Ultimate Center Cross Real Estate Investing Guide for 2024


Center Cross Real Estate Investing Market Overview

For the decade, the annual increase of the population in Center Cross has averaged . By comparison, the yearly rate for the entire state averaged and the national average was .

The entire population growth rate for Center Cross for the past ten-year cycle is , in contrast to for the entire state and for the United States.

Studying property values in Center Cross, the current median home value in the market is . In comparison, the median value in the nation is , and the median market value for the total state is .

The appreciation rate for homes in Center Cross during the last 10 years was annually. The annual growth rate in the state averaged . Throughout the country, property prices changed yearly at an average rate of .

When you review the property rental market in Center Cross you’ll find a gross median rent of , in comparison with the state median of , and the median gross rent throughout the United States of .

Center Cross Real Estate Investing Highlights

Center Cross Top Highlights

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau
Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Strategy Selection

When you’re contemplating a possible property investment site, your investigation will be lead by your real estate investment strategy.

We are going to share instructions on how you should view market statistics and demographics that will influence your unique sort of investment. Apply this as a manual on how to make use of the advice in this brief to spot the best communities for your investment requirements.

Certain market factors will be important for all types of real property investment. Low crime rate, principal highway access, regional airport, etc. When you delve into the specifics of the city, you should focus on the categories that are crucial to your specific real estate investment.

Investors who select short-term rental units need to see attractions that draw their needed renters to the area. Fix and flip investors will pay attention to the Days On Market information for houses for sale. If you find a 6-month stockpile of houses in your price range, you might want to search in a different place.

Long-term property investors look for indications to the durability of the area’s job market. They will research the community’s largest employers to determine if it has a disparate collection of employers for the investors’ tenants.

If you are unsure regarding a method that you would want to pursue, consider gaining knowledge from real estate investing mentors in Center Cross VA. It will also help to join one of real estate investment clubs in Center Cross VA and attend property investor networking events in Center Cross VA to get wise tips from several local experts.

Here are the different real property investment strategies and the methods in which they assess a potential real estate investment location.

Active Real Estate Investing Strategies

Buy and Hold

This investment plan includes acquiring an asset and retaining it for a long period of time. Their profitability assessment involves renting that investment asset while they keep it to improve their returns.

At any period down the road, the asset can be unloaded if cash is needed for other acquisitions, or if the resale market is really robust.

A leading expert who is graded high on the list of professional real estate agents serving investors in Center Cross VA can take you through the details of your desirable real estate purchase area. We’ll demonstrate the elements that ought to be examined thoughtfully for a successful buy-and-hold investment strategy.


Factors to Consider

Property Appreciation Rate

This parameter is important to your investment location determination. You will want to see reliable gains each year, not unpredictable highs and lows. Historical records exhibiting consistently increasing real property values will give you confidence in your investment return projections. Locations without increasing real estate market values won’t satisfy a long-term investment analysis.

Population Growth

A shrinking population indicates that with time the number of people who can lease your rental home is decreasing. This also normally creates a drop in real property and lease prices. Residents migrate to find better job possibilities, preferable schools, and secure neighborhoods. You need to discover expansion in a location to consider doing business there. Similar to real property appreciation rates, you want to see consistent yearly population growth. Both long- and short-term investment measurables improve with population growth.

Property Taxes

Real property taxes largely effect a Buy and Hold investor’s profits. Sites with high real property tax rates must be avoided. Local governments most often don’t push tax rates back down. A history of tax rate increases in a community may occasionally accompany weak performance in other market data.

It occurs, nonetheless, that a particular real property is wrongly overrated by the county tax assessors. In this occurrence, one of the best property tax protest companies in Center Cross VA can make the area’s government review and potentially decrease the tax rate. However, in extraordinary cases that require you to go to court, you will require the aid of real estate tax appeal attorneys in Center Cross VA.

Price to rent ratio

The price to rent ratio (p/r) equals the median real estate price divided by the yearly median gross rent. A low p/r shows that higher rents can be charged. The higher rent you can charge, the more quickly you can pay back your investment. Watch out for a really low p/r, which might make it more costly to lease a property than to acquire one. If renters are turned into purchasers, you can get left with unused rental properties. You are looking for cities with a moderately low p/r, certainly not a high one.

Median Gross Rent

This indicator is a benchmark used by long-term investors to find durable lease markets. You want to find a stable gain in the median gross rent over a period of time.

