Ultimate Cumberland County Real Estate Investing Guide for 2024


Cumberland County Real Estate Investing Market Overview

For the decade, the annual increase of the population in Cumberland County has averaged . In contrast, the annual rate for the entire state averaged and the national average was .

The entire population growth rate for Cumberland County for the most recent 10-year period is , in contrast to for the whole state and for the country.

Reviewing property values in Cumberland County, the current median home value in the market is . In comparison, the median market value in the United States is , and the median price for the whole state is .

The appreciation tempo for houses in Cumberland County through the last ten-year period was annually. The yearly appreciation rate in the state averaged . Throughout the country, property prices changed annually at an average rate of .

For tenants in Cumberland County, median gross rents are , in comparison to at the state level, and for the United States as a whole.

Cumberland County Real Estate Investing Highlights

Cumberland County Top Highlights

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau
Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Strategy Selection

So that you can determine whether or not a community is desirable for investing, first it’s necessary to establish the real estate investment strategy you are prepared to follow.

The following are precise instructions explaining what factors to study for each strategy. This will enable you to evaluate the statistics presented within this web page, determined by your intended plan and the respective set of factors.

Basic market indicators will be critical for all types of real estate investment. Public safety, principal interstate access, regional airport, etc. When you search further into a city’s data, you need to examine the community indicators that are meaningful to your investment needs.

Special occasions and amenities that appeal to tourists will be important to short-term landlords. Short-term house flippers zero in on the average Days on Market (DOM) for residential property sales. If the DOM reveals stagnant home sales, that community will not win a superior rating from them.

The employment rate must be one of the initial metrics that a long-term landlord will have to look for. Investors will investigate the area’s largest employers to find out if there is a diversified group of employers for the landlords’ tenants.

When you can’t make up your mind on an investment roadmap to utilize, consider utilizing the insight of the best real estate investor mentors in Cumberland County VA. It will also help to align with one of property investor groups in Cumberland County VA and attend events for property investors in Cumberland County VA to get experience from multiple local experts.

Now, let’s look at real estate investment strategies and the best ways that they can appraise a proposed real estate investment location.

Active Real Estate Investment Strategies

Buy and Hold

This investment plan involves purchasing a building or land and keeping it for a long period of time. Throughout that time the property is used to generate mailbox cash flow which multiplies the owner’s revenue.

At a later time, when the market value of the asset has grown, the real estate investor has the advantage of liquidating the asset if that is to their benefit.

A leading professional who stands high on the list of Cumberland County real estate agents serving investors will take you through the details of your preferred property investment area. We will go over the factors that ought to be examined carefully for a desirable long-term investment plan.


Factors to Consider

Property Appreciation Rate

This is a crucial gauge of how solid and prosperous a property market is. You’re seeking steady increases each year. Actual information showing recurring increasing property market values will give you assurance in your investment return pro forma budget. Markets that don’t have increasing real estate values won’t satisfy a long-term real estate investment profile.

Population Growth

A declining population indicates that over time the number of residents who can lease your investment property is decreasing. Sluggish population expansion causes shrinking real property market value and rental rates. A shrinking site isn’t able to make the enhancements that can attract moving employers and employees to the site. A location with low or weakening population growth rates must not be considered. The population increase that you’re searching for is reliable year after year. This strengthens higher real estate values and lease rates.

Property Taxes

Real estate taxes are an expense that you aren’t able to bypass. You are looking for a site where that expense is reasonable. Steadily expanding tax rates will typically keep increasing. A municipality that often increases taxes may not be the effectively managed city that you are searching for.

It happens, however, that a particular property is erroneously overestimated by the county tax assessors. In this instance, one of the best property tax consulting firms in Cumberland County VA can demand that the area’s government analyze and perhaps lower the tax rate. But detailed cases requiring litigation need the knowledge of Cumberland County property tax lawyers.

Price to rent ratio

Price to rent ratio (p/r) is determined by dividing the median property price by the yearly median gross rent. A town with low rental prices will have a higher p/r. This will enable your asset to pay back its cost in a reasonable timeframe. Watch out for a really low p/r, which could make it more expensive to rent a property than to buy one. If renters are turned into purchasers, you can get stuck with unused rental units. However, lower p/r indicators are usually more desirable than high ratios.

Median Gross Rent

Median gross rent is a valid gauge of the stability of a city’s lease market. You want to discover a steady gain in the median gross rent over a period of time.

