Ultimate Concord Real Estate Investing Guide for 2024


Concord Real Estate Investing Market Overview

Over the last decade, the population growth rate in Concord has an annual average of . By comparison, the yearly population growth for the total state averaged and the national average was .

The entire population growth rate for Concord for the past ten-year period is , in comparison to for the entire state and for the United States.

Real property prices in Concord are shown by the current median home value of . For comparison, the median value for the state is , while the national indicator is .

The appreciation rate for homes in Concord during the past decade was annually. Through that cycle, the annual average appreciation rate for home prices in the state was . Across the United States, the average yearly home value appreciation rate was .

For renters in Concord, median gross rents are , compared to at the state level, and for the nation as a whole.

Concord Real Estate Investing Highlights

Concord Top Highlights

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau
Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Strategy Selection

As you start looking at a certain location for possible real estate investment projects, do not forget the type of real estate investment plan that you adopt.

The following comments are specific instructions on which statistics you need to study based on your investing type. Use this as a manual on how to take advantage of the advice in this brief to find the leading sites for your investment criteria.

There are location fundamentals that are critical to all types of real property investors. They consist of crime statistics, transportation infrastructure, and regional airports among other factors. When you look into the details of the site, you should focus on the categories that are significant to your particular real estate investment.

Real estate investors who purchase short-term rental units want to spot places of interest that deliver their needed renters to the area. House flippers will pay attention to the Days On Market information for homes for sale. If this demonstrates dormant home sales, that site will not win a strong assessment from investors.

Rental real estate investors will look thoroughly at the community’s job statistics. The unemployment rate, new jobs creation numbers, and diversity of employers will hint if they can hope for a steady supply of tenants in the city.

Those who can’t determine the preferred investment plan, can consider using the experience of Concord top real estate investment mentors. You will also accelerate your career by signing up for any of the best property investor groups in Concord OH and attend real estate investing seminars and conferences in Concord OH so you will learn suggestions from several experts.

Let’s consider the diverse types of real property investors and which indicators they know to scout for in their market investigation.

Active Real Estate Investing Strategies

Buy and Hold

When an investor acquires real estate and sits on it for a prolonged period, it is thought to be a Buy and Hold investment. During that period the investment property is used to create mailbox cash flow which multiplies your profit.

At some point in the future, when the value of the property has improved, the real estate investor has the advantage of liquidating the investment property if that is to their advantage.

One of the best investor-friendly real estate agents in Concord OH will give you a comprehensive examination of the nearby residential picture. The following suggestions will outline the factors that you should include in your venture strategy.


Factors to Consider

Property Appreciation Rate

It’s a significant indicator of how reliable and prosperous a real estate market is. You want to spot a solid yearly growth in investment property values. Long-term investment property appreciation is the basis of the entire investment program. Dwindling growth rates will most likely convince you to discard that market from your checklist completely.

Population Growth

If a location’s population is not increasing, it obviously has less demand for housing units. This also normally causes a drop in real estate and rental prices. With fewer people, tax incomes decrease, affecting the quality of public services. You want to see expansion in a site to think about buying a property there. Much like property appreciation rates, you need to see consistent annual population increases. Both long-term and short-term investment data improve with population growth.

Property Taxes

Real property tax rates strongly impact a Buy and Hold investor’s revenue. Cities that have high property tax rates should be declined. These rates rarely go down. High property taxes reveal a declining environment that will not hold on to its current residents or attract new ones.

Some parcels of real estate have their worth incorrectly overestimated by the county authorities. When that happens, you might pick from top property tax appeal companies in Concord OH for a specialist to present your situation to the authorities and possibly get the real estate tax valuation lowered. However, in unusual situations that compel you to appear in court, you will need the aid of the best real estate tax appeal attorneys in Concord OH.

Price to rent ratio

The price to rent ratio (p/r) is the median real estate price divided by the annual median gross rent. A town with low rental prices will have a high p/r. This will enable your asset to pay itself off in an acceptable time. You do not want a p/r that is low enough it makes buying a residence preferable to leasing one. If tenants are turned into purchasers, you might get stuck with unused rental units. However, lower p/r ratios are ordinarily more desirable than high ratios.

Median Gross Rent

Median gross rent will reveal to you if a location has a reliable rental market. Reliably growing gross median rents show the kind of reliable market that you want.

