Ultimate California Real Estate Investing Guide for 2024


California Real Estate Investing Market Overview

Over the past ten years, the population growth rate in California has a yearly average of . By contrast, the average rate during that same period was for the full state, and nationally.

The total population growth rate for California for the most recent 10-year cycle is , in comparison to for the whole state and for the country.

Home values in California are demonstrated by the present median home value of . The median home value for the whole state is , and the United States’ indicator is .

Housing prices in California have changed over the last 10 years at a yearly rate of . During that time, the yearly average appreciation rate for home prices in the state was . Nationally, the average annual home value increase rate was .

When you consider the residential rental market in California you’ll discover a gross median rent of , in comparison with the state median of , and the median gross rent in the whole country of .

California Real Estate Investing Highlights

California Top Highlights

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau
Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Strategy Selection

When you start examining a specific site for possible real estate investment efforts, do not forget the kind of real estate investment plan that you adopt.

Below are detailed guidelines illustrating what components to study for each strategy. This can enable you to identify and estimate the market intelligence contained on this web page that your strategy needs.

Certain market factors will be important for all types of real estate investment. Public safety, principal highway access, local airport, etc. When you delve into the specifics of the area, you should zero in on the categories that are important to your specific real property investment.

If you want short-term vacation rentals, you will focus on sites with good tourism. Fix and Flip investors have to know how promptly they can liquidate their rehabbed real estate by looking at the average Days on Market (DOM). They have to understand if they can contain their spendings by liquidating their restored properties fast enough.

Rental real estate investors will look carefully at the location’s employment data. The unemployment rate, new jobs creation pace, and diversity of employers will indicate if they can expect a solid source of renters in the city.

Those who are yet to decide on the best investment plan, can consider relying on the experience of California top real estate investment mentors. It will also help to join one of property investor clubs in California KY and attend real estate investing events in California KY to get wise tips from several local professionals.

Let’s look at the various types of real estate investors and things they know to look for in their location research.

Active Real Estate Investing Strategies

Buy and Hold

The buy and hold strategy requires buying real estate and holding it for a significant period. Their investment return analysis includes renting that asset while they keep it to increase their income.

When the investment asset has increased its value, it can be liquidated at a later date if market conditions shift or your plan calls for a reallocation of the assets.

A broker who is one of the top California investor-friendly real estate agents will give you a comprehensive review of the area where you’ve decided to do business. Below are the components that you ought to examine most thoroughly for your long term investment plan.


Factors to Consider

Property Appreciation Rate

It’s a significant yardstick of how stable and flourishing a real estate market is. You’re looking for steady value increases each year. This will enable you to accomplish your main goal — selling the property for a higher price. Locations that don’t have rising housing market values will not meet a long-term real estate investment profile.

Population Growth

A declining population indicates that with time the total number of tenants who can rent your rental home is decreasing. Anemic population increase leads to decreasing real property value and lease rates. With fewer residents, tax receipts go down, impacting the quality of public services. A market with low or declining population growth rates must not be considered. The population expansion that you are looking for is steady year after year. This contributes to increasing property values and lease prices.

Property Taxes

Property tax levies are an expense that you will not eliminate. You need to avoid places with exhorbitant tax levies. Municipalities ordinarily can’t pull tax rates back down. A municipality that often increases taxes could not be the properly managed community that you’re searching for.

Some parcels of real estate have their worth incorrectly overestimated by the area assessors. If that is your case, you can choose from top property tax consultants in California KY for a representative to present your situation to the authorities and potentially have the property tax value lowered. However, in extraordinary cases that obligate you to go to court, you will require the assistance provided by the best property tax appeal lawyers in California KY.

Price to rent ratio

Price to rent ratio (p/r) is found when you start with the median property price and divide it by the annual median gross rent. A low p/r shows that higher rents can be charged. The more rent you can charge, the faster you can pay back your investment. You do not want a p/r that is so low it makes purchasing a house preferable to renting one. If tenants are converted into buyers, you may get stuck with vacant rental properties. But usually, a smaller p/r is preferred over a higher one.

Median Gross Rent

Median gross rent is an accurate barometer of the reliability of a city’s rental market. The market’s verifiable statistics should show a median gross rent that regularly increases.