Median Population Age

Residents’ median age will reveal if the community has a strong labor pool which indicates more available tenants. Look for a median age that is approximately the same as the age of the workforce. An aged population can be a drain on municipal resources. Larger tax bills might be necessary for communities with an aging population.

Employment Industry Diversity

When you are a long-term investor, you cannot accept to risk your investment in a market with only a few major employers. Diversity in the total number and types of industries is preferred. This keeps a downtrend or disruption in business for a single industry from hurting other business categories in the community. When most of your tenants have the same company your rental revenue is built on, you’re in a shaky position.

Unemployment Rate

When a community has a severe rate of unemployment, there are too few renters and homebuyers in that community. Current tenants might experience a tough time paying rent and new ones might not be much more reliable. The unemployed lose their buying power which hurts other companies and their workers. Steep unemployment rates can destabilize an area’s capability to attract new businesses which hurts the area’s long-range financial picture.

Income Levels

Income levels are a key to areas where your possible tenants live. You can employ median household and per capita income data to analyze particular pieces of a community as well. When the income rates are increasing over time, the community will presumably maintain steady renters and accept increasing rents and progressive increases.

Number of New Jobs Created

The number of new jobs opened per year helps you to forecast an area’s forthcoming economic picture. A stable supply of renters requires a strong job market. The addition of more jobs to the workplace will enable you to retain high tenancy rates even while adding investment properties to your investment portfolio. An expanding job market bolsters the dynamic re-settling of home purchasers. This fuels a strong real estate market that will enhance your investment properties’ worth by the time you need to liquidate.

School Ratings

School quality is an important component. Without reputable schools, it’s challenging for the area to appeal to additional employers. Strongly evaluated schools can attract new households to the community and help retain current ones. This may either increase or lessen the pool of your possible tenants and can impact both the short-term and long-term worth of investment assets.

Natural Disasters

With the primary plan of unloading your real estate subsequent to its value increase, its material status is of uppermost priority. That’s why you will need to exclude places that frequently have environmental events. Nonetheless, the real estate will need to have an insurance policy placed on it that compensates for catastrophes that could occur, such as earth tremors.

As for potential harm created by tenants, have it insured by one of the best rated landlord insurance companies in Cumberland County VA.

Long Term Rental (BRRRR)

BRRRR means “Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat”. When you want to grow your investments, the BRRRR is a proven strategy to follow. This strategy rests on your ability to extract cash out when you refinance.

When you are done with repairing the rental, the value should be more than your combined acquisition and fix-up expenses. Then you receive a cash-out refinance loan that is calculated on the superior property worth, and you pocket the balance. You acquire your next rental with the cash-out amount and start all over again. This strategy enables you to steadily add to your assets and your investment income.

If an investor owns a significant portfolio of real properties, it is wise to employ a property manager and establish a passive income source. Discover Cumberland County investment property management companies when you search through our list of professionals.


Factors to Consider

Population Growth

Population rise or loss tells you if you can count on reliable returns from long-term property investments. A booming population often illustrates vibrant relocation which equals new tenants. The region is desirable to employers and workers to move, work, and grow households. Increasing populations create a dependable renter mix that can keep up with rent raises and home purchasers who assist in keeping your investment property values high.

Property Taxes

Property taxes, ongoing maintenance expenditures, and insurance directly decrease your returns. Excessive expenses in these categories jeopardize your investment’s bottom line. Markets with high property tax rates are not a stable setting for short- or long-term investment and must be avoided.

Price to Rent Ratio

The price to rent ratio (p/r) is a contrast of median property prices and median rental rates that will signal how much rent the market can tolerate. If median home prices are high and median rents are small — a high p/r, it will take more time for an investment to recoup your costs and achieve good returns. The lower rent you can collect the higher the price-to-rent ratio, with a low p/r illustrating a more profitable rent market.

Median Gross Rents

Median gross rents are a clear indicator of the vitality of a lease market. Median rents must be going up to warrant your investment. Dropping rental rates are a warning to long-term investor landlords.

Median Population Age

The median residents’ age that you are hunting for in a favorable investment market will be close to the age of working individuals. This can also signal that people are moving into the region. A high median age illustrates that the current population is retiring without being replaced by younger workers moving in. This is not promising for the impending financial market of that community.