Median Population Age

Population’s median age can demonstrate if the market has a robust labor pool which reveals more possible tenants. Look for a median age that is approximately the same as the one of the workforce. An aged populace can become a drain on community revenues. An older populace could cause escalation in property tax bills.

Employment Industry Diversity

Buy and Hold investors do not want to discover the market’s jobs concentrated in only a few companies. A stable location for you has a different collection of business types in the region. This keeps the disruptions of one industry or company from hurting the entire housing business. When the majority of your renters work for the same employer your rental income is built on, you’re in a problematic situation.

Unemployment Rate

If unemployment rates are severe, you will discover not enough opportunities in the community’s housing market. Existing tenants may go through a difficult time paying rent and replacement tenants may not be available. Unemployed workers lose their purchase power which hurts other companies and their workers. Steep unemployment numbers can destabilize a community’s capability to draw new businesses which affects the region’s long-range economic strength.

Income Levels

Income levels are a key to areas where your potential customers live. Your evaluation of the market, and its specific pieces where you should invest, needs to contain an appraisal of median household and per capita income. Growth in income means that tenants can pay rent on time and not be intimidated by gradual rent increases.

Number of New Jobs Created

Understanding how often new employment opportunities are generated in the market can support your evaluation of the market. Job openings are a generator of potential tenants. The formation of new jobs keeps your tenancy rates high as you purchase new properties and replace departing tenants. An economy that creates new jobs will draw more people to the community who will rent and buy properties. An active real estate market will strengthen your long-term strategy by generating a strong sale value for your resale property.

School Ratings

School ratings should be a high priority to you. Relocating companies look carefully at the caliber of schools. Good schools also impact a household’s decision to remain and can attract others from the outside. An unstable supply of tenants and homebuyers will make it hard for you to achieve your investment targets.

Natural Disasters

Considering that an effective investment plan is dependent on ultimately unloading the real property at a greater amount, the cosmetic and physical soundness of the property are crucial. Consequently, try to shun areas that are periodically damaged by natural calamities. In any event, the property will have to have an insurance policy placed on it that compensates for disasters that could occur, such as earth tremors.

As for potential damage done by tenants, have it covered by one of the best landlord insurance companies in Concord OH.

Long Term Rental (BRRRR)

The term BRRRR is an illustration of a long-term lease plan — Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat. BRRRR is a plan for continuous growth. This method hinges on your ability to extract money out when you refinance.

When you have concluded refurbishing the property, its value should be more than your combined purchase and renovation costs. Then you borrow a cash-out mortgage refinance loan that is computed on the larger value, and you withdraw the balance. You use that money to purchase another house and the operation begins again. You add appreciating investment assets to your portfolio and lease revenue to your cash flow.

Once you’ve built a significant group of income creating real estate, you can choose to hire someone else to handle all rental business while you enjoy recurring net revenues. Locate Concord investment property management companies when you look through our list of professionals.


Factors to Consider

Population Growth

The rise or decline of the population can tell you whether that area is desirable to landlords. An expanding population usually demonstrates busy relocation which translates to additional renters. Moving companies are drawn to increasing regions offering reliable jobs to households who relocate there. This means dependable renters, more lease revenue, and more likely buyers when you intend to unload your asset.

Property Taxes

Real estate taxes, regular maintenance expenses, and insurance directly decrease your returns. Investment assets situated in excessive property tax markets will bring less desirable profits. Excessive property tax rates may signal a fluctuating market where expenses can continue to increase and should be considered a red flag.

Price to Rent Ratio

The price to rent ratio (p/r) is a comparison of median property values and median rental rates that will show you how high of a rent the market can tolerate. If median real estate prices are strong and median rents are low — a high p/r, it will take longer for an investment to recoup your costs and achieve profitability. A large p/r tells you that you can demand less rent in that area, a smaller one signals you that you can demand more.

Median Gross Rents

Median gross rents are an important indicator of the strength of a rental market. You need to find a location with consistent median rent growth. If rental rates are being reduced, you can eliminate that area from deliberation.

Median Population Age

Median population age will be nearly the age of a typical worker if a region has a consistent supply of tenants. This could also illustrate that people are migrating into the market. If working-age people aren’t entering the market to follow retirees, the median age will go up. A thriving real estate market cannot be bolstered by retirees.