Median Population Age

Residents’ median age can show if the market has a reliable worker pool which signals more potential renters. Search for a median age that is the same as the age of working adults. A median age that is unacceptably high can signal growing future use of public services with a shrinking tax base. An aging populace can culminate in higher real estate taxes.

Employment Industry Diversity

When you are a Buy and Hold investor, you look for a diversified employment base. A variety of industries extended across numerous businesses is a sound employment base. When a sole business type has stoppages, most employers in the market aren’t endangered. You do not want all your tenants to lose their jobs and your property to lose value because the sole dominant job source in town closed.

Unemployment Rate

When a community has a severe rate of unemployment, there are not enough tenants and homebuyers in that area. Rental vacancies will grow, mortgage foreclosures may increase, and income and investment asset improvement can equally deteriorate. When workers get laid off, they aren’t able to pay for products and services, and that impacts businesses that give jobs to other individuals. Businesses and individuals who are considering transferring will search elsewhere and the location’s economy will suffer.

Income Levels

Citizens’ income statistics are examined by any ‘business to consumer’ (B2C) business to uncover their clients. You can use median household and per capita income information to investigate specific portions of a market as well. If the income levels are increasing over time, the area will likely provide steady renters and accept increasing rents and gradual bumps.

Number of New Jobs Created

Understanding how often new employment opportunities are generated in the community can bolster your evaluation of the location. New jobs are a source of additional tenants. The addition of new jobs to the workplace will enable you to retain acceptable tenant retention rates as you are adding properties to your investment portfolio. A financial market that supplies new jobs will attract additional people to the area who will lease and buy houses. A vibrant real property market will strengthen your long-range strategy by creating a growing resale value for your investment property.

School Ratings

School ratings should be a high priority to you. Moving businesses look closely at the caliber of local schools. The quality of schools is a big motive for families to either stay in the region or relocate. The stability of the need for homes will determine the outcome of your investment plans both long and short-term.

Natural Disasters

With the principal target of unloading your real estate subsequent to its appreciation, the property’s material status is of primary interest. For that reason you’ll want to shun communities that frequently endure troublesome natural events. Nonetheless, the property will need to have an insurance policy written on it that covers catastrophes that could happen, such as earthquakes.

In the case of tenant damages, talk to someone from our directory of California insurance companies for rental property owners for appropriate insurance protection.

Long Term Rental (BRRRR)

The acronym BRRRR is an illustration of a long-term rental plan — Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat. BRRRR is a system for continuous expansion. It is a must that you are qualified to do a “cash-out” mortgage refinance for the plan to work.

When you have concluded refurbishing the house, its market value must be more than your complete acquisition and fix-up costs. The home is refinanced based on the ARV and the difference, or equity, comes to you in cash. This cash is placed into the next property, and so on. You add growing assets to your portfolio and rental income to your cash flow.

When your investment property collection is big enough, you may delegate its oversight and generate passive cash flow. Discover one of property management companies in California KY with the help of our comprehensive list.


Factors to Consider

Population Growth

Population increase or loss tells you if you can count on good results from long-term property investments. If you see good population increase, you can be sure that the region is attracting possible renters to the location. Relocating companies are drawn to growing markets providing secure jobs to families who relocate there. Rising populations grow a dependable renter reserve that can keep up with rent growth and homebuyers who assist in keeping your investment asset prices high.

Property Taxes

Real estate taxes, ongoing upkeep expenses, and insurance directly decrease your revenue. Rental homes situated in unreasonable property tax communities will bring smaller profits. High real estate taxes may predict an unstable community where expenses can continue to rise and must be treated as a red flag.

Price to Rent Ratio

The price to rent ratio (p/r) is a signal of how high of a rent can be demanded compared to the market worth of the asset. An investor will not pay a large amount for an investment asset if they can only charge a limited rent not letting them to pay the investment off in a appropriate timeframe. You are trying to find a low p/r to be confident that you can set your rents high enough to reach acceptable profits.

Median Gross Rents

Median gross rents are a clear illustration of the stability of a lease market. You are trying to discover a site with regular median rent increases. Dropping rents are a red flag to long-term rental investors.

Median Population Age

Median population age in a strong long-term investment environment should mirror the usual worker’s age. This could also illustrate that people are moving into the city. A high median age illustrates that the existing population is retiring with no replacement by younger people migrating there. This is not promising for the forthcoming financial market of that city.