Employment Base Diversity

A diverse employment base is what a wise long-term rental property owner will look for. When the community’s working individuals, who are your tenants, are hired by a varied group of companies, you cannot lose all of them at the same time (and your property’s value), if a significant company in the location goes out of business.

Unemployment Rate

High unemployment means fewer tenants and an unpredictable housing market. Non-working individuals cannot buy products or services. The remaining workers may discover their own incomes cut. Current tenants may delay their rent in such cases.

Income Rates

Median household and per capita income levels tell you if an adequate amount of suitable renters live in that market. Rising wages also show you that rental payments can be adjusted throughout your ownership of the asset.

Number of New Jobs Created

A growing job market results in a constant source of tenants. An environment that produces jobs also adds more participants in the real estate market. Your plan of renting and acquiring more assets requires an economy that will develop new jobs.

School Ratings

School rankings in the city will have a big influence on the local real estate market. Well-graded schools are a prerequisite for business owners that are thinking about relocating. Business relocation produces more renters. New arrivals who purchase a house keep home market worth high. Good schools are a key component for a vibrant real estate investment market.

Property Appreciation Rates

The foundation of a long-term investment approach is to hold the asset. You want to ensure that the chances of your investment raising in value in that city are likely. You do not need to spend any time exploring cities with subpar property appreciation rates.

Short Term Rentals

Residential units where renters live in furnished accommodations for less than thirty days are known as short-term rentals. Short-term rental landlords charge a steeper price per night than in long-term rental properties. Short-term rental properties could involve more continual care and sanitation.

Home sellers standing by to move into a new property, tourists, and individuals traveling on business who are stopping over in the city for about week like to rent apartments short term. Anyone can convert their property into a short-term rental with the know-how given by virtual home-sharing platforms like VRBO and AirBnB. This makes short-term rental strategy a convenient method to pursue real estate investing.

Short-term rental properties demand dealing with renters more repeatedly than long-term ones. That results in the landlord being required to constantly deal with grievances. Ponder covering yourself and your portfolio by joining any of property law attorneys in Cumberland County VA to your network of experts.


Factors to Consider

Short-Term Rental Income

You have to decide how much revenue needs to be earned to make your investment lucrative. A region’s short-term rental income levels will promptly reveal to you if you can look forward to accomplish your estimated income figures.

Median Property Prices

You also must determine how much you can bear to invest. To check whether an area has potential for investment, check the median property prices. You can also make use of median prices in specific areas within the market to choose cities for investment.

Price Per Square Foot

Price per square foot can be affected even by the design and layout of residential properties. A house with open entrances and high ceilings can’t be compared with a traditional-style residential unit with larger floor space. You can use this data to get a good general view of property values.

Short-Term Rental Occupancy Rate

The ratio of short-term rental units that are currently filled in an area is crucial information for a future rental property owner. A high occupancy rate shows that an additional amount of short-term rental space is required. When the rental occupancy indicators are low, there isn’t enough demand in the market and you need to explore in another location.

Short-Term Rental Cash-on-Cash Return

To understand if it’s a good idea to put your cash in a specific property or location, evaluate the cash-on-cash return. Divide the Net Operating Income (NOI) by the total amount of cash used. The result you get is a percentage. High cash-on-cash return means that you will recoup your cash quicker and the investment will have a higher return. When you take a loan for part of the investment budget and spend less of your own money, you will receive a higher cash-on-cash return.

Average Short-Term Rental Capitalization (Cap) Rates

Average short-term rental capitalization (cap) levels are largely used by real property investors to calculate the worth of rental properties. Generally, the less money an investment asset will cost (or is worth), the higher the cap rate will be. Low cap rates show higher-priced rental units. Divide your expected Net Operating Income (NOI) by the property’s market worth or purchase price. The percentage you get is the property’s cap rate.

Local Attractions

Short-term renters are usually people who come to a city to enjoy a recurrent special activity or visit places of interest. This includes professional sporting tournaments, children’s sports competitions, schools and universities, big auditoriums and arenas, festivals, and theme parks. Must-see vacation spots are found in mountain and beach areas, near lakes, and national or state nature reserves.

Fix and Flip

When a home flipper buys a property below market value, repairs it so that it becomes more valuable, and then sells the property for a profit, they are called a fix and flip investor. To be successful, the flipper needs to pay less than the market price for the property and know the amount it will cost to renovate it.