Employment Base Diversity

A greater amount of enterprises in the area will boost your chances of better income. When people are concentrated in a few significant companies, even a small problem in their business might cause you to lose a great deal of tenants and increase your liability immensely.

Unemployment Rate

You will not be able to enjoy a steady rental income stream in a city with high unemployment. Jobless individuals can’t be clients of yours and of other companies, which creates a domino effect throughout the city. Workers who continue to have workplaces may find their hours and salaries cut. This may result in delayed rent payments and renter defaults.

Income Rates

Median household and per capita income will let you know if the tenants that you want are living in the city. Increasing incomes also inform you that rental payments can be adjusted over the life of the investment property.

Number of New Jobs Created

The reliable economy that you are hunting for will be producing enough jobs on a regular basis. An environment that produces jobs also adds more participants in the real estate market. Your plan of leasing and buying additional rentals requires an economy that can develop enough jobs.

School Ratings

Community schools will make a strong influence on the real estate market in their location. Well-respected schools are a necessity for employers that are thinking about relocating. Relocating companies relocate and draw prospective tenants. Housing prices gain with new workers who are buying homes. Reputable schools are an essential ingredient for a strong real estate investment market.

Property Appreciation Rates

The essence of a long-term investment method is to hold the property. Investing in real estate that you expect to keep without being positive that they will rise in price is a blueprint for failure. Weak or declining property worth in an area under review is unacceptable.

Short Term Rentals

Residential real estate where tenants live in furnished accommodations for less than a month are known as short-term rentals. Short-term rental businesses charge more rent a night than in long-term rental business. Because of the high rotation of renters, short-term rentals involve additional regular care and sanitation.

Short-term rentals appeal to clients travelling for work who are in town for a few days, people who are migrating and need temporary housing, and tourists. House sharing platforms like AirBnB and VRBO have helped a lot of homeowners to engage in the short-term rental industry. Short-term rentals are viewed to be an effective technique to embark upon investing in real estate.

The short-term property rental venture involves dealing with occupants more frequently compared to yearly rental properties. This results in the owner having to frequently handle protests. Consider defending yourself and your properties by joining one of attorneys specializing in real estate in Concord OH to your team of professionals.


Factors to Consider

Short-Term Rental Income

You should calculate the range of rental income you are aiming for based on your investment strategy. An area’s short-term rental income rates will promptly tell you if you can assume to achieve your projected rental income levels.

Median Property Prices

You also need to determine the budget you can bear to invest. To check if a location has possibilities for investment, study the median property prices. You can also utilize median prices in specific neighborhoods within the market to select locations for investment.

Price Per Square Foot

Price per sq ft could be confusing if you are comparing different buildings. When the styles of available homes are very different, the price per square foot may not give an accurate comparison. It may be a fast way to compare several neighborhoods or residential units.

Short-Term Rental Occupancy Rate

The ratio of short-term rental properties that are currently occupied in a community is important information for a future rental property owner. A high occupancy rate shows that an extra source of short-term rental space is necessary. If the rental occupancy indicators are low, there is not enough space in the market and you must search in a different place.

Short-Term Rental Cash-on-Cash Return

A short-term rental’s cash-on-cash return can tell you if the purchase is a prudent use of your own funds. Take your projected Net Operating Income (NOI) and divide it by the cash amount you’re ready to invest. The percentage you get is your cash-on-cash return. The higher it is, the more quickly your investment funds will be recouped and you will begin realizing profits. Lender-funded investment ventures will reap better cash-on-cash returns because you will be spending less of your own funds.

Average Short-Term Rental Capitalization (Cap) Rates

This benchmark shows the comparability of property value to its yearly revenue. High cap rates mean that investment properties are accessible in that city for reasonable prices. Low cap rates show higher-priced investment properties. Divide your estimated Net Operating Income (NOI) by the property’s market value or purchase price. The percentage you receive is the property’s cap rate.

Local Attractions

Big festivals and entertainment attractions will draw vacationers who will look for short-term housing. This includes top sporting tournaments, kiddie sports activities, colleges and universities, big concert halls and arenas, festivals, and amusement parks. Natural scenic spots such as mountainous areas, waterways, beaches, and state and national nature reserves can also bring in potential tenants.