Median Population Age

Residents’ median age can demonstrate if the market has a dependable labor pool which means more potential tenants. If the median age reflects the age of the location’s workforce, you should have a dependable pool of renters. An aged populace can be a strain on municipal revenues. Larger tax bills might be necessary for cities with a graying population.

Employment Industry Diversity

If you’re a Buy and Hold investor, you look for a diverse employment base. A stable location for you includes a varied collection of business types in the region. When a single business category has issues, the majority of companies in the market are not endangered. When your tenants are spread out among different companies, you reduce your vacancy risk.

Unemployment Rate

A high unemployment rate demonstrates that not a high number of citizens have enough resources to lease or buy your property. Current renters can go through a tough time paying rent and new ones may not be easy to find. Excessive unemployment has an expanding effect across a community causing decreasing business for other companies and lower pay for many workers. A location with excessive unemployment rates gets unsteady tax income, not many people moving in, and a difficult economic future.

Income Levels

Citizens’ income statistics are investigated by any ‘business to consumer’ (B2C) company to spot their customers. You can use median household and per capita income information to analyze specific portions of a community as well. Increase in income indicates that tenants can make rent payments on time and not be scared off by gradual rent increases.

Number of New Jobs Created

Information showing how many job openings materialize on a regular basis in the community is a good resource to determine if a market is right for your long-range investment project. Job production will strengthen the tenant base increase. Additional jobs supply a stream of tenants to follow departing renters and to rent added lease properties. A supply of jobs will make a city more desirable for settling and acquiring a residence there. Higher interest makes your real property price appreciate before you need to unload it.

School Ratings

School ratings must also be seriously considered. New employers need to find outstanding schools if they are to relocate there. The quality of schools is an important incentive for families to either stay in the region or leave. This can either increase or lessen the number of your likely tenants and can change both the short-term and long-term price of investment assets.

Natural Disasters

Considering that an effective investment plan is dependent on ultimately unloading the real estate at a higher value, the appearance and physical stability of the structures are critical. That is why you’ll want to bypass markets that regularly endure challenging environmental calamities. In any event, the real estate will need to have an insurance policy written on it that covers calamities that might happen, such as earthquakes.

As for potential loss created by renters, have it covered by one of the recommended landlord insurance brokers in Center Cross VA.

Long Term Rental (BRRRR)

BRRRR stands for “Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat”. BRRRR is a strategy for repeated expansion. This method revolves around your capability to remove cash out when you refinance.

You add to the value of the property above what you spent acquiring and rehabbing the asset. Then you receive a cash-out mortgage refinance loan that is calculated on the superior value, and you withdraw the balance. You utilize that cash to buy an additional home and the procedure starts again. This plan allows you to repeatedly expand your portfolio and your investment income.

When your investment property portfolio is big enough, you can contract out its management and enjoy passive cash flow. Discover good Center Cross property management companies by looking through our list.


Factors to Consider

Population Growth

The expansion or deterioration of a community’s population is a valuable gauge of the market’s long-term attractiveness for lease property investors. If the population increase in a location is high, then more tenants are assuredly relocating into the community. Moving companies are attracted to increasing regions giving job security to households who move there. Growing populations grow a reliable renter pool that can afford rent raises and home purchasers who help keep your investment property values high.

Property Taxes

Property taxes, regular maintenance spendings, and insurance directly affect your returns. Excessive payments in these areas threaten your investment’s bottom line. Unreasonable real estate taxes may signal an unstable city where expenses can continue to rise and should be treated as a warning.

Price to Rent Ratio

The price to rent ratio (p/r) is a signal of how high of a rent can be demanded in comparison to the purchase price of the property. The rate you can charge in an area will define the sum you are able to pay depending on how long it will take to pay back those funds. A higher price-to-rent ratio shows you that you can demand less rent in that market, a small p/r tells you that you can charge more.

Median Gross Rents

Median gross rents let you see whether an area’s lease market is dependable. Median rents should be expanding to validate your investment. Shrinking rental rates are an alert to long-term investor landlords.

Median Population Age

The median citizens’ age that you are searching for in a dynamic investment market will be near the age of waged people. You’ll find this to be accurate in markets where people are relocating. If you see a high median age, your supply of renters is becoming smaller. This is not advantageous for the forthcoming economy of that city.