You also have to analyze the real estate market where the property is situated. Find a city with a low average Days On Market (DOM) metric. To effectively “flip” real estate, you have to sell the rehabbed house before you have to shell out money maintaining it.

To help distressed home sellers find you, list your firm in our directories of companies that buy houses for cash in Cumberland County VA and real estate investment firms in Cumberland County VA.

Also, hunt for the best property bird dogs in Cumberland County VA. These specialists specialize in quickly discovering lucrative investment prospects before they come on the marketplace.


Factors to Consider

Median Home Price

Median home price data is a crucial indicator for evaluating a potential investment location. You are on the lookout for median prices that are modest enough to reveal investment opportunities in the region. This is a crucial component of a lucrative fix and flip.

When you see a fast drop in property market values, this could mean that there are potentially properties in the market that will work for a short sale. You’ll hear about potential investments when you team up with Cumberland County short sale processors. Learn more regarding this sort of investment by reading our guide How Do You Buy a Short Sale House?.

Property Appreciation Rate

Are property prices in the city going up, or on the way down? You are searching for a reliable appreciation of the area’s home market values. Real estate market worth in the area need to be going up constantly, not abruptly. You may wind up purchasing high and selling low in an unreliable market.

Average Renovation Costs

A comprehensive review of the region’s building costs will make a huge difference in your area choice. The time it will take for acquiring permits and the municipality’s rules for a permit request will also influence your plans. You need to know whether you will have to employ other contractors, like architects or engineers, so you can get ready for those expenses.

Population Growth

Population increase figures provide a look at housing demand in the city. Flat or declining population growth is an indicator of a feeble market with not a good amount of purchasers to justify your investment.

Median Population Age

The median population age is an indicator that you may not have taken into consideration. If the median age is the same as that of the average worker, it is a positive sign. Individuals in the area’s workforce are the most stable real estate buyers. Aging individuals are preparing to downsize, or move into senior-citizen or assisted living neighborhoods.

Unemployment Rate

While researching an area for real estate investment, search for low unemployment rates. It must definitely be less than the national average. A really strong investment market will have an unemployment rate lower than the state’s average. If they want to acquire your repaired houses, your buyers are required to work, and their clients as well.

Income Rates

The population’s wage levels can tell you if the community’s financial environment is strong. The majority of individuals who buy residential real estate need a mortgage loan. To qualify for a home loan, a person should not spend for housing more than a certain percentage of their income. The median income statistics will show you if the region is good for your investment efforts. Scout for communities where salaries are increasing. When you need to raise the purchase price of your homes, you want to be positive that your homebuyers’ income is also improving.

Number of New Jobs Created

Finding out how many jobs are generated every year in the community can add to your confidence in a city’s real estate market. An expanding job market means that a higher number of potential homeowners are comfortable with investing in a house there. With more jobs appearing, more potential homebuyers also migrate to the city from other towns.

Hard Money Loan Rates

People who acquire, repair, and liquidate investment real estate are known to employ hard money and not regular real estate financing. Doing this lets them negotiate profitable projects without holdups. Locate hard money loan companies in Cumberland County VA and contrast their interest rates.

An investor who wants to learn about hard money funding options can find what they are as well as how to employ them by reviewing our guide titled How Do Private Money Lenders Work?.


In real estate wholesaling, you locate a property that investors may count as a profitable investment opportunity and sign a sale and purchase agreement to purchase it. But you do not buy the home: after you have the property under contract, you get a real estate investor to take your place for a fee. The seller sells the home to the real estate investor not the wholesaler. The real estate wholesaler does not sell the property — they sell the rights to buy it.

This method includes employing a title firm that is experienced in the wholesale purchase and sale agreement assignment procedure and is qualified and willing to handle double close purchases. Locate title companies that work with investors in Cumberland County VA on our website.

To know how wholesaling works, study our comprehensive article Complete Guide to Real Estate Wholesaling as an Investment Strategy. When you choose wholesaling, include your investment project on our list of the best wholesale real estate investors in Cumberland County VA. That way your potential audience will see your location and contact you.


Factors to Consider

Median Home Prices

Median home values in the area will tell you if your preferred price level is viable in that market. Reduced median values are a good sign that there are enough properties that might be acquired for lower than market price, which investors prefer to have.