Fix and Flip

To fix and flip real estate, you need to pay less than market price, complete any needed repairs and improvements, then dispose of the asset for higher market value. To keep the business profitable, the investor must pay lower than the market value for the house and calculate the amount it will take to fix the home.

You also have to evaluate the resale market where the home is situated. The average number of Days On Market (DOM) for homes listed in the community is critical. Selling the house promptly will help keep your expenses low and guarantee your revenue.

To help distressed home sellers locate you, enter your business in our catalogues of cash real estate buyers in Concord OH and real estate investment firms in Concord OH.

Additionally, look for property bird dogs in Concord OH. Professionals listed on our website will help you by rapidly discovering conceivably lucrative deals prior to the opportunities being listed.


Factors to Consider

Median Home Price

When you look for a good location for home flipping, investigate the median home price in the city. You are on the lookout for median prices that are low enough to reveal investment opportunities in the community. This is a crucial ingredient of a cost-effective investment.

If regional information shows a sharp drop in real estate market values, this can point to the accessibility of possible short sale homes. Real estate investors who partner with short sale facilitators in Concord OH get continual notices concerning possible investment real estate. Discover how this happens by reviewing our article ⁠— How to Buy a Short Sale House Quickly.

Property Appreciation Rate

The movements in real estate values in a region are vital. You have to have an environment where real estate values are regularly and continuously on an upward trend. Property market values in the region need to be going up regularly, not quickly. When you’re acquiring and liquidating quickly, an unstable market can sabotage your venture.

Average Renovation Costs

Look thoroughly at the possible rehab costs so you’ll be aware whether you can achieve your projections. Other spendings, like permits, could shoot up expenditure, and time which may also develop into additional disbursement. To create a detailed budget, you’ll need to find out whether your plans will be required to involve an architect or engineer.

Population Growth

Population data will tell you whether there is an increasing necessity for houses that you can sell. Flat or decelerating population growth is a sign of a poor environment with not a lot of buyers to validate your effort.

Median Population Age

The median citizens’ age can additionally show you if there are adequate home purchasers in the city. When the median age is the same as the one of the usual worker, it is a good indication. People in the area’s workforce are the most steady home buyers. People who are about to exit the workforce or are retired have very restrictive housing needs.

Unemployment Rate

When you see a market that has a low unemployment rate, it’s a strong indication of profitable investment possibilities. It must definitely be less than the US average. A very good investment market will have an unemployment rate lower than the state’s average. If you don’t have a robust employment base, a market can’t supply you with enough homebuyers.

Income Rates

Median household and per capita income are an important indication of the stability of the home-buying environment in the city. Most people who acquire residential real estate have to have a mortgage loan. Their wage will dictate how much they can afford and if they can purchase a home. The median income data will tell you if the area is beneficial for your investment efforts. Specifically, income increase is critical if you want to grow your investment business. Construction spendings and home purchase prices rise periodically, and you want to be certain that your potential customers’ wages will also get higher.

Number of New Jobs Created

The number of employment positions created on a steady basis tells whether income and population increase are viable. Residential units are more effortlessly sold in a market that has a dynamic job market. Qualified skilled professionals taking into consideration buying a home and deciding to settle prefer migrating to areas where they won’t be jobless.

Hard Money Loan Rates

Investors who work with rehabbed homes frequently use hard money funding in place of conventional mortgage. Hard money loans empower these investors to take advantage of current investment ventures without delay. Research Concord private money lenders and analyze lenders’ charges.

If you are unfamiliar with this loan product, learn more by studying our article — What Is a Hard Money Loan in Real Estate?.


In real estate wholesaling, you locate a house that investors may count as a good opportunity and enter into a purchase contract to purchase it. A real estate investor then “buys” the contract from you. The owner sells the property under contract to the real estate investor instead of the wholesaler. You are selling the rights to buy the property, not the house itself.

Wholesaling relies on the involvement of a title insurance firm that is experienced with assigned purchase contracts and comprehends how to work with a double closing. Hunt for title services for wholesale investors in Concord OH in HouseCashin’s list.

Our extensive guide to wholesaling can be viewed here: A-to-Z Guide to Property Wholesaling. As you opt for wholesaling, include your investment company in our directory of the best wholesale property investors in Concord OH. That will allow any potential customers to see you and reach out.