Employment Base Diversity

A diversified employment base is something a wise long-term rental property owner will hunt for. When the region’s workpeople, who are your tenants, are hired by a diversified number of businesses, you can’t lose all of your renters at once (together with your property’s market worth), if a dominant employer in town goes bankrupt.

Unemployment Rate

High unemployment means fewer renters and a weak housing market. The unemployed cannot pay for goods or services. The still employed people could find their own wages marked down. Existing renters could delay their rent in this situation.

Income Rates

Median household and per capita income will let you know if the renters that you are looking for are residing in the location. Historical wage information will communicate to you if income raises will enable you to raise rental fees to reach your investment return estimates.

Number of New Jobs Created

The more jobs are continuously being created in a location, the more consistent your tenant inflow will be. An economy that provides jobs also increases the amount of people who participate in the property market. Your plan of leasing and buying more rentals requires an economy that can develop enough jobs.

School Ratings

The rating of school districts has a significant impact on property values across the community. Well-endorsed schools are a necessity for business owners that are considering relocating. Good tenants are a by-product of a steady job market. Homebuyers who relocate to the area have a beneficial influence on real estate prices. For long-term investing, be on the lookout for highly respected schools in a considered investment market.

Property Appreciation Rates

The foundation of a long-term investment plan is to hold the property. You have to know that the odds of your real estate going up in market worth in that community are likely. You don’t need to spend any time looking at regions with low property appreciation rates.

Short Term Rentals

Residential real estate where tenants reside in furnished accommodations for less than thirty days are called short-term rentals. Long-term rentals, like apartments, impose lower rental rates a night than short-term rentals. Short-term rental apartments may require more frequent care and tidying.

House sellers standing by to relocate into a new home, vacationers, and corporate travelers who are staying in the area for a few days prefer renting a residential unit short term. Any property owner can transform their home into a short-term rental unit with the know-how made available by virtual home-sharing portals like VRBO and AirBnB. A simple approach to enter real estate investing is to rent a condo or house you currently keep for short terms.

Destination rental unit landlords require dealing one-on-one with the tenants to a larger degree than the owners of annually leased properties. As a result, owners handle issues repeatedly. Think about controlling your liability with the support of one of the good real estate attorneys in California KY.


Factors to Consider

Short-Term Rental Income

Initially, figure out the amount of rental revenue you must earn to meet your projected profits. Understanding the usual amount of rental fees in the area for short-term rentals will help you select a desirable city to invest.

Median Property Prices

Thoroughly compute the budget that you want to pay for new investment properties. Look for areas where the purchase price you prefer corresponds with the present median property values. You can calibrate your community survey by studying the median values in specific sub-markets.

Price Per Square Foot

Price per sq ft can be misleading if you are examining different buildings. If you are analyzing similar kinds of real estate, like condos or stand-alone single-family homes, the price per square foot is more consistent. You can use this data to see a good overall idea of real estate values.

Short-Term Rental Occupancy Rate

A look at the city’s short-term rental occupancy rate will show you whether there is demand in the market for more short-term rentals. When most of the rental units have renters, that community requires more rentals. When the rental occupancy levels are low, there is not much place in the market and you should look elsewhere.

Short-Term Rental Cash-on-Cash Return

To know if it’s a good idea to invest your money in a certain property or area, evaluate the cash-on-cash return. Take your projected Net Operating Income (NOI) and divide it by the cash amount you’re ready to invest. The return is a percentage. The higher the percentage, the more quickly your investment will be repaid and you’ll start receiving profits. Loan-assisted ventures will have a higher cash-on-cash return because you are investing less of your capital.

Average Short-Term Rental Capitalization (Cap) Rates

One metric illustrates the market value of an investment property as a cash flow asset — average short-term rental capitalization (cap) rate. An investment property that has a high cap rate as well as charges average market rental prices has a strong value. Low cap rates signify more expensive rental units. The cap rate is calculated by dividing the Net Operating Income (NOI) by the listing price or market worth. This gives you a percentage that is the year-over-year return, or cap rate.