A fast depreciation in the price of property might cause the sudden appearance of homes with more debt than value that are hunted by wholesalers. This investment plan often delivers numerous uncommon advantages. Nonetheless, there may be liabilities as well. Learn details about wholesaling short sales from our exhaustive explanation. Once you are prepared to begin wholesaling, hunt through Cumberland County top short sale law firms as well as Cumberland County top-rated property foreclosure attorneys directories to discover the right counselor.

Property Appreciation Rate

Median home price changes explain in clear detail the housing value in the market. Real estate investors who plan to sell their investment properties later, such as long-term rental investors, require a place where property market values are increasing. A weakening median home value will indicate a vulnerable leasing and housing market and will disappoint all sorts of real estate investors.

Population Growth

Population growth information is an indicator that real estate investors will consider carefully. If they know the population is growing, they will presume that new residential units are required. This includes both rental and resale properties. An area that has a dropping community will not interest the real estate investors you need to buy your contracts.

Median Population Age

A favorarble housing market for investors is strong in all aspects, including renters, who become homebuyers, who move up into larger properties. This requires a strong, consistent labor force of people who are optimistic to move up in the residential market. That’s why the area’s median age needs to be the age of skilled workers in the employment market.

Income Rates

The median household and per capita income in a good real estate investment market need to be increasing. Surges in rent and asking prices have to be aided by improving wages in the market. That will be vital to the investors you need to attract.

Unemployment Rate

Investors will pay a lot of attention to the area’s unemployment rate. High unemployment rate prompts many renters to delay rental payments or miss payments completely. Long-term real estate investors who count on uninterrupted lease income will lose money in these markets. High unemployment builds poverty that will prevent people from purchasing a property. Short-term investors will not risk being stuck with a house they cannot sell easily.

Number of New Jobs Created

The frequency of jobs generated per annum is an important component of the residential real estate structure. More jobs produced result in a large number of employees who need homes to rent and buy. Long-term real estate investors, such as landlords, and short-term investors like rehabbers, are gravitating to locations with consistent job creation rates.

Average Renovation Costs

Rehab spendings will be crucial to most investors, as they usually purchase low-cost rundown houses to fix. Short-term investors, like fix and flippers, won’t earn anything if the acquisition cost and the improvement expenses amount to more than the After Repair Value (ARV) of the house. Below average rehab costs make a place more desirable for your priority clients — flippers and long-term investors.

Mortgage Note Investing

This strategy means purchasing debt (mortgage note) from a mortgage holder for less than the balance owed. The debtor makes future mortgage payments to the investor who is now their new lender.

Loans that are being paid off on time are called performing loans. These notes are a consistent generator of passive income. Non-performing loans can be rewritten or you can pick up the collateral for less than face value by conducting a foreclosure procedure.

At some time, you could build a mortgage note portfolio and find yourself lacking time to service it by yourself. In this event, you may want to employ one of loan portfolio servicing companies in Cumberland County VA that will essentially convert your portfolio into passive cash flow.

If you choose to use this method, append your venture to our directory of promissory note buyers in Cumberland County VA. This will make you more noticeable to lenders providing profitable opportunities to note investors like yourself.


Factors to consider

Foreclosure Rates

Low foreclosure rates are a sign that the region has opportunities for performing note buyers. Non-performing note investors can carefully make use of places with high foreclosure rates too. The locale should be strong enough so that investors can foreclose and liquidate properties if needed.

Foreclosure Laws

Note investors need to understand their state’s laws regarding foreclosure prior to pursuing this strategy. Many states require mortgage paperwork and some utilize Deeds of Trust. You might have to obtain the court’s permission to foreclose on a house. A Deed of Trust authorizes the lender to file a notice and proceed to foreclosure.

Mortgage Interest Rates

The interest rate is memorialized in the mortgage notes that are bought by mortgage note investors. That mortgage interest rate will significantly influence your investment returns. Mortgage interest rates are critical to both performing and non-performing mortgage note buyers.

Conventional interest rates can vary by as much as a quarter of a percent around the country. The stronger risk assumed by private lenders is shown in bigger loan interest rates for their loans in comparison with conventional mortgage loans.

A note investor should know the private and traditional mortgage loan rates in their markets all the time.


If note investors are determining where to purchase notes, they look closely at the demographic information from likely markets. Investors can interpret a lot by reviewing the size of the populace, how many residents are employed, what they earn, and how old the people are.
Performing note buyers need clients who will pay on time, developing a repeating income stream of loan payments.