Factors to Consider

Median Home Prices

Median home prices in the market under consideration will immediately show you if your real estate investors’ required properties are positioned there. Reduced median purchase prices are a valid sign that there are plenty of houses that might be bought under market worth, which real estate investors have to have.

A quick depreciation in the price of real estate could generate the swift availability of properties with owners owing more than market worth that are wanted by wholesalers. This investment method frequently delivers numerous uncommon perks. Nonetheless, it also raises a legal risk. Learn about this from our guide Can I Wholesale a Short Sale Home?. When you’re ready to start wholesaling, search through Concord top short sale attorneys as well as Concord top-rated mortgage foreclosure attorneys directories to locate the best advisor.

Property Appreciation Rate

Median home market value changes explain in clear detail the housing value in the market. Investors who want to sell their investment properties later on, like long-term rental landlords, need a market where property market values are going up. A dropping median home price will illustrate a poor leasing and home-buying market and will eliminate all types of investors.

Population Growth

Population growth data is essential for your prospective purchase contract buyers. If the population is expanding, more residential units are required. There are more individuals who lease and more than enough clients who buy houses. A location that has a declining population will not draw the real estate investors you want to purchase your contracts.

Median Population Age

A favorarble residential real estate market for investors is active in all areas, including renters, who evolve into homeowners, who transition into more expensive real estate. This requires a vibrant, consistent workforce of individuals who feel confident enough to move up in the housing market. A market with these attributes will display a median population age that corresponds with the wage-earning resident’s age.

Income Rates

The median household and per capita income in a good real estate investment market need to be growing. When renters’ and homebuyers’ incomes are improving, they can manage surging rental rates and real estate prices. That will be important to the investors you are trying to reach.

Unemployment Rate

The region’s unemployment rates will be a crucial point to consider for any prospective sales agreement buyer. High unemployment rate triggers a lot of tenants to delay rental payments or miss payments entirely. Long-term real estate investors who depend on timely lease income will lose money in these places. Renters cannot step up to property ownership and existing owners cannot sell their property and shift up to a more expensive home. Short-term investors will not risk getting pinned down with a unit they cannot sell without delay.

Number of New Jobs Created

The number of additional jobs appearing in the city completes an investor’s assessment of a prospective investment location. Workers relocate into a city that has fresh job openings and they look for a place to reside. This is beneficial for both short-term and long-term real estate investors whom you depend on to take on your contracted properties.

Average Renovation Costs

Renovation costs have a important effect on a rehabber’s profit. Short-term investors, like home flippers, don’t make a profit if the acquisition cost and the improvement expenses amount to a larger sum than the After Repair Value (ARV) of the home. The less you can spend to update a home, the more attractive the city is for your potential contract buyers.

Mortgage Note Investing

Investing in mortgage notes (loans) works when the note can be acquired for a lower amount than the face value. By doing so, you become the mortgage lender to the original lender’s client.

Performing loans are loans where the borrower is regularly on time with their loan payments. Performing notes bring repeating income for investors. Some note investors buy non-performing loans because when the note investor can’t satisfactorily restructure the loan, they can always obtain the collateral property at foreclosure for a below market price.

At some time, you may accrue a mortgage note portfolio and find yourself needing time to oversee it by yourself. If this develops, you might pick from the best third party loan servicing companies in Concord OH which will make you a passive investor.

When you decide that this strategy is a good fit for you, include your business in our list of Concord top promissory note buyers. This will make your business more visible to lenders providing profitable possibilities to note buyers like you.


Factors to Consider

Foreclosure Rates

Performing note purchasers try to find regions that have low foreclosure rates. High rates might indicate investment possibilities for non-performing note investors, but they should be careful. The locale ought to be strong enough so that investors can foreclose and get rid of collateral properties if needed.

Foreclosure Laws

Note investors are required to know their state’s regulations regarding foreclosure before investing in mortgage notes. Are you dealing with a mortgage or a Deed of Trust? A mortgage requires that the lender goes to court for approval to foreclose. You merely need to file a notice and start foreclosure steps if you’re using a Deed of Trust.

Mortgage Interest Rates

The interest rate is set in the mortgage loan notes that are purchased by note buyers. This is an important determinant in the returns that lenders achieve. Regardless of which kind of mortgage note investor you are, the note’s interest rate will be crucial for your estimates.

Traditional interest rates can vary by as much as a quarter of a percent around the country. Private loan rates can be moderately higher than conventional mortgage rates because of the more significant risk dealt with by private lenders.

