark up your prices.

Number of New Jobs Created

Knowing how many jobs are generated yearly in the area can add to your assurance in an area’s real estate market. A higher number of citizens purchase homes when their region’s financial market is generating jobs. Additional jobs also lure employees relocating to the location from elsewhere, which further invigorates the real estate market.

Hard Money Loan Rates

Investors who work with renovated homes regularly employ hard money loans rather than regular loans. Hard money loans enable these purchasers to move forward on current investment opportunities right away. Locate top-rated hard money lenders in Galveston TX so you may match their charges.

Someone who needs to know about hard money loans can find what they are and the way to utilize them by reading our guide titled How Do Hard Money Lenders Work?.


In real estate wholesaling, you locate a residential property that real estate investors may consider a lucrative deal and sign a contract to purchase the property. When an investor who wants the property is spotted, the contract is assigned to them for a fee. The real buyer then completes the purchase. You’re selling the rights to the purchase contract, not the house itself.

This strategy requires utilizing a title firm that’s familiar with the wholesale contract assignment operation and is capable and willing to handle double close transactions. Discover title companies that specialize in real estate property investments in Galveston TX on our list.

To learn how wholesaling works, read our insightful guide Complete Guide to Real Estate Wholesaling as an Investment Strategy. As you opt for wholesaling, include your investment company on our list of the best investment property wholesalers in Galveston TX. That way your likely clientele will see you and contact you.


Factors to Consider

Median Home Prices

Median home values are essential to spotting regions where residential properties are selling in your real estate investors’ purchase price range. Low median purchase prices are a solid sign that there are enough homes that might be purchased for lower than market worth, which investors prefer to have.

A fast decrease in the market value of real estate could generate the abrupt availability of houses with owners owing more than market worth that are hunted by wholesalers. Wholesaling short sale homes frequently carries a collection of different perks. Nevertheless, it also produces a legal risk. Learn about this from our extensive explanation Can You Wholesale a Short Sale?. Once you’re keen to begin wholesaling, hunt through Galveston top short sale attorneys as well as Galveston top-rated foreclosure attorneys lists to locate the best advisor.

Property Appreciation Rate

Median home purchase price trends are also important. Some real estate investors, such as buy and hold and long-term rental landlords, particularly want to know that home values in the city are expanding steadily. Both long- and short-term real estate investors will stay away from a community where residential market values are going down.

Population Growth

Population growth information is an important indicator that your prospective investors will be familiar with. If the community is expanding, more housing is needed. There are many people who lease and additional clients who buy homes. When a population is not expanding, it doesn’t require additional housing and real estate investors will search in other areas.

Median Population Age

Real estate investors want to see a thriving property market where there is a sufficient source of tenants, newbie homebuyers, and upwardly mobile citizens moving to more expensive residences. In order for this to happen, there needs to be a dependable workforce of potential tenants and homeowners. A city with these attributes will display a median population age that corresponds with the wage-earning resident’s age.

Income Rates

The median household and per capita income display stable improvement continuously in cities that are desirable for investment. Income growth proves a location that can keep up with rental rate and home purchase price surge. That will be important to the real estate investors you want to work with.

Unemployment Rate

The community’s unemployment numbers are a crucial aspect for any potential contract purchaser. High unemployment rate triggers more tenants to pay rent late or default completely. Long-term investors will not purchase a house in a city like that. High unemployment builds uncertainty that will stop interested investors from buying a property. This can prove to be hard to find fix and flip investors to close your buying contracts.

Number of New Jobs Created

The number of fresh jobs being created in the local economy completes an investor’s analysis of a potential investment location. More jobs created result in a large number of employees who need places to lease and purchase. This is good for both short-term and long-term real estate investors whom you rely on to acquire your contracts.

Average Renovation Costs

Rehab costs have a big impact on a flipper’s profit. The price, plus the expenses for improvement, should total to lower than the After Repair Value (ARV) of the house to create profitability. Below average rehab expenses make a community more attractive for your top customers — rehabbers and long-term investors.

Mortgage Note Investing

This strategy means buying a loan (mortgage note) from a lender at a discount. The client makes future mortgage payments to the investor who has become their current mortgage lender.

When a loan is being repaid on time, it’s considered a performing note. Performing loans are a consistent generator of passive income. Non-performing notes can be re-negotiated or you could buy the collateral at a discount by initiating a foreclosure procedure.

At some point, you could grow a mortgage note portfolio and notice you are lacking time to handle it on your own. When this happens, you might pick from the best home loan servicers in Galveston TX which will designate you as a passive investor.

If you decide to try this investment strategy, you ought to place your project in our list of the best real estate note buying companies in Galveston TX. Being on our list puts you in front of lenders who make lucrative investment possibilities available to note investors such as you.