Employment Base Diversity

A larger amount of companies in the location will boost your prospects for success. When the market’s workers, who are your tenants, are employed by a diverse assortment of employers, you will not lose all of them at once (and your property’s market worth), if a significant employer in town goes out of business.

Unemployment Rate

High unemployment means a lower number of tenants and an unstable housing market. Historically profitable companies lose clients when other businesses lay off workers. This can result in a high amount of retrenchments or reduced work hours in the community. Even tenants who are employed will find it tough to stay current with their rent.

Income Rates

Median household and per capita income rates tell you if a high amount of preferred tenants reside in that market. Your investment calculations will include rent and asset appreciation, which will rely on income growth in the community.

Number of New Jobs Created

The robust economy that you are hunting for will generate enough jobs on a consistent basis. The people who fill the new jobs will need a place to live. This assures you that you can maintain a high occupancy rate and acquire more assets.

School Ratings

School ratings in the community will have a significant effect on the local property market. Highly-endorsed schools are a prerequisite for companies that are considering relocating. Moving employers relocate and attract prospective tenants. Homeowners who move to the area have a good influence on real estate market worth. For long-term investing, look for highly graded schools in a considered investment location.

Property Appreciation Rates

Strong property appreciation rates are a necessity for a lucrative long-term investment. Investing in properties that you want to keep without being positive that they will rise in price is a formula for failure. Inferior or dropping property appreciation rates should remove a location from your list.

Short Term Rentals

Residential units where tenants live in furnished accommodations for less than thirty days are referred to as short-term rentals. Short-term rental businesses charge more rent each night than in long-term rental business. Because of the high number of occupants, short-term rentals involve more frequent repairs and sanitation.

Usual short-term renters are tourists, home sellers who are in-between homes, and people traveling on business who want a more homey place than hotel accommodation. Ordinary real estate owners can rent their houses or condominiums on a short-term basis using platforms such as AirBnB and VRBO. Short-term rentals are deemed as a good way to get started on investing in real estate.

Short-term rental properties require interacting with renters more often than long-term rentals. This leads to the landlord having to frequently manage complaints. You might want to cover your legal liability by hiring one of the top Center Cross real estate lawyers.


Factors to Consider

Short-Term Rental Income

You have to determine how much income has to be generated to make your investment successful. Knowing the usual amount of rent being charged in the community for short-term rentals will help you pick a profitable market to invest.

Median Property Prices

You also need to decide the amount you can bear to invest. The median price of property will show you if you can afford to participate in that location. You can calibrate your real estate search by evaluating median values in the region’s sub-markets.

Price Per Square Foot

Price per square foot may be confusing if you are examining different buildings. If you are looking at the same kinds of real estate, like condos or separate single-family homes, the price per square foot is more reliable. You can use the price per square foot data to see a good broad view of housing values.

Short-Term Rental Occupancy Rate

The need for new rentals in a location can be verified by evaluating the short-term rental occupancy rate. A high occupancy rate signifies that an extra source of short-term rentals is needed. If property owners in the market are having issues filling their current properties, you will have difficulty renting yours.

Short-Term Rental Cash-on-Cash Return

A short-term rental’s cash-on-cash return will inform you if the purchase is a practical use of your own funds. You can calculate the cash-on-cash return by taking your Net Operating Income (NOI) and dividing it by the cash you are putting in. The percentage you get is your cash-on-cash return. High cash-on-cash return means that you will recoup your capital more quickly and the investment will earn more profit. Lender-funded investment ventures will reach better cash-on-cash returns as you will be utilizing less of your own money.

Average Short-Term Rental Capitalization (Cap) Rates

This criterion compares property worth to its annual income. An income-generating asset that has a high cap rate and charges market rental rates has a high value. Low cap rates signify more expensive rental units. Divide your projected Net Operating Income (NOI) by the property’s value or listing price. The result is the annual return in a percentage.

Local Attractions

Short-term rental apartments are preferred in regions where visitors are attracted by activities and entertainment venues. This includes major sporting tournaments, kiddie sports competitions, colleges and universities, huge concert halls and arenas, fairs, and theme parks. Famous vacation spots are located in mountainous and coastal areas, along lakes, and national or state parks.

Fix and Flip

When an investor purchases a property under market value, renovates it and makes it more attractive and pricier, and then resells it for revenue, they are known as a fix and flip investor. To keep the business profitable, the flipper needs to pay less than the market worth for the house and calculate the amount it will cost to fix it.