A note buyer needs to be aware of the private as well as traditional mortgage loan rates in their communities at any given time.


When mortgage note investors are deciding on where to buy notes, they’ll examine the demographic information from reviewed markets. It’s essential to determine whether a sufficient number of people in the market will continue to have reliable jobs and incomes in the future.
Performing note buyers seek borrowers who will pay on time, generating a consistent income stream of mortgage payments.

Investors who look for non-performing mortgage notes can also take advantage of growing markets. When foreclosure is necessary, the foreclosed home is more easily liquidated in a good property market.

Property Values

As a note investor, you should look for borrowers with a comfortable amount of equity. This improves the possibility that a potential foreclosure sale will make the lender whole. As loan payments decrease the balance owed, and the market value of the property increases, the borrower’s equity grows.

Property Taxes

Typically, mortgage lenders accept the property taxes from the borrower each month. By the time the taxes are payable, there needs to be adequate money in escrow to handle them. If the homeowner stops paying, unless the lender takes care of the taxes, they will not be paid on time. If a tax lien is put in place, it takes first position over the mortgage lender’s note.

If property taxes keep growing, the customer’s house payments also keep rising. Past due borrowers might not have the ability to keep paying rising loan payments and could interrupt making payments altogether.

Real Estate Market Strength

A region with appreciating property values has strong potential for any note buyer. It’s good to know that if you have to foreclose on a collateral, you will not have trouble getting an appropriate price for the collateral property.

A vibrant real estate market can also be a potential environment for originating mortgage notes. It’s a supplementary stage of a mortgage note investor’s career.

Passive Real Estate Investing Strategies


When investors cooperate by providing funds and creating a partnership to hold investment real estate, it’s referred to as a syndication. The syndication is structured by someone who recruits other individuals to join the endeavor.

The partner who develops the Syndication is referred to as the Sponsor or the Syndicator. He or she is responsible for performing the acquisition or construction and generating income. They are also responsible for distributing the investment profits to the rest of the investors.

The rest of the shareholders in a syndication invest passively. The partnership promises to provide them a preferred return when the investments are showing a profit. These partners have no obligations concerned with supervising the company or running the operation of the property.


Factors to Consider

Real Estate Market

Choosing the type of community you require for a successful syndication investment will oblige you to select the preferred strategy the syndication venture will execute. The previous sections of this article discussing active investing strategies will help you determine market selection criteria for your future syndication investment.


If you are weighing being a passive investor in a Syndication, be certain you look into the transparency of the Syndicator. Hunt for someone who can show a list of profitable projects.

Sometimes the Sponsor doesn’t place funds in the venture. But you want them to have skin in the game. Sometimes, the Sponsor’s investment is their work in discovering and developing the investment venture. Depending on the circumstances, a Syndicator’s payment might include ownership as well as an upfront payment.

Ownership Interest

All partners have an ownership portion in the company. When there are sweat equity partners, look for participants who give money to be compensated with a greater percentage of ownership.

Investors are typically awarded a preferred return of profits to induce them to join. When net revenues are achieved, actual investors are the first who receive a percentage of their cash invested. Profits in excess of that amount are distributed among all the owners depending on the amount of their interest.

If company assets are sold for a profit, the money is distributed among the shareholders. In a vibrant real estate market, this can produce a significant increase to your investment results. The operating agreement is carefully worded by a lawyer to set down everyone’s rights and duties.


A REIT, or Real Estate Investment Trust, means a company that makes investments in income-generating properties. This was initially invented as a method to empower the typical investor to invest in real estate. Shares in REITs are not too costly for the majority of people.

Shareholders in these trusts are entirely passive investors. REITs oversee investors’ risk with a diversified collection of real estate. Participants have the option to sell their shares at any time. Shareholders in a REIT are not allowed to recommend or pick real estate properties for investment. The assets that the REIT decides to acquire are the properties in which you invest.

Real Estate Investment Funds

Mutual funds that own shares of real estate companies are known as real estate investment funds. The fund does not hold real estate — it owns interest in real estate firms. These funds make it possible for additional people to invest in real estate properties. Whereas REITs are meant to distribute dividends to its shareholders, funds do not. As with other stocks, investment funds’ values increase and drop with their share market value.