Factors to Consider

Foreclosure Rates

Performing note buyers try to find markets that have low foreclosure rates. Non-performing mortgage note investors can carefully take advantage of cities with high foreclosure rates too. However, foreclosure rates that are high sometimes signal an anemic real estate market where unloading a foreclosed home might be a problem.

Foreclosure Laws

Successful mortgage note investors are fully well-versed in their state’s regulations regarding foreclosure. They’ll know if their law dictates mortgages or Deeds of Trust. Lenders may have to obtain the court’s okay to foreclose on a house. A Deed of Trust enables you to file a notice and continue to foreclosure.

Mortgage Interest Rates

The interest rate is memorialized in the mortgage notes that are bought by mortgage note investors. That rate will significantly influence your profitability. Interest rates impact the strategy of both kinds of note investors.

Conventional interest rates can vary by as much as a quarter of a percent across the country. Mortgage loans supplied by private lenders are priced differently and may be more expensive than traditional mortgage loans.

Successful investors routinely check the mortgage interest rates in their region set by private and traditional lenders.


A neighborhood’s demographics trends allow mortgage note buyers to streamline their efforts and effectively distribute their resources. The area’s population increase, unemployment rate, employment market increase, pay levels, and even its median age contain important facts for mortgage note investors.
Note investors who like performing notes select regions where a high percentage of younger people maintain higher-income jobs.

Note investors who look for non-performing mortgage notes can also make use of growing markets. If non-performing note investors need to foreclose, they will need a strong real estate market to sell the REO property.

Property Values

As a note investor, you must search for deals having a comfortable amount of equity. This increases the likelihood that a possible foreclosure sale will make the lender whole. The combined effect of mortgage loan payments that lessen the mortgage loan balance and yearly property market worth growth raises home equity.

Property Taxes

Payments for real estate taxes are usually sent to the lender simultaneously with the loan payment. When the property taxes are payable, there needs to be sufficient payments in escrow to pay them. If the borrower stops performing, unless the note holder takes care of the property taxes, they won’t be paid on time. If a tax lien is put in place, it takes a primary position over the your note.

If property taxes keep rising, the homebuyer’s loan payments also keep increasing. Homeowners who have trouble affording their mortgage payments may drop farther behind and ultimately default.

Real Estate Market Strength

A stable real estate market with consistent value increase is helpful for all categories of note investors. It is crucial to know that if you need to foreclose on a property, you will not have trouble getting an acceptable price for it.

Mortgage note investors additionally have an opportunity to make mortgage loans directly to borrowers in reliable real estate areas. It is an added phase of a note investor’s career.

Passive Real Estate Investing Strategies


In real estate, a syndication is a company of investors who gather their funds and talents to acquire real estate properties for investment. The business is arranged by one of the members who shares the investment to the rest of the participants.

The individual who puts everything together is the Sponsor, often called the Syndicator. The sponsor is in charge of completing the purchase or construction and developing revenue. The Sponsor manages all company issues including the distribution of income.

The other owners in a syndication invest passively. The partnership promises to pay them a preferred return once the business is showing a profit. These investors don’t reserve the authority (and therefore have no responsibility) for rendering transaction-related or asset management choices.


Factors to Consider

Real Estate Market

Picking the type of region you want for a lucrative syndication investment will require you to choose the preferred strategy the syndication venture will be operated by. To understand more concerning local market-related indicators significant for typical investment strategies, read the earlier sections of our webpage concerning the active real estate investment strategies.


As a passive investor entrusting the Syndicator with your funds, you ought to consider their reputation. Search for someone having a record of successful ventures.

The sponsor may not invest any capital in the project. Certain members exclusively prefer ventures where the Syndicator additionally invests. The Sponsor is investing their availability and experience to make the syndication work. Some deals have the Sponsor being given an initial payment as well as ownership participation in the partnership.

Ownership Interest

Each partner has a piece of the company. Everyone who injects capital into the company should expect to own a larger share of the company than owners who don’t.

As a capital investor, you should additionally intend to get a preferred return on your investment before profits are split. The portion of the cash invested (preferred return) is disbursed to the investors from the cash flow, if any. All the members are then paid the remaining profits calculated by their portion of ownership.

If the asset is eventually liquidated, the participants get a negotiated percentage of any sale proceeds. In a vibrant real estate market, this can add a significant increase to your investment returns. The operating agreement is cautiously worded by an attorney to describe everyone’s rights and obligations.


A trust making profit of income-generating real estate properties and that sells shares to people is a REIT — Real Estate Investment Trust. REITs are developed to enable everyday investors to buy into properties. Shares in REITs are affordable for most people.

Shareholders’ investment in a REIT classifies as passive investing. Investment liability is spread throughout a portfolio of properties. Investors are able to unload their REIT shares whenever they need. Participants in a REIT aren’t able to advise or select real estate properties for investment. The assets that the REIT picks to purchase are the assets your funds are used to buy.