Non-performing note buyers are looking at related indicators for different reasons. A resilient local economy is needed if investors are to reach buyers for collateral properties they’ve foreclosed on.

Property Values

As a mortgage note investor, you will search for borrowers with a comfortable amount of equity. When you have to foreclose on a mortgage loan with little equity, the foreclosure sale may not even repay the amount owed. The combined effect of loan payments that reduce the mortgage loan balance and yearly property value growth raises home equity.

Property Taxes

Usually, mortgage lenders accept the property taxes from the homeowner each month. That way, the mortgage lender makes sure that the real estate taxes are submitted when due. The lender will need to take over if the payments stop or the investor risks tax liens on the property. Tax liens leapfrog over all other liens.

If property taxes keep increasing, the homebuyer’s mortgage payments also keep increasing. Borrowers who have a hard time handling their mortgage payments could drop farther behind and sooner or later default.

Real Estate Market Strength

A city with increasing property values promises excellent opportunities for any note buyer. They can be assured that, when need be, a defaulted property can be unloaded at a price that is profitable.

Vibrant markets often offer opportunities for private investors to make the first mortgage loan themselves. This is a desirable stream of revenue for successful investors.

Passive Real Estate Investment Strategies


A syndication means a partnership of individuals who combine their funds and knowledge to invest in property. One person structures the deal and recruits the others to invest.

The member who pulls everything together is the Sponsor, sometimes called the Syndicator. The syndicator is in charge of performing the purchase or development and assuring revenue. This individual also manages the business details of the Syndication, including partners’ distributions.

Syndication participants are passive investors. They are assured of a preferred portion of any net income after the procurement or development conclusion. These owners have nothing to do with handling the company or overseeing the operation of the property.


Factors to consider

Real Estate Market

Selecting the kind of area you need for a profitable syndication investment will require you to select the preferred strategy the syndication project will be based on. To learn more concerning local market-related indicators important for typical investment approaches, read the earlier sections of our guide about the active real estate investment strategies.


If you are weighing becoming a passive investor in a Syndication, make certain you research the reputation of the Syndicator. Profitable real estate Syndication depends on having a successful veteran real estate professional for a Syndicator.

Occasionally the Sponsor does not put capital in the syndication. Some investors exclusively prefer syndications in which the Sponsor additionally invests. The Syndicator is providing their time and talents to make the venture profitable. Depending on the specifics, a Sponsor’s compensation might involve ownership and an upfront payment.

Ownership Interest

The Syndication is wholly owned by all the members. If there are sweat equity participants, expect those who invest funds to be rewarded with a greater percentage of interest.

Investors are typically given a preferred return of profits to induce them to invest. When net revenues are realized, actual investors are the first who collect an agreed percentage of their investment amount. After the preferred return is distributed, the rest of the profits are paid out to all the partners.

If syndication’s assets are sold for a profit, it’s shared by the partners. Combining this to the regular cash flow from an income generating property markedly increases your returns. The partners’ percentage of interest and profit distribution is spelled out in the company operating agreement.


Many real estate investment companies are built as a trust termed Real Estate Investment Trusts or REITs. REITs are created to allow everyday people to buy into real estate. Many people today are capable of investing in a REIT.

Investing in a REIT is classified as passive investing. Investment risk is diversified across a group of properties. Investors are able to liquidate their REIT shares anytime they want. Participants in a REIT are not able to recommend or select real estate for investment. Their investment is confined to the assets selected by the REIT.

Real Estate Investment Funds

Real estate investment funds are in essence mutual funds focusing on real estate firms, such as REITs. The investment real estate properties aren’t possessed by the fund — they are held by the firms the fund invests in. Investment funds are considered an inexpensive method to incorporate real estate in your appropriation of assets without needless risks. Real estate investment funds aren’t obligated to distribute dividends like a REIT. As with other stocks, investment funds’ values grow and decrease with their share price.

You are able to choose a fund that focuses on particular categories of the real estate industry but not particular locations for individual real estate property investment. Your selection as an investor is to pick a fund that you trust to supervise your real estate investments.


Cumberland County Housing 2024

Cumberland County demonstrates a median home value of , the total state has a median market worth of , while the figure recorded nationally is .

The annual residential property value appreciation rate has been through the previous decade. Throughout the entire state, the average annual value growth rate over that period has been . Across the nation, the per-year value growth rate has averaged .