It’s a must for you to figure out what houses are being sold for in the community. The average number of Days On Market (DOM) for houses listed in the area is important. To profitably “flip” real estate, you must sell the rehabbed house before you are required to spend cash maintaining it.

To help motivated residence sellers discover you, list your business in our lists of cash real estate buyers in Center Cross VA and real estate investors in Center Cross VA.

Additionally, hunt for bird dogs for real estate investors in Center Cross VA. Professionals located here will help you by rapidly discovering potentially successful ventures ahead of the projects being sold.


Factors to Consider

Median Home Price

Median property value data is a key indicator for assessing a prospective investment community. Modest median home values are a hint that there must be an inventory of real estate that can be acquired for lower than market value. This is a basic feature of a fix and flip market.

When you notice a fast weakening in home market values, this could signal that there are conceivably properties in the area that qualify for a short sale. You will learn about potential opportunities when you team up with Center Cross short sale negotiators. Learn more about this kind of investment explained in our guide How Do You Buy a Short Sale House?.

Property Appreciation Rate

The changes in real property prices in a city are very important. You are eyeing for a consistent appreciation of the city’s real estate prices. Accelerated market worth surges could reflect a value bubble that isn’t practical. When you are buying and selling swiftly, an erratic market can harm your venture.

Average Renovation Costs

A thorough review of the region’s renovation expenses will make a huge impact on your location choice. Other spendings, like clearances, may shoot up expenditure, and time which may also turn into additional disbursement. If you need to show a stamped suite of plans, you’ll need to include architect’s fees in your budget.

Population Growth

Population increase figures provide a look at housing demand in the market. Flat or negative population growth is an indication of a feeble market with not a lot of buyers to justify your risk.

Median Population Age

The median residents’ age is a clear indication of the supply of qualified home purchasers. If the median age is equal to the one of the usual worker, it’s a good indication. Individuals in the area’s workforce are the most reliable house buyers. People who are planning to leave the workforce or have already retired have very restrictive residency needs.

Unemployment Rate

If you run across a region demonstrating a low unemployment rate, it is a strong sign of profitable investment prospects. An unemployment rate that is less than the US average is preferred. If the area’s unemployment rate is less than the state average, that’s a sign of a desirable investing environment. In order to acquire your rehabbed homes, your potential buyers are required to be employed, and their clients as well.

Income Rates

The residents’ income stats tell you if the community’s economy is strong. Most people normally take a mortgage to purchase real estate. Homebuyers’ eligibility to take a mortgage hinges on the size of their income. You can see based on the region’s median income whether enough individuals in the area can afford to purchase your real estate. You also prefer to have salaries that are going up consistently. If you need to augment the price of your homes, you have to be sure that your homebuyers’ income is also growing.

Number of New Jobs Created

The number of jobs created per year is valuable data as you consider investing in a particular city. A higher number of citizens purchase homes if the local economy is generating jobs. Competent trained workers looking into buying a property and deciding to settle opt for relocating to cities where they won’t be unemployed.

Hard Money Loan Rates

Short-term real estate investors normally employ hard money loans rather than typical loans. This allows investors to immediately purchase desirable properties. Locate top-rated hard money lenders in Center Cross VA so you can review their charges.

In case you are inexperienced with this funding product, discover more by studying our guide — What Is a Hard Money Loan in Real Estate?.


As a real estate wholesaler, you enter a sale and purchase agreement to buy a house that other investors will be interested in. But you don’t close on it: once you have the property under contract, you allow a real estate investor to become the buyer for a price. The seller sells the home to the investor not the real estate wholesaler. The real estate wholesaler does not sell the residential property — they sell the rights to buy one.

Wholesaling depends on the assistance of a title insurance firm that is experienced with assigned contracts and understands how to work with a double closing. Locate title companies for real estate investors in Center Cross VA on our website.

Read more about the way to wholesale property from our complete guide — Real Estate Wholesaling 101. As you opt for wholesaling, include your investment company in our directory of the best investment property wholesalers in Center Cross VA. That way your prospective audience will learn about your availability and contact you.


Factors to Consider

Median Home Prices

Median home prices are key to discovering markets where homes are being sold in your investors’ price range. A community that has a substantial pool of the reduced-value investment properties that your customers want will have a low median home price.