Real Estate Investment Funds

A Real Estate Investment Fund is a mutual fund that owns stocks of real estate businesses. The fund doesn’t hold real estate — it owns shares in real estate businesses. Investment funds can be a cost-effective method to include real estate properties in your allocation of assets without unnecessary exposure. Fund participants might not receive regular distributions like REIT shareholders do. The worth of a fund to someone is the expected growth of the value of its shares.

You can pick a fund that specializes in a targeted kind of real estate you’re expert in, but you don’t get to determine the location of every real estate investment. Your choice as an investor is to pick a fund that you rely on to oversee your real estate investments.


Galveston Housing 2024

The median home value in Galveston is , compared to the entire state median of and the US median market worth that is .

The average home market worth growth percentage in Galveston for the past ten years is annually. Throughout the state, the average annual appreciation rate over that term has been . During the same cycle, the national year-to-year residential property value appreciation rate is .

Considering the rental housing market, Galveston has a median gross rent of . The entire state’s median is , and the median gross rent throughout the US is .

The percentage of people owning their home in Galveston is . The entire state homeownership rate is presently of the population, while across the US, the rate of homeownership is .

The rental residence occupancy rate in Galveston is . The entire state’s supply of leased housing is occupied at a rate of . Across the United States, the percentage of renter-occupied residential units is .

The occupied percentage for residential units of all sorts in Galveston is , with an equivalent unoccupied rate of .

Housing Quick Stats
Home Appreciation Rate(2010-2020)
Median Home Value
Median Gross Rent
Price To Rent Ratio
Home Ownership Rate
Tenant Occupied Rate
Average Property Tax Rate

Galveston Home Ownership

Galveston Rent & Ownership

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Galveston Rent Vs Owner Occupied By Household Type

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Galveston Occupied & Vacant Number Of Homes And Apartments

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Galveston Household Type

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Galveston Property Types

Galveston Age Of Homes

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Galveston Types Of Homes

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Galveston Homes Size

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Galveston Investment Property Marketplace

If you are looking to invest in Galveston real estate, our Investment Property Marketplace can become your indispensable tool in your investing business. To help you easily find the best off-market deals in the Galveston area, we created a nationwide investor-friendly online platform. Use it to shop for lucrative off-market properties for sale according to your specific buying criteria.

Unlike other real estate listing websites, our marketplace’s interface is particularly designed for investors. Besides the purchase price, you can see other, essential to investors, key indicators such as: rehab costs and ARV, potential profit, FSBO, or realtor-assisted deal, and others. To get started, visit our marketplace and search for Galveston investment properties for sale.

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Galveston Real Estate Investing Financing

If you are looking for a loan to finance investment property purchase, rehab or ground up construction in Galveston TX, easily get quotes from multiple lenders at once and compare rates.

Fill out our quick online real estate financing application form to receive multiple quotes for your preferred type of loan from our preferred Galveston private and hard money lenders.

Galveston Investment Property Loan Types

Check out some of the most popular real estate loans provided by top local lenders in Galveston, TX
  • Rehab Loans
  • Fix and Flip Loans
  • Bridge Loans
  • Asset Based Loans
  • Cash Out/Refinance Loans
  • Transactional Funding
  • Transactional Hard Money Loans
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Galveston Population Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Galveston Population By Year

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Galveston Population By Age And Sex

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Galveston Economy 2024

The median household income in Galveston is . The state’s population has a median household income of , while the nation’s median is .

The average income per capita in Galveston is , compared to the state level of . The populace of the US in general has a per capita amount of income of .

Currently, the average salary in Galveston is , with a state average of , and the nationwide average number of .

The unemployment rate is in Galveston, in the entire state, and in the United States in general.

All in all, the poverty rate in Galveston is . The state’s records disclose a combined poverty rate of , and a comparable review of national figures puts the nation’s rate at .

Economy Quick Stats
Unemployment Rate
Median Household Income
Per Capita Income
Overall Poverty Rate
Average Salary
Property Price To Income Ratio
Salary Change Rate (2010-2020)

Galveston Residents’ Income

Galveston Median Household Income

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Galveston Per Capita Income

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Galveston Income Distribution

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Galveston Poverty Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Galveston Property Price To Income Ratio Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Galveston Job Market

Galveston Employment Industries (Top 10)

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Galveston Unemployment Rate

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Galveston Employment Distribution By Age

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Galveston Average Salary Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Galveston Employment Rate Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Galveston Employed Population Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Galveston School Ratings

The schools in Galveston have a kindergarten to 12th grade setup, and are composed of primary schools, middle schools, and high schools.

The high school graduating rate in the Galveston schools is .

School Quick Stats
Elementary Schools
Middle Schools
High Schools
Private Schools
High School Graduates

Galveston School Ratings

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Galveston Neighborhoods