Ultimate Caney Real Estate Investing Guide for 2024


Caney Real Estate Investing Market Overview

For ten years, the yearly increase of the population in Caney has averaged . By contrast, the average rate at the same time was for the full state, and nationwide.

Throughout the same 10-year period, the rate of increase for the total population in Caney was , in comparison with for the state, and throughout the nation.

Surveying real property values in Caney, the present median home value in the city is . In contrast, the median value for the state is , while the national indicator is .

Housing values in Caney have changed during the past 10 years at an annual rate of . The yearly growth tempo in the state averaged . Nationally, the average annual home value appreciation rate was .

When you review the residential rental market in Caney you’ll discover a gross median rent of , in contrast to the state median of , and the median gross rent throughout the United States of .

Caney Real Estate Investing Highlights

Caney Top Highlights

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau
Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Strategy Selection

When you start reviewing an unfamiliar site for potential real estate investment efforts, do not forget the type of real estate investment plan that you follow.

Below are detailed instructions showing what factors to estimate for each investor type. Utilize this as a guide on how to capitalize on the information in these instructions to find the top area for your real estate investment criteria.

All real estate investors need to evaluate the most fundamental site elements. Easy access to the town and your intended submarket, safety statistics, dependable air transportation, etc. When you delve into the details of the market, you need to zero in on the categories that are critical to your specific real property investment.

If you prefer short-term vacation rentals, you’ll target locations with good tourism. Flippers need to realize how quickly they can sell their rehabbed property by researching the average Days on Market (DOM). If the Days on Market indicates sluggish home sales, that site will not receive a high assessment from investors.

The employment rate should be one of the primary statistics that a long-term real estate investor will have to hunt for. The employment data, new jobs creation pace, and diversity of employing companies will signal if they can anticipate a steady source of tenants in the community.

If you are conflicted regarding a strategy that you would like to pursue, think about gaining expertise from property investment mentors in Caney KS. It will also help to enlist in one of property investor groups in Caney KS and attend real estate investing events in Caney KS to hear from multiple local pros.

Now, let’s consider real estate investment strategies and the most appropriate ways that they can assess a potential investment community.

Active Real Estate Investing Strategies

Buy and Hold

This investment plan requires buying an asset and holding it for a significant period. As it is being held, it’s typically being rented, to increase profit.

When the investment asset has grown in value, it can be unloaded at a later time if market conditions shift or the investor’s plan requires a reapportionment of the assets.

One of the top investor-friendly real estate agents in Caney KS will provide you a comprehensive overview of the region’s real estate market. Our suggestions will outline the factors that you ought to use in your venture plan.


Factors to Consider

Property Appreciation Rate

Property appreciation rates are one of the initial elements that illustrate if the city has a robust, stable real estate investment market. You are trying to find stable value increases year over year. Long-term asset growth in value is the underpinning of the entire investment strategy. Shrinking appreciation rates will likely make you eliminate that market from your lineup completely.

Population Growth

A declining population means that over time the total number of residents who can rent your investment property is shrinking. It also often incurs a decrease in real property and lease prices. A shrinking market is unable to make the enhancements that could attract relocating companies and workers to the area. A location with poor or decreasing population growth rates should not be on your list. Look for markets with stable population growth. Expanding sites are where you can encounter growing real property market values and substantial lease prices.

Property Taxes

Real property tax bills will decrease your profits. You should avoid markets with excessive tax rates. Regularly increasing tax rates will usually continue going up. A municipality that often increases taxes may not be the effectively managed city that you are hunting for.

Some pieces of real estate have their market value erroneously overvalued by the local assessors. If that occurs, you should pick from top real estate tax advisors in Caney KS for a specialist to present your case to the municipality and conceivably have the real property tax valuation decreased. Nevertheless, in atypical cases that obligate you to appear in court, you will want the aid provided by top property tax lawyers in Caney KS.

Price to rent ratio

Price to rent ratio (p/r) is discovered when you take the median property price and divide it by the yearly median gross rent. A city with low rental rates has a higher p/r. The higher rent you can set, the sooner you can recoup your investment capital. Watch out for an exceptionally low p/r, which could make it more costly to lease a residence than to acquire one. This might push tenants into acquiring a residence and expand rental unit vacancy ratios. However, lower p/r ratios are generally more preferred than high ratios.