Local Attractions

Big public events and entertainment attractions will draw vacationers who need short-term housing. When a community has sites that periodically produce exciting events, like sports arenas, universities or colleges, entertainment venues, and adventure parks, it can attract people from out of town on a regular basis. Popular vacation spots are situated in mountain and beach areas, along rivers, and national or state parks.

Fix and Flip

When an investor purchases a property for less than the market worth, rehabs it and makes it more attractive and pricier, and then disposes of the home for revenue, they are called a fix and flip investor. To be successful, the flipper has to pay lower than the market price for the house and calculate how much it will take to repair the home.

You also have to evaluate the resale market where the home is positioned. Find an area that has a low average Days On Market (DOM) metric. Liquidating the home fast will keep your expenses low and guarantee your profitability.

So that real property owners who need to get cash for their property can readily find you, highlight your status by using our directory of the best property cash buyers in California KY along with top property investment companies in California KY.

In addition, coordinate with California property bird dogs. These experts concentrate on skillfully locating profitable investment prospects before they hit the open market.


Factors to Consider

Median Home Price

Median property value data is an important gauge for assessing a potential investment community. If purchase prices are high, there might not be a reliable source of run down houses in the market. This is a crucial component of a cost-effective rehab and resale project.

If regional data signals a quick decline in real property market values, this can point to the availability of possible short sale properties. Investors who partner with short sale processors in California KY get regular notices regarding possible investment real estate. Discover how this works by reviewing our guide ⁠— What Is Involved in Buying a Short Sale Home?.

Property Appreciation Rate

Dynamics is the track that median home market worth is taking. Fixed upward movement in median values articulates a vibrant investment environment. Speedy price growth can indicate a value bubble that isn’t reliable. When you are acquiring and selling rapidly, an erratic environment can harm your efforts.

Average Renovation Costs

Look thoroughly at the possible rehab costs so you will find out whether you can achieve your projections. The way that the municipality goes about approving your plans will have an effect on your investment too. If you are required to show a stamped suite of plans, you’ll have to incorporate architect’s charges in your expenses.

Population Growth

Population growth figures allow you to take a peek at housing need in the area. When the number of citizens is not going up, there isn’t going to be a sufficient supply of homebuyers for your properties.

Median Population Age

The median residents’ age will additionally tell you if there are enough home purchasers in the region. The median age in the community must be the age of the typical worker. A high number of such citizens indicates a substantial pool of homebuyers. The goals of retirees will most likely not suit your investment venture strategy.

Unemployment Rate

You aim to see a low unemployment rate in your prospective city. An unemployment rate that is less than the US median is good. If the city’s unemployment rate is lower than the state average, that’s a sign of a desirable financial market. If they want to purchase your repaired homes, your prospective clients need to have a job, and their clients as well.

Income Rates

The citizens’ income statistics can tell you if the local financial market is scalable. Most individuals who acquire residential real estate need a mortgage loan. Home purchasers’ capacity to take a loan hinges on the size of their wages. The median income statistics will show you if the community is good for your investment plan. Search for regions where wages are increasing. To stay even with inflation and rising building and supply costs, you should be able to regularly raise your purchase rates.

Number of New Jobs Created

The number of employment positions created on a consistent basis indicates if salary and population growth are viable. Homes are more quickly sold in a community with a vibrant job market. With additional jobs appearing, new potential homebuyers also come to the city from other locations.

Hard Money Loan Rates

Real estate investors who flip rehabbed homes frequently utilize hard money funding in place of regular funding. Hard money loans enable these purchasers to pull the trigger on current investment opportunities right away. Review California real estate hard money lenders and look at financiers’ fees.

Anyone who needs to understand more about hard money funding options can find what they are as well as the way to utilize them by studying our guide titled What Is a Hard Money Loan for Real Estate?.


As a real estate wholesaler, you sign a purchase contract to buy a residential property that other investors might need. When a real estate investor who needs the residential property is found, the purchase contract is sold to the buyer for a fee. The real estate investor then finalizes the acquisition. The wholesaler doesn’t sell the property under contract itself — they just sell the purchase and sale agreement.

This business requires utilizing a title company that’s knowledgeable about the wholesale purchase and sale agreement assignment operation and is qualified and inclined to manage double close transactions. Locate title companies that work with investors in California KY that we selected for you.