As for the rental housing market, Cumberland County has a median gross rent of . The median gross rent level throughout the state is , and the national median gross rent is .

Cumberland County has a rate of home ownership of . The state homeownership percentage is presently of the population, while across the country, the percentage of homeownership is .

of rental housing units in Cumberland County are occupied. The total state’s stock of rental residences is occupied at a percentage of . The comparable rate in the United States overall is .

The occupancy rate for residential units of all sorts in Cumberland County is , with an equivalent vacancy rate of .

Housing Quick Stats
Home Appreciation Rate(2010-2020)
Median Home Value
Median Gross Rent
Price To Rent Ratio
Home Ownership Rate
Tenant Occupied Rate
Average Property Tax Rate

Cumberland County Home Ownership

Cumberland County Rent & Ownership

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Cumberland County Rent Vs Owner Occupied By Household Type

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Cumberland County Occupied & Vacant Number Of Homes And Apartments

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Cumberland County Household Type

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Cumberland County Property Types

Cumberland County Age Of Homes

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Cumberland County Types Of Homes

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Cumberland County Homes Size

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Cumberland County Investment Property Marketplace

If you are looking to invest in Cumberland County real estate, our Investment Property Marketplace can become your indispensable tool in your investing business. To help you easily find the best off-market deals in the Cumberland County area, we created a nationwide investor-friendly online platform. Use it to shop for lucrative off-market properties for sale according to your specific buying criteria.

Unlike other real estate listing websites, our marketplace’s interface is particularly designed for investors. Besides the purchase price, you can see other, essential to investors, key indicators such as: rehab costs and ARV, potential profit, FSBO, or realtor-assisted deal, and others. To get started, visit our marketplace and search for Cumberland County investment properties for sale.

Cumberland County Investment Properties for Sale

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Cumberland County Real Estate Investing Financing

If you are looking for a loan to finance investment property purchase, rehab or ground up construction in Cumberland County VA, easily get quotes from multiple lenders at once and compare rates.

Fill out our quick online real estate financing application form to receive multiple quotes for your preferred type of loan from our preferred Cumberland County private and hard money lenders.

Cumberland County Investment Property Loan Types

Check out some of the most popular real estate loans provided by top local lenders in Cumberland County, VA
  • Rehab Loans
  • Fix and Flip Loans
  • Bridge Loans
  • Asset Based Loans
  • Cash Out/Refinance Loans
  • Transactional Funding
  • Transactional Hard Money Loans
  • Private Money Loans
  • New Construction Loans

Compare Investment Property Loan Rates in Cumberland County

Receive multiple offers from best private and hard money lenders and get access to unlimited capital to fund any type of real estate investment property!


Cumberland County Population Over Time

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Cumberland County Population By Year

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Cumberland County Population By Age And Sex

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Cumberland County Economy 2024

In Cumberland County, the median household income is . The state’s citizenry has a median household income of , while the nationwide median is .

This equates to a per capita income of in Cumberland County, and in the state. Per capita income in the country is recorded at .

Salaries in Cumberland County average , next to for the state, and in the United States.

In Cumberland County, the rate of unemployment is , while the state’s unemployment rate is , compared to the United States’ rate of .

The economic portrait of Cumberland County includes a total poverty rate of . The state’s figures disclose a combined rate of poverty of , and a similar study of national figures records the nationwide rate at .

Economy Quick Stats
Unemployment Rate
Median Household Income
Per Capita Income
Overall Poverty Rate
Average Salary
Property Price To Income Ratio
Salary Change Rate (2010-2020)

Cumberland County Residents’ Income

Cumberland County Median Household Income

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Cumberland County Per Capita Income

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Cumberland County Income Distribution

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Cumberland County Poverty Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Cumberland County Property Price To Income Ratio Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Cumberland County Job Market

Cumberland County Employment Industries (Top 10)

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Cumberland County Unemployment Rate

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Cumberland County Employment Distribution By Age

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Cumberland County Average Salary Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Cumberland County Employment Rate Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Cumberland County Employed Population Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Cumberland County School Ratings

Cumberland County has a public education setup composed of primary schools, middle schools, and high schools.

of public school students in Cumberland County are high school graduates.

School Quick Stats
Elementary Schools
Middle Schools
High Schools
Private Schools
High School Graduates

Cumberland County School Ratings

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Cumberland County Cities