Median Gross Rent

This is a metric used by long-term investors to discover reliable rental markets. You want to see a consistent gain in the median gross rent over a period of time.

Median Population Age

Median population age is a picture of the extent of a location’s labor pool that correlates to the extent of its lease market. You are trying to find a median age that is approximately the middle of the age of the workforce. An aged population will be a drain on community resources. Larger tax bills might be a necessity for cities with an aging population.

Employment Industry Diversity

Buy and Hold investors don’t like to see the area’s job opportunities provided by only a few employers. Variety in the numbers and varieties of industries is best. Diversification keeps a downturn or disruption in business activity for one business category from hurting other industries in the community. When most of your renters have the same business your lease revenue depends on, you are in a defenseless condition.

Unemployment Rate

A steep unemployment rate demonstrates that not a high number of residents can manage to lease or purchase your property. The high rate suggests possibly an unreliable income stream from those tenants currently in place. Unemployed workers lose their purchasing power which hurts other businesses and their employees. Companies and individuals who are considering relocation will search elsewhere and the city’s economy will suffer.

Income Levels

Population’s income statistics are examined by every ‘business to consumer’ (B2C) company to locate their customers. Your evaluation of the market, and its specific pieces you want to invest in, needs to incorporate an appraisal of median household and per capita income. Expansion in income means that renters can make rent payments promptly and not be frightened off by gradual rent increases.

Number of New Jobs Created

Knowing how often additional employment opportunities are produced in the community can strengthen your evaluation of the location. New jobs are a supply of your renters. New jobs provide new renters to replace departing ones and to rent additional lease properties. A financial market that generates new jobs will entice additional workers to the market who will lease and buy residential properties. This sustains a vibrant real estate marketplace that will enhance your investment properties’ values by the time you intend to liquidate.

School Ratings

School quality must also be closely investigated. Moving companies look carefully at the caliber of local schools. Good local schools can affect a household’s decision to remain and can draw others from the outside. This may either increase or reduce the number of your possible renters and can affect both the short-term and long-term value of investment assets.

Natural Disasters

When your plan is contingent on your ability to sell the real estate after its market value has improved, the property’s superficial and structural condition are important. So, attempt to avoid communities that are often hurt by environmental calamities. Regardless, the property will need to have an insurance policy written on it that covers catastrophes that could occur, such as earthquakes.

In the occurrence of renter destruction, speak with someone from the directory of Caney rental property insurance companies for suitable insurance protection.

Long Term Rental (BRRRR)

A long-term investment system that involves Buying a house, Renovating, Renting, Refinancing it, and Repeating the process by using the capital from the refinance is called BRRRR. BRRRR is a system for continuous expansion. This plan rests on your capability to remove cash out when you refinance.

The After Repair Value (ARV) of the asset has to total more than the combined acquisition and refurbishment costs. The asset is refinanced using the ARV and the balance, or equity, is given to you in cash. This cash is put into one more investment asset, and so on. You buy additional houses or condos and continually increase your lease income.

If your investment real estate collection is substantial enough, you might contract out its management and receive passive cash flow. Locate one of the best property management firms in Caney KS with the help of our complete directory.


Factors to Consider

Population Growth

Population increase or fall tells you if you can depend on good results from long-term real estate investments. A booming population usually demonstrates busy relocation which means additional renters. Moving businesses are drawn to growing areas giving reliable jobs to households who relocate there. An increasing population builds a steady base of renters who can keep up with rent raises, and a vibrant seller’s market if you want to sell your investment assets.

Property Taxes

Property taxes, maintenance, and insurance expenses are investigated by long-term lease investors for computing costs to estimate if and how the project will pay off. Excessive property taxes will negatively impact a real estate investor’s income. If property taxes are too high in a given city, you will need to search in a different location.

Price to Rent Ratio

Price to rent ratio (p/r) is a market signal that informs you the amount you can anticipate to collect for rent. An investor will not pay a large amount for an investment property if they can only charge a small rent not enabling them to pay the investment off within a appropriate time. A large p/r informs you that you can demand lower rent in that community, a small p/r says that you can collect more.

Median Gross Rents

Median gross rents are a true barometer of the acceptance of a lease market under discussion. You need to discover a location with stable median rent expansion. You will not be able to achieve your investment targets in a city where median gross rental rates are declining.