You can select a fund that focuses on a particular type of real estate company, such as commercial, but you can’t choose the fund’s investment assets or markets. Your decision as an investor is to pick a fund that you rely on to supervise your real estate investments.


Concord Housing 2024

In Concord, the median home market worth is , at the same time the state median is , and the national median market worth is .

In Concord, the year-to-year growth of housing values over the last decade has averaged . Across the state, the average yearly value growth percentage within that timeframe has been . The ten year average of year-to-year housing appreciation throughout the US is .

Speaking about the rental industry, Concord shows a median gross rent of . The statewide median is , and the median gross rent all over the US is .

The percentage of homeowners in Concord is . The percentage of the entire state’s residents that own their home is , compared to throughout the country.

of rental properties in Concord are tenanted. The state’s renter occupancy percentage is . In the entire country, the percentage of tenanted units is .

The occupied percentage for housing units of all kinds in Concord is , with a comparable unoccupied rate of .

Housing Quick Stats
Home Appreciation Rate(2010-2020)
Median Home Value
Median Gross Rent
Price To Rent Ratio
Home Ownership Rate
Tenant Occupied Rate
Average Property Tax Rate

Concord Home Ownership

Concord Rent & Ownership

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Concord Rent Vs Owner Occupied By Household Type

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Concord Occupied & Vacant Number Of Homes And Apartments

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Concord Household Type

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Concord Property Types

Concord Age Of Homes

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Concord Types Of Homes

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Concord Homes Size

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Concord Investment Property Marketplace

If you are looking to invest in Concord real estate, our Investment Property Marketplace can become your indispensable tool in your investing business. To help you easily find the best off-market deals in the Concord area, we created a nationwide investor-friendly online platform. Use it to shop for lucrative off-market properties for sale according to your specific buying criteria.

Unlike other real estate listing websites, our marketplace’s interface is particularly designed for investors. Besides the purchase price, you can see other, essential to investors, key indicators such as: rehab costs and ARV, potential profit, FSBO, or realtor-assisted deal, and others. To get started, visit our marketplace and search for Concord investment properties for sale.

Concord Investment Properties for Sale

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Concord Real Estate Investing Financing

If you are looking for a loan to finance investment property purchase, rehab or ground up construction in Concord OH, easily get quotes from multiple lenders at once and compare rates.

Fill out our quick online real estate financing application form to receive multiple quotes for your preferred type of loan from our preferred Concord private and hard money lenders.

Concord Investment Property Loan Types

Check out some of the most popular real estate loans provided by top local lenders in Concord, OH
  • Rehab Loans
  • Fix and Flip Loans
  • Bridge Loans
  • Asset Based Loans
  • Cash Out/Refinance Loans
  • Transactional Funding
  • Transactional Hard Money Loans
  • Private Money Loans
  • New Construction Loans

Compare Investment Property Loan Rates in Concord

Receive multiple offers from best private and hard money lenders and get access to unlimited capital to fund any type of real estate investment property!


Concord Population Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Concord Population By Year

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Concord Population By Age And Sex

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Concord Economy 2024

The median household income in Concord is . The state’s community has a median household income of , while the country’s median is .

This averages out to a per capita income of in Concord, and throughout the state. is the per person income for the United States in general.

Currently, the average salary in Concord is , with the whole state average of , and the country’s average number of .

The unemployment rate is in Concord, in the state, and in the nation overall.

The economic information from Concord indicates an overall rate of poverty of . The statewide poverty rate is , with the United States’ poverty rate at .

Economy Quick Stats
Unemployment Rate
Median Household Income
Per Capita Income
Overall Poverty Rate
Average Salary
Property Price To Income Ratio
Salary Change Rate (2010-2020)

Concord Residents’ Income

Concord Median Household Income

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Concord Per Capita Income

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Concord Income Distribution

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Concord Poverty Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Concord Property Price To Income Ratio Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Concord Job Market

Concord Employment Industries (Top 10)

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Concord Unemployment Rate

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Concord Employment Distribution By Age

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Concord Average Salary Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Concord Employment Rate Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Concord Employed Population Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Concord School Ratings

The public education system in Concord is K-12, with elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools.

of public school students in Concord are high school graduates.

School Quick Stats
Elementary Schools
Middle Schools
High Schools
Private Schools
High School Graduates

Concord School Ratings

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Concord Neighborhoods