Our comprehensive guide to wholesaling can be viewed here: A-to-Z Guide to Property Wholesaling. While you manage your wholesaling business, place your name in HouseCashin’s directory of California top wholesale real estate companies. This will help your future investor customers locate and contact you.


Factors to Consider

Median Home Prices

Median home prices in the region will show you if your ideal price level is viable in that city. Below average median purchase prices are a solid indicator that there are plenty of homes that can be purchased for less than market price, which investors have to have.

A quick depreciation in the price of real estate might cause the abrupt availability of homes with more debt than value that are wanted by wholesalers. Short sale wholesalers frequently gain advantages from this method. Nevertheless, be cognizant of the legal liability. Find out more regarding wholesaling short sales from our extensive article. If you want to give it a go, make certain you employ one of short sale real estate attorneys in California KY and mortgage foreclosure lawyers in California KY to confer with.

Property Appreciation Rate

Property appreciation rate enhances the median price stats. Many real estate investors, like buy and hold and long-term rental investors, particularly need to find that home market values in the market are expanding consistently. A dropping median home value will show a poor rental and home-buying market and will disappoint all kinds of real estate investors.

Population Growth

Population growth stats are an important indicator that your future investors will be aware of. When they know the community is multiplying, they will conclude that more housing units are required. There are a lot of individuals who rent and more than enough clients who purchase homes. If a population is not growing, it doesn’t require more housing and real estate investors will invest in other locations.

Median Population Age

A dynamic housing market necessitates individuals who are initially renting, then moving into homebuyers, and then moving up in the housing market. A city with a huge workforce has a strong source of tenants and purchasers. That is why the community’s median age should be the age of skilled workers in the workplace.

Income Rates

The median household and per capita income will be rising in a friendly housing market that real estate investors prefer to operate in. Increases in rent and asking prices must be aided by rising income in the area. That will be vital to the investors you need to work with.

Unemployment Rate

Investors whom you approach to purchase your sale contracts will deem unemployment rates to be a key piece of knowledge. Tenants in high unemployment cities have a tough time staying current with rent and some of them will skip payments completely. This adversely affects long-term real estate investors who want to rent their residential property. Real estate investors can’t count on tenants moving up into their houses if unemployment rates are high. Short-term investors will not risk being pinned down with real estate they can’t sell immediately.

Number of New Jobs Created

The frequency of fresh jobs being created in the city completes a real estate investor’s analysis of a future investment location. New jobs created lead to plenty of workers who require properties to rent and buy. Employment generation is advantageous for both short-term and long-term real estate investors whom you rely on to acquire your wholesale real estate.

Average Renovation Costs

Rehabilitation expenses will be crucial to most investors, as they normally buy bargain distressed properties to repair. The purchase price, plus the costs of repairs, must total to lower than the After Repair Value (ARV) of the house to allow for profitability. Look for lower average renovation costs.

Mortgage Note Investing

Investing in mortgage notes (loans) is successful when the mortgage loan can be bought for a lower amount than the face value. When this happens, the note investor takes the place of the borrower’s lender.

Loans that are being paid off on time are referred to as performing loans. They earn you long-term passive income. Some mortgage note investors buy non-performing loans because when the investor cannot successfully rework the loan, they can always take the collateral at foreclosure for a low amount.

Ultimately, you might have a large number of mortgage notes and have a hard time finding additional time to service them by yourself. If this happens, you could choose from the best loan servicing companies in California KY which will designate you as a passive investor.

If you choose to follow this investment plan, you ought to place your business in our directory of the best promissory note buyers in California KY. Joining will make you more noticeable to lenders offering profitable opportunities to note investors like you.


Factors to Consider

Foreclosure Rates

Note investors hunting for current mortgage loans to purchase will want to uncover low foreclosure rates in the area. Non-performing note investors can cautiously take advantage of places that have high foreclosure rates as well. However, foreclosure rates that are high may indicate a slow real estate market where getting rid of a foreclosed house would be tough.

Foreclosure Laws

It is important for note investors to understand the foreclosure regulations in their state. They’ll know if the law requires mortgage documents or Deeds of Trust. A mortgage dictates that the lender goes to court for approval to start foreclosure. Lenders do not have to have the judge’s permission with a Deed of Trust.