Median Population Age

Median population age in a reliable long-term investment environment should equal the usual worker’s age. If people are moving into the district, the median age will not have a challenge staying at the level of the labor force. If you discover a high median age, your supply of tenants is becoming smaller. This is not promising for the forthcoming financial market of that location.

Employment Base Diversity

A varied employment base is something an intelligent long-term rental property investor will search for. If there are only one or two dominant employers, and one of such relocates or disappears, it will lead you to lose paying customers and your real estate market prices to plunge.

Unemployment Rate

It’s difficult to achieve a stable rental market if there are many unemployed residents in it. Normally successful companies lose customers when other employers retrench employees. People who still have workplaces may discover their hours and salaries cut. This may cause missed rent payments and renter defaults.

Income Rates

Median household and per capita income levels show you if a sufficient number of suitable renters live in that region. Existing income information will communicate to you if salary growth will permit you to hike rental charges to achieve your investment return estimates.

Number of New Jobs Created

The more jobs are continually being provided in a city, the more dependable your renter pool will be. The employees who take the new jobs will have to have a place to live. This guarantees that you will be able to maintain a high occupancy level and acquire more real estate.

School Ratings

The quality of school districts has an undeniable impact on housing values throughout the area. Business owners that are interested in relocating need top notch schools for their employees. Business relocation provides more tenants. Real estate market values rise thanks to new workers who are homebuyers. You will not run into a dynamically soaring residential real estate market without highly-rated schools.

Property Appreciation Rates

The basis of a long-term investment approach is to hold the investment property. You have to ensure that the chances of your investment going up in value in that community are strong. You do not want to take any time looking at locations with poor property appreciation rates.

Short Term Rentals

A short-term rental is a furnished unit where a tenant resides for less than a month. The per-night rental rates are normally higher in short-term rentals than in long-term units. With renters not staying long, short-term rentals need to be maintained and sanitized on a continual basis.

Home sellers waiting to relocate into a new property, tourists, and corporate travelers who are stopping over in the community for about week prefer to rent a residence short term. House sharing websites such as AirBnB and VRBO have opened doors to numerous real estate owners to get in on the short-term rental industry. An easy method to get started on real estate investing is to rent a residential property you currently own for short terms.

The short-term rental housing venture includes interaction with occupants more regularly in comparison with annual rental properties. This leads to the owner being required to constantly handle complaints. Consider defending yourself and your assets by adding one of real estate law firms in Caney KS to your network of professionals.


Factors to Consider

Short-Term Rental Income

You have to figure out how much income has to be created to make your effort worthwhile. A community’s short-term rental income rates will promptly tell you if you can expect to achieve your estimated rental income range.

Median Property Prices

Meticulously compute the budget that you are able to spare for new investment properties. The median values of real estate will show you if you can afford to invest in that market. You can calibrate your community search by looking at the median market worth in specific sections of the community.

Price Per Square Foot

Price per square foot can be confusing if you are comparing different units. A building with open entrances and high ceilings can’t be contrasted with a traditional-style residential unit with larger floor space. You can use this criterion to see a good overall idea of real estate values.

Short-Term Rental Occupancy Rate

The demand for additional rental units in a community may be checked by going over the short-term rental occupancy level. A community that demands additional rental units will have a high occupancy rate. If the rental occupancy rates are low, there isn’t much need in the market and you must explore somewhere else.

Short-Term Rental Cash-on-Cash Return

A short-term rental’s cash-on-cash return will show you if the venture is a logical use of your cash. Divide the Net Operating Income (NOI) by the amount of cash put in. The answer comes as a percentage. High cash-on-cash return means that you will regain your cash quicker and the purchase will earn more profit. If you get financing for a portion of the investment amount and put in less of your own cash, you will see a higher cash-on-cash return.

Average Short-Term Rental Capitalization (Cap) Rates

One measurement shows the market value of an investment property as a return-yielding asset — average short-term rental capitalization (cap) rate. An income-generating asset that has a high cap rate and charges typical market rental prices has a strong value. If cap rates are low, you can expect to spend more money for real estate in that market. The cap rate is determined by dividing the Net Operating Income (NOI) by the asking price or market value. This presents you a ratio that is the yearly return, or cap rate.