Accelerated deterioration in property market values may result in a lot of homes with no equity that appeal to short sale flippers. Wholesaling short sale houses frequently carries a list of uncommon benefits. Nonetheless, it also raises a legal risk. Obtain more details on how to wholesale a short sale house with our thorough guide. Once you’ve resolved to attempt wholesaling short sales, make certain to hire someone on the list of the best short sale real estate attorneys in Center Cross VA and the best property foreclosure attorneys in Center Cross VA to help you.

Property Appreciation Rate

Median home price dynamics are also important. Some real estate investors, like buy and hold and long-term rental investors, specifically need to find that residential property prices in the community are expanding consistently. Dropping purchase prices show an equivalently weak rental and housing market and will dismay real estate investors.

Population Growth

Population growth statistics are something that your future investors will be knowledgeable in. If they realize the population is expanding, they will presume that new residential units are required. This involves both leased and ‘for sale’ real estate. A region that has a declining community will not draw the real estate investors you want to buy your purchase contracts.

Median Population Age

A robust housing market needs individuals who are initially renting, then transitioning into homeownership, and then buying up in the housing market. This necessitates a strong, stable employee pool of citizens who feel confident enough to move up in the real estate market. When the median population age is equivalent to the age of employed adults, it illustrates a strong housing market.

Income Rates

The median household and per capita income should be on the upswing in a friendly housing market that investors prefer to operate in. Income hike shows an area that can manage lease rate and home listing price increases. Investors have to have this if they are to reach their expected profits.

Unemployment Rate

Real estate investors whom you offer to take on your contracts will consider unemployment rates to be a crucial piece of insight. Tenants in high unemployment markets have a difficult time making timely rent payments and some of them will skip rent payments completely. Long-term real estate investors who rely on consistent lease payments will lose money in these markets. Real estate investors cannot depend on renters moving up into their properties if unemployment rates are high. Short-term investors will not take a chance on being stuck with a unit they cannot sell easily.

Number of New Jobs Created

Learning how frequently fresh job openings appear in the market can help you determine if the house is located in a good housing market. Fresh jobs appearing draw plenty of workers who need homes to lease and purchase. Whether your purchaser supply is made up of long-term or short-term investors, they will be drawn to a market with stable job opening creation.

Average Renovation Costs

An influential factor for your client real estate investors, particularly fix and flippers, are rehab expenses in the city. The purchase price, plus the costs of renovation, must total to less than the After Repair Value (ARV) of the home to ensure profitability. Below average renovation costs make a region more attractive for your main clients — rehabbers and landlords.

Mortgage Note Investing

Note investing professionals purchase debt from mortgage lenders if the investor can buy it for less than the balance owed. The borrower makes future mortgage payments to the note investor who has become their new mortgage lender.

Loans that are being paid as agreed are referred to as performing loans. These notes are a steady generator of passive income. Investors also purchase non-performing loans that the investors either rework to assist the client or foreclose on to purchase the collateral below actual value.

At some point, you could grow a mortgage note collection and find yourself lacking time to manage your loans by yourself. At that point, you might want to use our catalogue of Center Cross top mortgage loan servicing companies and reclassify your notes as passive investments.

If you decide to utilize this plan, append your venture to our directory of real estate note buyers in Center Cross VA. When you do this, you will be noticed by the lenders who publicize lucrative investment notes for procurement by investors like yourself.


Factors to Consider

Foreclosure Rates

Low foreclosure rates are an indication that the area has opportunities for performing note buyers. If the foreclosure rates are high, the region could still be good for non-performing note buyers. The neighborhood needs to be robust enough so that note investors can foreclose and liquidate collateral properties if necessary.

Foreclosure Laws

Mortgage note investors are required to know the state’s laws concerning foreclosure before pursuing this strategy. Many states use mortgage paperwork and others utilize Deeds of Trust. You may have to get the court’s okay to foreclose on a property. You do not need the court’s agreement with a Deed of Trust.

Mortgage Interest Rates

Acquired mortgage loan notes have an agreed interest rate. This is a significant factor in the returns that lenders reach. Interest rates impact the plans of both kinds of note investors.

Traditional lenders charge dissimilar mortgage loan interest rates in various regions of the United States. Private loan rates can be moderately higher than traditional mortgage rates because of the higher risk dealt with by private lenders.

A mortgage note investor needs to know the private and traditional mortgage loan rates in their areas at any given time.