Mortgage Interest Rates

Acquired mortgage loan notes have a negotiated interest rate. That rate will significantly impact your profitability. Interest rates are significant to both performing and non-performing note buyers.

The mortgage rates set by traditional mortgage firms are not identical everywhere. Mortgage loans supplied by private lenders are priced differently and may be more expensive than conventional mortgage loans.

A mortgage loan note investor needs to know the private as well as conventional mortgage loan rates in their areas all the time.


If note investors are determining where to invest, they will research the demographic statistics from possible markets. The region’s population increase, unemployment rate, employment market increase, wage levels, and even its median age provide important information for you.
Note investors who invest in performing notes seek markets where a high percentage of younger people have higher-income jobs.

The identical place might also be good for non-performing note investors and their end-game plan. A resilient local economy is needed if they are to find buyers for properties on which they have foreclosed.

Property Values

As a note investor, you must search for borrowers that have a comfortable amount of equity. This increases the likelihood that a potential foreclosure liquidation will make the lender whole. As mortgage loan payments reduce the amount owed, and the market value of the property goes up, the homeowner’s equity increases.

Property Taxes

Usually borrowers pay real estate taxes via lenders in monthly installments while sending their loan payments. The mortgage lender pays the property taxes to the Government to ensure the taxes are paid promptly. The mortgage lender will need to compensate if the mortgage payments cease or the investor risks tax liens on the property. If a tax lien is put in place, it takes first position over the lender’s loan.

If property taxes keep rising, the client’s house payments also keep growing. Past due borrowers might not have the ability to keep up with rising payments and might interrupt making payments altogether.

Real Estate Market Strength

Both performing and non-performing note investors can be profitable in a growing real estate environment. Since foreclosure is a necessary element of note investment strategy, increasing property values are crucial to discovering a profitable investment market.

Strong markets often present opportunities for note buyers to originate the first loan themselves. For successful investors, this is a beneficial segment of their business strategy.

Passive Real Estate Investing Strategies


A syndication is a group of people who combine their money and experience to invest in property. The business is developed by one of the partners who promotes the opportunity to others.

The person who brings the components together is the Sponsor, sometimes called the Syndicator. It’s their task to handle the purchase or development of investment properties and their use. This member also handles the business details of the Syndication, such as partners’ dividends.

The other owners in a syndication invest passively. They are offered a preferred part of any net income following the purchase or construction conclusion. But only the manager(s) of the syndicate can oversee the operation of the company.


Factors to Consider

Real Estate Market

The investment plan that you use will govern the region you choose to enter a Syndication. The previous chapters of this article talking about active investing strategies will help you choose market selection criteria for your potential syndication investment.


If you are weighing being a passive investor in a Syndication, make certain you look into the reliability of the Syndicator. Search for someone having a record of profitable projects.

In some cases the Syndicator doesn’t place funds in the syndication. Certain participants exclusively consider projects where the Sponsor additionally invests. In some cases, the Syndicator’s stake is their performance in finding and arranging the investment project. Some deals have the Syndicator being paid an initial fee as well as ownership interest in the investment.

Ownership Interest

All members have an ownership interest in the company. You ought to look for syndications where the participants investing cash receive a larger percentage of ownership than those who are not investing.

Investors are typically awarded a preferred return of profits to induce them to invest. When net revenues are reached, actual investors are the initial partners who receive a percentage of their capital invested. All the members are then paid the remaining net revenues calculated by their percentage of ownership.

If syndication’s assets are liquidated for a profit, it’s distributed among the participants. The total return on an investment such as this can definitely jump when asset sale profits are combined with the annual income from a successful venture. The syndication’s operating agreement determines the ownership framework and the way members are treated financially.


A trust owning income-generating real estate and that offers shares to others is a REIT — Real Estate Investment Trust. Before REITs existed, investing in properties was considered too costly for many citizens. Most investors today are able to invest in a REIT.

REIT investing is considered passive investing. Investment exposure is diversified throughout a portfolio of real estate. Participants have the ability to liquidate their shares at any time. One thing you cannot do with REIT shares is to determine the investment assets. Their investment is confined to the real estate properties chosen by their REIT.