Local Attractions

Short-term renters are often travellers who come to a region to attend a recurring important event or visit tourist destinations. This includes top sporting tournaments, children’s sports activities, colleges and universities, huge auditoriums and arenas, fairs, and amusement parks. Outdoor tourist sites like mountains, lakes, beaches, and state and national parks can also bring in prospective tenants.

Fix and Flip

The fix and flip approach entails buying a property that requires fixing up or rebuilding, putting additional value by upgrading the building, and then liquidating it for a better market price. To get profit, the flipper must pay less than the market worth for the property and determine the amount it will take to fix the home.

You also need to analyze the real estate market where the home is positioned. You always have to investigate the amount of time it takes for properties to sell, which is shown by the Days on Market (DOM) information. As a ”rehabber”, you will need to liquidate the improved house immediately so you can avoid carrying ongoing costs that will lessen your revenue.

To help motivated residence sellers find you, enter your business in our lists of real estate cash buyers in Caney KS and property investors in Caney KS.

Additionally, hunt for the best property bird dogs in Caney KS. These experts specialize in rapidly discovering good investment opportunities before they are listed on the marketplace.


Factors to Consider

Median Home Price

When you look for a desirable market for home flipping, examine the median home price in the district. Modest median home values are a sign that there is a good number of houses that can be acquired below market value. This is a necessary element of a fix and flip market.

When market data signals a sharp decrease in property market values, this can point to the availability of potential short sale homes. You’ll learn about possible opportunities when you team up with Caney short sale specialists. Find out how this is done by reviewing our explanation ⁠— What Do You Need to Buy a Short Sale House?.

Property Appreciation Rate

Dynamics relates to the track that median home market worth is going. You want a city where property prices are steadily and continuously going up. Accelerated property value growth could reflect a value bubble that is not sustainable. Buying at the wrong moment in an unsteady market can be catastrophic.

Average Renovation Costs

Look thoroughly at the potential renovation costs so you’ll find out if you can reach your predictions. The manner in which the local government processes your application will have an effect on your investment too. To make an accurate financial strategy, you’ll have to find out if your construction plans will have to use an architect or engineer.

Population Growth

Population data will inform you whether there is an increasing need for residential properties that you can sell. When the number of citizens is not going up, there isn’t going to be a good source of homebuyers for your fixed homes.

Median Population Age

The median residents’ age will also tell you if there are adequate homebuyers in the location. If the median age is equal to that of the usual worker, it is a positive indication. These can be the individuals who are potential home purchasers. Aging people are preparing to downsize, or move into senior-citizen or assisted living neighborhoods.

Unemployment Rate

When checking a city for real estate investment, keep your eyes open for low unemployment rates. An unemployment rate that is lower than the national average is what you are looking for. If it is also lower than the state average, that’s even more attractive. Without a vibrant employment environment, a region cannot provide you with qualified home purchasers.

Income Rates

The residents’ wage figures can tell you if the city’s financial market is stable. Most people need to borrow money to purchase real estate. Homebuyers’ eligibility to get issued financing relies on the level of their salaries. The median income statistics tell you if the area is eligible for your investment plan. Search for communities where the income is increasing. Building costs and home prices rise over time, and you need to know that your prospective customers’ income will also improve.

Number of New Jobs Created

The number of jobs generated per year is important insight as you contemplate on investing in a particular community. Houses are more easily liquidated in a community with a strong job environment. With a higher number of jobs appearing, more prospective buyers also migrate to the city from other towns.

Hard Money Loan Rates

People who buy, repair, and resell investment homes like to enlist hard money instead of traditional real estate funding. Hard money financing products enable these investors to pull the trigger on current investment projects without delay. Find the best hard money lenders in Caney KS so you may review their fees.

Anyone who needs to understand more about hard money financing products can discover what they are and the way to use them by reading our article titled How Do Private Money Lenders Work?.


In real estate wholesaling, you search for a house that investors would consider a good deal and enter into a sale and purchase agreement to purchase the property. But you don’t purchase it: after you have the property under contract, you allow someone else to become the buyer for a price. The property under contract is sold to the investor, not the real estate wholesaler. The wholesaler does not sell the property — they sell the contract to purchase one.

Wholesaling hinges on the involvement of a title insurance company that is comfortable with assignment of purchase contracts and comprehends how to proceed with a double closing. Search for title companies for wholesaling in Caney KS that we collected for you.