An effective note investment plan uses a research of the area by utilizing demographic data. Mortgage note investors can interpret a great deal by estimating the size of the population, how many citizens are employed, how much they make, and how old the citizens are.
A youthful growing area with a vibrant employment base can contribute a reliable income stream for long-term mortgage note investors hunting for performing mortgage notes.

Non-performing note buyers are reviewing comparable elements for different reasons. If foreclosure is called for, the foreclosed collateral property is more easily unloaded in a good market.

Property Values

Mortgage lenders need to find as much home equity in the collateral property as possible. When the property value is not much more than the loan amount, and the mortgage lender wants to foreclose, the home might not sell for enough to payoff the loan. As mortgage loan payments reduce the balance owed, and the market value of the property goes up, the borrower’s equity grows.

Property Taxes

Normally, lenders accept the property taxes from the customer each month. That way, the mortgage lender makes certain that the property taxes are taken care of when payable. If the homebuyer stops paying, unless the lender pays the property taxes, they will not be paid on time. If a tax lien is filed, it takes precedence over the your note.

If property taxes keep going up, the customer’s mortgage payments also keep increasing. This makes it difficult for financially strapped homeowners to make their payments, so the loan could become delinquent.

Real Estate Market Strength

A stable real estate market showing regular value increase is helpful for all kinds of note investors. Because foreclosure is a critical element of note investment strategy, increasing real estate values are critical to locating a strong investment market.

Strong markets often present opportunities for private investors to make the first loan themselves. This is a profitable source of revenue for accomplished investors.

Passive Real Estate Investing Strategies


When people work together by supplying money and creating a company to hold investment real estate, it’s called a syndication. The syndication is organized by someone who enrolls other people to join the venture.

The partner who brings the components together is the Sponsor, also known as the Syndicator. It’s their responsibility to manage the purchase or creation of investment properties and their operation. This person also handles the business matters of the Syndication, including owners’ dividends.

Others are passive investors. In return for their capital, they take a priority position when revenues are shared. But only the manager(s) of the syndicate can manage the operation of the partnership.


Factors to Consider

Real Estate Market

Your choice of the real estate area to look for syndications will rely on the blueprint you prefer the projected syndication opportunity to follow. The earlier sections of this article talking about active real estate investing will help you determine market selection requirements for your potential syndication investment.


Because passive Syndication investors rely on the Syndicator to manage everything, they need to research the Syndicator’s reputation carefully. Profitable real estate Syndication relies on having a knowledgeable veteran real estate specialist as a Syndicator.

He or she might or might not invest their funds in the project. But you need them to have money in the project. Certain ventures consider the work that the Syndicator did to structure the venture as “sweat” equity. Depending on the details, a Syndicator’s compensation may involve ownership and an upfront payment.

Ownership Interest

Every member holds a piece of the partnership. If there are sweat equity members, look for participants who give cash to be compensated with a more significant amount of ownership.

Investors are often allotted a preferred return of net revenues to induce them to invest. Preferred return is a portion of the funds invested that is given to cash investors out of profits. Profits over and above that figure are divided among all the participants depending on the amount of their interest.

If the asset is finally sold, the participants get a negotiated percentage of any sale proceeds. The overall return on an investment such as this can significantly jump when asset sale net proceeds are combined with the yearly revenues from a successful venture. The syndication’s operating agreement explains the ownership structure and how participants are treated financially.


A trust buying income-generating properties and that sells shares to people is a REIT — Real Estate Investment Trust. This was first conceived as a way to permit the everyday person to invest in real estate. Most investors currently are capable of investing in a REIT.

REIT investing is called passive investing. The liability that the investors are assuming is diversified within a collection of investment properties. Shares can be sold when it is agreeable for the investor. Something you cannot do with REIT shares is to choose the investment properties. The land and buildings that the REIT decides to acquire are the ones your money is used for.

Real Estate Investment Funds

Mutual funds that contain shares of real estate firms are called real estate investment funds. Any actual real estate is owned by the real estate businesses, not the fund. This is another way for passive investors to diversify their investments with real estate avoiding the high entry-level expense or exposure. Funds aren’t required to pay dividends like a REIT. As with any stock, investment funds’ values go up and drop with their share value.

You can pick a fund that concentrates on a predetermined type of real estate you’re expert in, but you don’t get to select the market of each real estate investment. As passive investors, fund members are content to permit the management team of the fund make all investment choices.