Real Estate Investment Funds

Real estate investment funds are basically mutual funds that concentrate on real estate businesses, such as REITs. The investment properties are not held by the fund — they are held by the businesses in which the fund invests. Investment funds are a cost-effective way to include real estate properties in your appropriation of assets without unnecessary liability. Where REITs have to distribute dividends to its participants, funds don’t. As with any stock, investment funds’ values increase and go down with their share value.

You can find a real estate fund that focuses on a particular category of real estate business, like commercial, but you cannot propose the fund’s investment properties or locations. You have to rely on the fund’s managers to decide which markets and assets are selected for investment.


California Housing 2024

The median home value in California is , as opposed to the total state median of and the nationwide median value that is .

In California, the annual appreciation of home values during the previous 10 years has averaged . Across the state, the ten-year annual average was . Through that period, the United States’ year-to-year home value appreciation rate is .

Looking at the rental industry, California shows a median gross rent of . The state’s median is , and the median gross rent all over the US is .

The percentage of people owning their home in California is . of the state’s population are homeowners, as are of the population nationwide.

The percentage of properties that are resided in by tenants in California is . The statewide tenant occupancy percentage is . The comparable rate in the country across the board is .

The occupancy rate for residential units of all kinds in California is , with a corresponding unoccupied rate of .

Housing Quick Stats
Home Appreciation Rate(2010-2020)
Median Home Value
Median Gross Rent
Price To Rent Ratio
Home Ownership Rate
Tenant Occupied Rate
Average Property Tax Rate

California Home Ownership

California Rent & Ownership

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

California Rent Vs Owner Occupied By Household Type

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

California Occupied & Vacant Number Of Homes And Apartments

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

California Household Type

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

California Property Types

California Age Of Homes

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

California Types Of Homes

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

California Homes Size

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


California Investment Property Marketplace

If you are looking to invest in California real estate, our Investment Property Marketplace can become your indispensable tool in your investing business. To help you easily find the best off-market deals in the California area, we created a nationwide investor-friendly online platform. Use it to shop for lucrative off-market properties for sale according to your specific buying criteria.

Unlike other real estate listing websites, our marketplace’s interface is particularly designed for investors. Besides the purchase price, you can see other, essential to investors, key indicators such as: rehab costs and ARV, potential profit, FSBO, or realtor-assisted deal, and others. To get started, visit our marketplace and search for California investment properties for sale.

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California Real Estate Investing Financing

If you are looking for a loan to finance investment property purchase, rehab or ground up construction in California KY, easily get quotes from multiple lenders at once and compare rates.

Fill out our quick online real estate financing application form to receive multiple quotes for your preferred type of loan from our preferred California private and hard money lenders.

California Investment Property Loan Types

Check out some of the most popular real estate loans provided by top local lenders in California, KY
  • Rehab Loans
  • Fix and Flip Loans
  • Bridge Loans
  • Asset Based Loans
  • Cash Out/Refinance Loans
  • Transactional Funding
  • Transactional Hard Money Loans
  • Private Money Loans
  • New Construction Loans

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California Population Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

California Population By Year

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

California Population By Age And Sex

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


California Economy 2024

In California, the median household income is . Throughout the state, the household median income is , and nationally, it is .

The average income per capita in California is , compared to the state average of . Per capita income in the US is reported at .

Salaries in California average , in contrast to for the state, and nationwide.

In California, the unemployment rate is , while at the same time the state’s unemployment rate is , compared to the nation’s rate of .

All in all, the poverty rate in California is . The whole state’s poverty rate is , with the nationwide poverty rate at .

Economy Quick Stats
Unemployment Rate
Median Household Income
Per Capita Income
Overall Poverty Rate
Average Salary
Property Price To Income Ratio
Salary Change Rate (2010-2020)

California Residents’ Income

California Median Household Income

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

California Per Capita Income

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

California Income Distribution

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

California Poverty Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

California Property Price To Income Ratio Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

California Job Market

California Employment Industries (Top 10)

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

California Unemployment Rate

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

California Employment Distribution By Age

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

California Average Salary Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

California Employment Rate Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

California Employed Population Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


California School Ratings

The public schools in California have a kindergarten to 12th grade setup, and are made up of primary schools, middle schools, and high schools.

The high school graduating rate in the California schools is .

School Quick Stats
Elementary Schools
Middle Schools
High Schools
Private Schools
High School Graduates

California School Ratings

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

California Neighborhoods