Our complete guide to wholesaling can be viewed here: A-to-Z Guide to Property Wholesaling. As you conduct your wholesaling venture, insert your name in HouseCashin’s list of Caney top property wholesalers. This way your possible customers will learn about your availability and reach out to you.


Factors to Consider

Median Home Prices

Median home prices in the area being assessed will quickly notify you if your real estate investors’ preferred real estate are positioned there. Below average median purchase prices are a good indication that there are plenty of homes that might be purchased under market value, which real estate investors need to have.

Accelerated worsening in real estate prices could lead to a supply of real estate with no equity that appeal to short sale flippers. Short sale wholesalers can reap perks from this method. Nonetheless, it also creates a legal risk. Find out about this from our guide Can I Wholesale a Short Sale Home?. When you’ve resolved to try wholesaling short sales, be certain to engage someone on the list of the best short sale lawyers in Caney KS and the best mortgage foreclosure lawyers in Caney KS to advise you.

Property Appreciation Rate

Property appreciation rate enhances the median price statistics. Real estate investors who plan to hold investment assets will want to see that residential property market values are steadily appreciating. Dropping purchase prices illustrate an equivalently weak leasing and home-selling market and will dismay investors.

Population Growth

Population growth data is an indicator that investors will analyze carefully. When they know the population is multiplying, they will presume that new residential units are required. There are more individuals who lease and more than enough clients who buy houses. When a community is not multiplying, it does not require additional residential units and real estate investors will look in other areas.

Median Population Age

A dynamic housing market needs residents who start off renting, then shifting into homeownership, and then buying up in the residential market. This needs a robust, consistent workforce of individuals who feel optimistic enough to shift up in the real estate market. That’s why the area’s median age should be the age of skilled workers in the workplace.

Income Rates

The median household and per capita income will be improving in a friendly residential market that real estate investors want to operate in. Increases in rent and purchase prices must be backed up by growing salaries in the region. Experienced investors stay out of locations with unimpressive population wage growth statistics.

Unemployment Rate

The community’s unemployment numbers will be a vital consideration for any potential wholesale property buyer. High unemployment rate forces more renters to make late rent payments or miss payments entirely. Long-term real estate investors will not buy a house in a location like that. Investors can’t rely on tenants moving up into their houses when unemployment rates are high. This is a problem for short-term investors buying wholesalers’ agreements to fix and flip a property.

Number of New Jobs Created

Understanding how frequently new jobs appear in the area can help you determine if the property is located in a dynamic housing market. New residents relocate into an area that has new job openings and they require a place to reside. Whether your purchaser pool is comprised of long-term or short-term investors, they will be drawn to a market with constant job opening generation.

Average Renovation Costs

Rehab expenses have a major influence on a real estate investor’s returns. Short-term investors, like house flippers, won’t reach profitability when the price and the rehab costs total to more than the After Repair Value (ARV) of the home. Lower average renovation costs make a region more attractive for your main clients — flippers and other real estate investors.

Mortgage Note Investing

Buying mortgage notes (loans) pays off when the note can be purchased for a lower amount than the remaining balance. The client makes subsequent payments to the mortgage note investor who has become their current lender.

When a mortgage loan is being repaid on time, it’s considered a performing loan. Performing loans are a repeating source of cash flow. Investors also buy non-performing loans that the investors either re-negotiate to assist the debtor or foreclose on to purchase the property below market worth.

Ultimately, you might have a large number of mortgage notes and require additional time to manage them on your own. In this event, you can hire one of home loan servicers in Caney KS that will essentially turn your portfolio into passive income.

If you determine to employ this strategy, affix your venture to our list of promissory note buyers in Caney KS. When you do this, you will be seen by the lenders who market desirable investment notes for acquisition by investors like yourself.


Factors to Consider

Foreclosure Rates

Performing note buyers research markets having low foreclosure rates. Non-performing loan investors can cautiously make use of places that have high foreclosure rates as well. If high foreclosure rates are causing an underperforming real estate environment, it could be difficult to get rid of the property if you foreclose on it.

Foreclosure Laws

Investors are expected to understand their state’s regulations concerning foreclosure before pursuing this strategy. Are you faced with a mortgage or a Deed of Trust? Lenders might have to get the court’s permission to foreclose on a mortgage note’s collateral. A Deed of Trust permits the lender to file a notice and continue to foreclosure.