Center Cross Housing 2024

The median home value in Center Cross is , compared to the total state median of and the US median market worth that is .

The average home value growth rate in Center Cross for the recent decade is annually. The total state’s average in the course of the recent 10 years has been . Across the nation, the yearly value growth rate has averaged .

In the rental market, the median gross rent in Center Cross is . The state’s median is , and the median gross rent in the country is .

The percentage of people owning their home in Center Cross is . The rate of the total state’s residents that are homeowners is , in comparison with throughout the United States.

of rental homes in Center Cross are leased. The entire state’s stock of leased residences is occupied at a percentage of . The countrywide occupancy rate for leased residential units is .

The total occupancy percentage for homes and apartments in Center Cross is , while the unoccupied rate for these units is .

Housing Quick Stats
Home Appreciation Rate(2010-2020)
Median Home Value
Median Gross Rent
Price To Rent Ratio
Home Ownership Rate
Tenant Occupied Rate
Average Property Tax Rate

Center Cross Home Ownership

Center Cross Rent & Ownership

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Center Cross Rent Vs Owner Occupied By Household Type

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Center Cross Occupied & Vacant Number Of Homes And Apartments

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Center Cross Household Type

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Center Cross Property Types

Center Cross Age Of Homes

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Center Cross Types Of Homes

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Center Cross Homes Size

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Center Cross Investment Property Marketplace

If you are looking to invest in Center Cross real estate, our Investment Property Marketplace can become your indispensable tool in your investing business. To help you easily find the best off-market deals in the Center Cross area, we created a nationwide investor-friendly online platform. Use it to shop for lucrative off-market properties for sale according to your specific buying criteria.

Unlike other real estate listing websites, our marketplace’s interface is particularly designed for investors. Besides the purchase price, you can see other, essential to investors, key indicators such as: rehab costs and ARV, potential profit, FSBO, or realtor-assisted deal, and others. To get started, visit our marketplace and search for Center Cross investment properties for sale.

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Center Cross Real Estate Investing Financing

If you are looking for a loan to finance investment property purchase, rehab or ground up construction in Center Cross VA, easily get quotes from multiple lenders at once and compare rates.

Fill out our quick online real estate financing application form to receive multiple quotes for your preferred type of loan from our preferred Center Cross private and hard money lenders.

Center Cross Investment Property Loan Types

Check out some of the most popular real estate loans provided by top local lenders in Center Cross, VA
  • Rehab Loans
  • Fix and Flip Loans
  • Bridge Loans
  • Asset Based Loans
  • Cash Out/Refinance Loans
  • Transactional Funding
  • Transactional Hard Money Loans
  • Private Money Loans
  • New Construction Loans

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Receive multiple offers from best private and hard money lenders and get access to unlimited capital to fund any type of real estate investment property!


Center Cross Population Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Center Cross Population By Year

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Center Cross Population By Age And Sex

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Center Cross Economy 2024

Center Cross has reported a median household income of . The state’s population has a median household income of , while the United States’ median is .

The community of Center Cross has a per capita income of , while the per capita level of income for the state is . The population of the nation overall has a per capita income of .

Currently, the average salary in Center Cross is , with the whole state average of , and the United States’ average figure of .

The unemployment rate is in Center Cross, in the state, and in the US in general.

All in all, the poverty rate in Center Cross is . The statewide poverty rate is , with the country’s poverty rate at .

Economy Quick Stats
Unemployment Rate
Median Household Income
Per Capita Income
Overall Poverty Rate
Average Salary
Property Price To Income Ratio
Salary Change Rate (2010-2020)

Center Cross Residents’ Income

Center Cross Median Household Income

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Center Cross Per Capita Income

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Center Cross Income Distribution

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Center Cross Poverty Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Center Cross Property Price To Income Ratio Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Center Cross Job Market

Center Cross Employment Industries (Top 10)

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Center Cross Unemployment Rate

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Center Cross Employment Distribution By Age

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Center Cross Average Salary Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Center Cross Employment Rate Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Center Cross Employed Population Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Center Cross School Ratings

The school structure in Center Cross is K-12, with grade schools, middle schools, and high schools.

The Center Cross public school setup has a high school graduation rate.

School Quick Stats
Elementary Schools
Middle Schools
High Schools
Private Schools
High School Graduates

Center Cross School Ratings

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Center Cross Neighborhoods