Mortgage Interest Rates

Acquired mortgage loan notes contain a negotiated interest rate. This is a significant element in the profits that you achieve. Interest rates influence the plans of both sorts of note investors.

Conventional lenders price different interest rates in different locations of the United States. Mortgage loans provided by private lenders are priced differently and may be higher than traditional loans.

Note investors should always be aware of the present local mortgage interest rates, private and conventional, in possible mortgage note investment markets.


When note buyers are choosing where to buy notes, they will review the demographic dynamics from considered markets. It is crucial to know if a suitable number of people in the community will continue to have stable jobs and wages in the future.
Performing note investors want homeowners who will pay as agreed, developing a consistent income stream of loan payments.

Note investors who acquire non-performing notes can also take advantage of strong markets. If these mortgage note investors have to foreclose, they’ll have to have a stable real estate market to liquidate the defaulted property.

Property Values

Lenders need to find as much equity in the collateral property as possible. If the investor has to foreclose on a mortgage loan with lacking equity, the foreclosure auction may not even cover the balance invested in the note. The combination of mortgage loan payments that lessen the mortgage loan balance and yearly property value growth increases home equity.

Property Taxes

Most homeowners pay real estate taxes via mortgage lenders in monthly installments together with their mortgage loan payments. When the property taxes are due, there should be sufficient payments being held to pay them. The mortgage lender will have to make up the difference if the mortgage payments cease or the lender risks tax liens on the property. If a tax lien is filed, the lien takes precedence over the your loan.

If an area has a history of rising tax rates, the combined house payments in that market are regularly increasing. Homeowners who are having trouble making their loan payments might fall farther behind and ultimately default.

Real Estate Market Strength

A community with growing property values has excellent opportunities for any mortgage note investor. They can be assured that, if need be, a foreclosed property can be sold for an amount that makes a profit.

A strong real estate market can also be a profitable area for making mortgage notes. It is another phase of a note investor’s career.

Passive Real Estate Investing Strategies


A syndication means a partnership of people who gather their cash and talents to invest in property. The syndication is organized by someone who recruits other individuals to join the project.

The individual who puts the components together is the Sponsor, sometimes called the Syndicator. It’s their responsibility to supervise the acquisition or development of investment properties and their operation. They are also in charge of distributing the investment income to the remaining partners.

Others are passive investors. In exchange for their money, they receive a superior status when profits are shared. These members have no obligations concerned with running the syndication or supervising the operation of the assets.


Factors to Consider

Real Estate Market

The investment strategy that you like will determine the area you select to enroll in a Syndication. For assistance with discovering the crucial elements for the approach you want a syndication to be based on, return to the preceding guidance for active investment strategies.


As a passive investor entrusting the Syndicator with your capital, you ought to check the Syndicator’s reliability. Successful real estate Syndication depends on having a knowledgeable experienced real estate specialist as a Syndicator.

The Sponsor may or may not invest their money in the partnership. You might prefer that your Syndicator does have cash invested. Certain syndications consider the effort that the Syndicator performed to structure the deal as “sweat” equity. Depending on the circumstances, a Syndicator’s payment might involve ownership and an upfront fee.

Ownership Interest

The Syndication is totally owned by all the shareholders. You ought to hunt for syndications where the members providing money receive a larger percentage of ownership than those who aren’t investing.

Investors are usually given a preferred return of profits to induce them to invest. The percentage of the funds invested (preferred return) is distributed to the cash investors from the income, if any. Profits over and above that figure are divided among all the partners based on the amount of their interest.

If partnership assets are liquidated at a profit, the money is shared by the members. Combining this to the operating income from an investment property notably enhances a participant’s results. The company’s operating agreement outlines the ownership structure and how owners are treated financially.


Some real estate investment organizations are conceived as a trust called Real Estate Investment Trusts or REITs. REITs were created to enable everyday people to invest in properties. Many people today are able to invest in a REIT.

Shareholders’ investment in a REIT is passive investment. REITs handle investors’ risk with a diversified selection of assets. Shares can be sold when it’s beneficial for the investor. Something you cannot do with REIT shares is to select the investment assets. Their investment is limited to the investment properties chosen by the REIT.

Real Estate Investment Funds

Real estate investment funds are essentially mutual funds focusing on real estate companies, including REITs. The fund doesn’t hold properties — it holds shares in real estate companies. This is an additional method for passive investors to diversify their portfolio with real estate avoiding the high entry-level investment or exposure. Whereas REITs must distribute dividends to its members, funds don’t. Like any stock, investment funds’ values increase and go down with their share market value.

Investors can choose a fund that focuses on specific categories of the real estate industry but not specific locations for individual property investment. Your decision as an investor is to pick a fund that you believe in to manage your real estate investments.


Caney Housing 2024

The median home value in Caney is , compared to the state median of and the national median value which is .

In Caney, the year-to-year appreciation of residential property values over the previous decade has averaged . The state’s average during the previous decade has been . During that period, the US yearly residential property value growth rate is .

Considering the rental residential market, Caney has a median gross rent of . Median gross rent throughout the state is , with a countrywide gross median of .

The rate of homeowners in Caney is . The state homeownership rate is presently of the population, while across the country, the percentage of homeownership is .

The leased housing occupancy rate in Caney is . The state’s supply of rental properties is rented at a rate of . The country’s occupancy level for leased housing is .

The total occupied percentage for homes and apartments in Caney is , at the same time the vacancy percentage for these units is .

Housing Quick Stats
Home Appreciation Rate(2010-2020)
Median Home Value
Median Gross Rent
Price To Rent Ratio
Home Ownership Rate
Tenant Occupied Rate
Average Property Tax Rate

Caney Home Ownership

Caney Rent & Ownership

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Caney Rent Vs Owner Occupied By Household Type

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Caney Occupied & Vacant Number Of Homes And Apartments

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Caney Household Type

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Caney Property Types

Caney Age Of Homes

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Caney Types Of Homes

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Caney Homes Size

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Caney Investment Property Marketplace

If you are looking to invest in Caney real estate, our Investment Property Marketplace can become your indispensable tool in your investing business. To help you easily find the best off-market deals in the Caney area, we created a nationwide investor-friendly online platform. Use it to shop for lucrative off-market properties for sale according to your specific buying criteria.

Unlike other real estate listing websites, our marketplace’s interface is particularly designed for investors. Besides the purchase price, you can see other, essential to investors, key indicators such as: rehab costs and ARV, potential profit, FSBO, or realtor-assisted deal, and others. To get started, visit our marketplace and search for Caney investment properties for sale.

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Caney Real Estate Investing Financing

If you are looking for a loan to finance investment property purchase, rehab or ground up construction in Caney KS, easily get quotes from multiple lenders at once and compare rates.

Fill out our quick online real estate financing application form to receive multiple quotes for your preferred type of loan from our preferred Caney private and hard money lenders.

Caney Investment Property Loan Types

Check out some of the most popular real estate loans provided by top local lenders in Caney, KS
  • Rehab Loans
  • Fix and Flip Loans
  • Bridge Loans
  • Asset Based Loans
  • Cash Out/Refinance Loans
  • Transactional Funding
  • Transactional Hard Money Loans
  • Private Money Loans
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Caney Population Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Caney Population By Year

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Caney Population By Age And Sex

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Caney Economy 2024

In Caney, the median household income is . The median income for all households in the state is , as opposed to the United States’ median which is .

This averages out to a per capita income of in Caney, and across the state. is the per person amount of income for the US in general.

The workers in Caney get paid an average salary of in a state where the average salary is , with average wages of across the United States.

Caney has an unemployment average of , whereas the state shows the rate of unemployment at and the US rate at .

The economic description of Caney integrates a general poverty rate of . The state’s figures indicate an overall poverty rate of , and a similar survey of nationwide stats reports the nation’s rate at .

Economy Quick Stats
Unemployment Rate
Median Household Income
Per Capita Income
Overall Poverty Rate
Average Salary
Property Price To Income Ratio
Salary Change Rate (2010-2020)

Caney Residents’ Income

Caney Median Household Income

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Caney Per Capita Income

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Caney Income Distribution

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Caney Poverty Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Caney Property Price To Income Ratio Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Caney Job Market

Caney Employment Industries (Top 10)

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Caney Unemployment Rate

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Caney Employment Distribution By Age

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Caney Average Salary Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Caney Employment Rate Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Caney Employed Population Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Caney School Ratings

The school system in Caney is K-12, with elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools.

The high school graduation rate in the Caney schools is .

School Quick Stats
Elementary Schools
Middle Schools
High Schools
Private Schools
High School Graduates

Caney School Ratings

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Caney Neighborhoods